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signals and systems
time-varying fields and maxwell's equations -unit
time-varying fields and maxwell's equations -unit4
toroid and coaxial cable
inductance of solenoid
mutual inductance
electric field and potential due to dipole
electric potential
gauss law and its applications
electric field intensity due to a charged ring and
electric field intensity due to infinite line char
unit 2 electrostatics
electric field & problems
electrostaticscoulomb's law
electromagnetic fields
analysis of continuous time signals
transmissions lines and rf systems-two marks
transmissions lines and rf systems
design and implementation of ultrasonic navigator
design of low cost and efficient sign language int
design trends in ultra wide band wearable antennas
memory based hardware efficient implementation of
ec8651 transmission lines and rf systems
transmission lines and rf systems
transmission lines and waveguides
unit iv
discrete time fouriertransform
reconstruction of signal
unit 4
sampling and reconstruction
fourier and laplace transforms
analysis of electrical network
differential equation
analysis of lti ct systems
unit 3 signals and systems
unit -ii signals and systems
laplace transform problems
orthogonal coordinate systems
roc and its properties
laplace transform
fourier transform
fourier series &types & problems
unit-1 classification of signals
scope of signals and systems
unit 1 -introduction to signals and standard sign
normal incidence at a plane dielectric boundary no
unit iv - wave equations and their solution
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