This study investigated sleep quality and habits among 226 female pharmacy students in India. The main findings were:
1. Over 60% of students reported taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, with common sleep disturbances being waking up due to noise, nightmares, and talking in sleep.
2. Poor sleep quality was associated with worse academic performance, as measured by feeling tired, daytime napping, and excessive daytime sleepiness.
3. Demographic factors like age and BMI did not influence sleep quality or academics, but environmental factors like noise, living conditions, and leisure activities did.
4. The course curriculum was found to negatively impact several sleep habits and exacerbate daytime sleepiness
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Sleep disorders: A research on Pharmacy girls students
Sleep is an essential component for
adolescent growth and today's young
adolescents are deprived of it.
Occupies 1/3 of our Lives (3,000 hrs /year)
Necessary for Physical and Mental Health
$50 Billion / Year in Lost Productivity
Reference : Wikipedia and the Sleep DE cerces
PPT present in different universities.
3. Age Average Amount of sleep
Newborn Upto 18 hours
1-12 months 14-18 hours
1-3 years 12-15 hours
3-5 years 11-13 hours
5-12 years 9-11 hours
Adolescents 9-10 hours
Adults Including elders 7-8(+) hours
As per above studies 8-9 hours are recommended sleep
durations for adolescents, but our recent studies reveals that
college students sleep has decreased from 7 hours 45 minute in
1969 to 7 hours in 2009 (LUND H.G. at al 2010)
4. As per our recent study low sleep quality, sleep disturbances and at
least sleep dissatisfaction are prevalent among most college
undergraduates which leads to: (REFF)
Poor Academic performance
Depressed mood
Day time sleepiness
Mood swing
It has also been shown that as the pharmacy students progressed
through their courses, their day time sleepiness increased and sleepier
student did not achieve as good as others.
5. Sleep quality & the factor which affect it are not
explore yet in Indian context
Therefore, the present study was design to
investigate the interrelation between demographic
characteristics, lifestyle and academic progress with
sleep quality and sleep problems along with daytime
and nighttime habits in young female pharmacy
students of India.
6. Our survey were based on the following data:
Study Area
one of the largest university of India
"Banasthali University"
Total No of
students 8540 including 340 Pharmacy student
No.of student
surveyed 324 pharmacy student
No.of student
considered for
survey 226 pharmacy student
Average age of the
participant 19.24 years
Body mass index of
the student (BMI) 19.89kg/m^2
7. Questionnaire on sleep and daytime habits (QS & DH) :
1. When do you go to bed on weekdays?
2. When do you go to bed in weekends?
3. How long does it take you to fall asleep usually?
4. How many times do you wake up during the night?
5.If you take daytime naps, how long are they?
6. How do you evaluate your sleep quality?
7. How do you evaluate your sleep quality before an exam?
8.How do you evaluate your academic progress?
9. How do you evaluate your leisure activity?
10 How do you evaluate your living condition?
11.Do you think your course curriculum affecting your sleep quality?
8. 12.How often during the week:
Do you go to bed at an unusual time (later than usually) at night?
Do you have difficulty in getting to sleep at night?
Do you drink coffee late in the evening?
Do you use sleeping pills?
Do you wake up because of noise?
Do you wake up because of nightmares?
Do you wake up because of talking during sleep?
Do you wake up because of walking during sleep?
Do you wake up because of nocturnal eating habits?
Do you wake up because of leg movements or disagreeable leg sensations?
Do you snore?
Do you grind your teeth while asleep?
Do you wake up too early and have difficulty in getting to sleep again?
Do you feel tired when waking up?
Do you feel daytime sleepiness?
Do you feel excessive sleepiness during the lectures?
Do you take daytime naps?
Software used for the statistical analysis
SPSS 16.0 software package
Method used to find the relationship between
sleep quality, night time and daytime habits,
sleep problems, age and BMI
Spearman Rank Order Correlations.
9. Five points scale based sleep quality shows the distribution of 226 students as
Sleep Quality
very poor
35.8 %
According to Spearman Rank Order Correlation, students was linked on
following factors:
Wake up due to noise =0.257, P=0.000
Nightmares =0.167,P=0.012
Talking during the
Wake up too early &
have difficulty in
getting to sleep
Feel tired when
waking up
Daytime naps =0.160,P=0.016
Academic progress =0.151,P=0.023
living conditions =0.168,P=0.011
leisure activity =0.133,P=0.045
10. Four points scale based Academic progress shows the distribution of 226 students
as :
9.3 %
According to Spearman Rank Order
Correlation, students Academic
progress was linked on following
Wake up due to noise =-0.145;P=0.029
Feel tired when
waking up
Daytime naps =-0.146,P=0.028
Excessive sleepiness =-0.315,P=0.000
Excessive leisure
Four points scale based leisure activity shows the distribution of 226 students as :
Leisure Activity
47.8 % 37.6 %
6.2 %
According to Spearman Rank
Order Correlation, students leisure
Activity was linked on following
Wake up due to noise =0.154,P=0.021
academic progress =0.255,P=0.000
living conditions =0.339,P=0.000
course curriculum
difficulty in getting
sleep at night
=0.253, P=0.000
11. Four point scale measurement of students living condition showed following
distribution :
Living condition
36.7 %
4.9 %
According to Spearman Rank Order
Correlation, living conditions were
associated with
Course Curriculam: From our study on female pharmacy students, it was shown
that course curriculum affects a no. of sleep habits like:
Timing of going to bed on weekdays -0.147, P-Value 0.027
Timing of going to bed on weekends -0.163, P-Value 0.014
Sleep quality before exam -0.221, P-Value 0.001
Going to bed at an unusual time -0.156, P-Value 0.019
Wake up due to noise -0.145, P-Value 0.029
grinding teeth while asleep -0.133, P-Value 0.046
feel tired when waking up -0.193, P-Value 0.004
feeling daytime sleepiness -0.146, P-Value 0.028
excessive sleepiness in lectures -0.315, P-Value 0.000
leisure activity -0.204, P-Value 0.002
leisure activity =0.339, P=0.000
academic progress =0.335, P=0.000
feel tiredness while
wake up
=0.203, P=0.002
grind teeth while sleep =0.190, P=0.004
difficulty in getting
sleep at night
=0.158, P=0.018
12. Insomnia Symptom : The prevalence of nocturnal sleep disturbance
symptoms were as follows:
Factors % value
Sleep latency (after 1 A.M ) 60.2
difficulty getting to sleep at night (DGS) every
night 4.4
waking up due to noise at night (NN) 5.8
nightmares (NM) 0.9
nocturnal eating habits (NE) 0.4
leg movements (LM) for 3-5 nights per week 3.1
tiredness in the morning (TM) for every night 8.4
daytime sleepiness (DS) for every night 24.3
daytime sleepiness during classes (DSS) 12.4
daytime sleepiness in free time (DSF) for 3-5
nights per week 8.4
snoring (S) 0.4
sleep-talking (ST) 6.6
sleepwalking (SW) 0.4
13. Our studies and data reveals that :
Sleep disorders are common
Sleep disorders are serious
Factors which are associated to sleep quality are:
Wake up due to noise
Night mares
talking during the sleep
wake up too early & have difficulty in getting to sleep again
feel tired when waking up
daytime naps, academic progress, living conditions & leisure activity
Factors which are not associated to sleep quality are:
students academic progress was found to be associated with noise, feel
tired when wakeup, daytime sleepiness & excessive leisure activity while
age, BMI, day time & night time activities were not found to be associated
with academic progress