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Heartland Conference 2016:
Organizers seek member input on
speakers and course topics before
Jan. 16
Posted on December 22, 2015 in Education/Training
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By Dorothy de Souza Guedes, VGM Education
For most, Heartland Conference is three days of
education, networking, and socializing in Waterloo,
Iowa, each summer. But for VGM Education,
Heartland is a year-round effort to ensure members
receive the training needed to run a business and
care for patients. Input from members on past speakers and suggestions for future
topics help organizers focus each years educational offerings.
Were still determining what the hot topics are for 2016, said Sara Laures, vice
president of VGM Education and a 15-year member of the conference planning team.
Our database of speakers is always evolving based on the industry. Were always
trying to add fresh new faces and topics, but part of the appeal of Heartland is those
speakers who come back year after year.
The 15th annual Heartland Conference will be June 13-16 in Waterloo, Iowa. Although
every VGM division plays a role in organizing the conference, VGM Education is tasked
with developing and implementing the educational components, including recruiting
speakers and tracking CEUs earned. Planning for 2016 speakers began immediately
after the June 2015 conference with a review of Heartland course surveys.
It's worth the effort to plan in order to ensure a successful conference. Most CEU
bodies require a formal process with a needs assessment, planning committee that
contains industry experts, and tracking and reporting mechanisms, Laures said.
Conference education tracks have expanded from four in 2001  Rehab,
Respiratory/HME, Orthotic and Prosthetic, and Case Management  to nine in 2015
including Compliance, Products & Technology, and Billing & Reimbursement. Rather
than reinvent the conferences educational offerings each year, certain education
tracks, such as Rehab and Respiratory, have remained constant although the course
subject matter may change.
If we just arbitrarily threw together the educational tracks, then Heartland Conference
wouldn't have as many repeat attendees. Our members trust that they will receive
many contact hours and quality education, in just a few days and at a very affordable
price, Laures said.
We know what the categories will be, but the specific topics wont be determined until
closer to the conference, Laures said.
Those specific topics are determined, in part, by the database VGM Education has
created of more than 400 presenters. To build the list, conference planners rely on
referrals from members and VGM department heads and others at VGM who attend
conferences and other industry events throughout the year.
Occasionally, new recruitment strategies are implemented. For example, to expand on
the potential conference speakers list several years ago Laures actively reviewed
industry publications to seek bylines of authors on key topics then added them to the
speaker database.
With the creation of Heartland Conference education subcommittees in 2014, experts
from divisions within VGM were formally organized to collaborate with and advise Lori
Schilling, manager of education services, and Laures on education track and course
topic development. The subcommittee process will continue this year.
The creation of educational track subcommittees have allowed us to gather input
from various divisions within VGM Group. The subcommittees are comprised of
various VGM employee owners who are in touch with our members on a regular
basis, Laures said. They are having conversations about our members' business
needs, challenges, and growth opportunities. As a result, these subcommittee
members can look at Heartland Conference submissions from different perspectives
and make thoughtful recommendations for a successful education program.
Any referrals are vetted before being added to the database to ensure quality
presenters. After the annual call for presentations email is sent in mid-November,
potential speakers may submit an application with a session outline, learning
objectives, and other information needed to assess courses for continuing education
And if theres a late-breaking industry need to be addressed during Heartland
Conference 2016? Well fit them in, said Laures. Wed rearrange the schedule to
make it work.
What you need to know
To suggest a seminar topic or refer a speaker, email Lori Schilling, manager of
education services, VGM Education, at Lori.Schilling@vgm.com. Deadline is Jan. 16.
Early Bird Special registration through March 26 for Heartland 2016. Registration
opens January 1.
Keep up to date on the latest Heartland Conference 2016 news at vgmheartland.com
or find us on Facebook at VGM Heartland and Twitter @VGMHeartland.
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Connect_Heartland Conference 2016 Speakers

  • 1. Heartland Conference 2016: Organizers seek member input on speakers and course topics before Jan. 16 Posted on December 22, 2015 in Education/Training Comments Facebook Twitter LinkedIn GooglePlus Pinterest Print Email By Dorothy de Souza Guedes, VGM Education For most, Heartland Conference is three days of education, networking, and socializing in Waterloo, Iowa, each summer. But for VGM Education, Heartland is a year-round effort to ensure members receive the training needed to run a business and care for patients. Input from members on past speakers and suggestions for future topics help organizers focus each years educational offerings. Were still determining what the hot topics are for 2016, said Sara Laures, vice president of VGM Education and a 15-year member of the conference planning team. Our database of speakers is always evolving based on the industry. Were always trying to add fresh new faces and topics, but part of the appeal of Heartland is those speakers who come back year after year.
  • 2. The 15th annual Heartland Conference will be June 13-16 in Waterloo, Iowa. Although every VGM division plays a role in organizing the conference, VGM Education is tasked with developing and implementing the educational components, including recruiting speakers and tracking CEUs earned. Planning for 2016 speakers began immediately after the June 2015 conference with a review of Heartland course surveys. It's worth the effort to plan in order to ensure a successful conference. Most CEU bodies require a formal process with a needs assessment, planning committee that contains industry experts, and tracking and reporting mechanisms, Laures said. Conference education tracks have expanded from four in 2001 Rehab, Respiratory/HME, Orthotic and Prosthetic, and Case Management to nine in 2015 including Compliance, Products & Technology, and Billing & Reimbursement. Rather than reinvent the conferences educational offerings each year, certain education tracks, such as Rehab and Respiratory, have remained constant although the course subject matter may change. If we just arbitrarily threw together the educational tracks, then Heartland Conference wouldn't have as many repeat attendees. Our members trust that they will receive many contact hours and quality education, in just a few days and at a very affordable price, Laures said. We know what the categories will be, but the specific topics wont be determined until closer to the conference, Laures said. Those specific topics are determined, in part, by the database VGM Education has created of more than 400 presenters. To build the list, conference planners rely on referrals from members and VGM department heads and others at VGM who attend conferences and other industry events throughout the year. Occasionally, new recruitment strategies are implemented. For example, to expand on the potential conference speakers list several years ago Laures actively reviewed industry publications to seek bylines of authors on key topics then added them to the speaker database.
  • 3. With the creation of Heartland Conference education subcommittees in 2014, experts from divisions within VGM were formally organized to collaborate with and advise Lori Schilling, manager of education services, and Laures on education track and course topic development. The subcommittee process will continue this year. The creation of educational track subcommittees have allowed us to gather input from various divisions within VGM Group. The subcommittees are comprised of various VGM employee owners who are in touch with our members on a regular basis, Laures said. They are having conversations about our members' business needs, challenges, and growth opportunities. As a result, these subcommittee members can look at Heartland Conference submissions from different perspectives and make thoughtful recommendations for a successful education program. Any referrals are vetted before being added to the database to ensure quality presenters. After the annual call for presentations email is sent in mid-November, potential speakers may submit an application with a session outline, learning objectives, and other information needed to assess courses for continuing education credit. And if theres a late-breaking industry need to be addressed during Heartland Conference 2016? Well fit them in, said Laures. Wed rearrange the schedule to make it work. What you need to know To suggest a seminar topic or refer a speaker, email Lori Schilling, manager of education services, VGM Education, at Lori.Schilling@vgm.com. Deadline is Jan. 16. Early Bird Special registration through March 26 for Heartland 2016. Registration opens January 1. Keep up to date on the latest Heartland Conference 2016 news at vgmheartland.com or find us on Facebook at VGM Heartland and Twitter @VGMHeartland.
  • 4. 油 Tags: Recent Posts VGM Welcomes ACES Border Patrol Cybersecurity Solutions Streamline Workflow, Process Management with Medforce Technologies DMEPOS Providers Make Waves with SBA and Congress Theyre Raving about Mission Possible. Come and Find out Why! A Tumultuous Start to 2016 Shapes Legislative Priorities for Complex Rehab Archives March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 0油Comments Sort油by油 Facebook油Comments油Plugin Oldest Add油a油comment...
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  • 6. 1111 W. San Marnan Drive PO Box 2817 Waterloo, IA 50704 息 VGM & Associates, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.