First Children's Embassy in the World
Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Macedonia Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Contact Details
仄仂亟仍亳 亰舒 仄亳仂于仆仂 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠
dragi zmijanac
仄仂仆仂亞舒亳舒 30 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仗于舒 亟亠
dragi zmijanac founder
ma - advocacy
civil initiative - group of parents and megjashi
yillik raporu 2021 yili 巽ocuklar ve gen巽ler i巽i
regional advocacy manual partnership for reconcili
亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 2021 亞仂亟亳仆舒 亰舒 舒弍仂舒舒 仆舒 舒仍仂 弍
regional advocacy strategy 2016-2019 precede partn
udh谷zues p谷r f谷mij谷 dhe prind谷r nd谷shkim
interview on 10 minutes ma dragi zmijanac
仆亳亠 仄亠 亳亟仆亳仆舒舒''
alternative report of non-governmental organizatio
亟舒亞亳 亰仄亳舒仆舒 : 仗亠亟亳亰于亳从 亠
arritjet dhe angazhimet e r谷nd
仄仂仆仂亞舒亳舒 - 30 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仗于舒 亟
the children are potential victims of sexual abuse
弌 丕
于o仗亳于舒亳 亳 仆舒舒于仆亳亳 亰舒
parents open your eyes for their protection!
从仍舒 亰舒 仄亳
弍仂舒 从仍舒 亰舒 仄亳
strategic plan 2016 2020 of the first children's e
亳亰于亠舒 亰舒 舒弍仂舒舒 仆舒 仂
于o亟亳 亰舒 o亟亳亠仍亳
仂亟亳亠仍亳 仂于仂亠亠 仂亳 亰舒 仆亳
亟亠舒舒 亠 仗仂亠仆亳舒仍仆亳 亢
仗亠亠亟亠 亠亞亳仂仆舒仍仆舒 舒亠亞
舒亠亞亳从亳 仗仍舒仆 2016-2020 仆舒 仗
仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆舒 舒亠亞亳舒 亰舒 亰
udh谷zues p谷r prind谷rit
arsimtar谷t dhe edukator谷t kund谷r nd谷shkimi
udh谷zues p谷r prind谷r fuqia e prind谷rve
于仂亟亳 亰舒 亟亠舒 亳 仂亟亳亠仍亳 仗
于仂亟亳 亰舒 仂亟亳亠仍亳 仆舒舒于仆亳
舒 仆亠 从舒亰仆舒
sos helpline for children and youth 02/2465316 fir
towards and promotion of children rights
25 years since the establishment of the first chil
report of the megjashi for the adjusted activities
28th anniversary of the establishment of the child
protection of the rights of the children focus
terms of reference trainer for emergency preparede
terms of reference an expert for monitoring of im
terms of reference an expert for supervision of t
terms of reference an expert for monitoring of th
final annual report for 2017 year implemented acti
tor for trainers for ht and gbv two trainers for t
extension terms of reference trainers for journali
terms of reference trainer for resilience approach
terms of reference trainer for emergency preparedn
call for facilitator for organisational capacity a
macedonia there are around 1000 children that beg
macedonia is the only coutry where a child loses i
the air is clean and there are healty children
more righteous world for children is possible only
the founder and president of the first children
仗亠 (5) 亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 仗
raport pes谷 (5) vje巽ar t谷 programit p谷r arsim
于仂亟亳 亰舒 仂亟亞仂于仂仆仂 仂亟亳亠仍
founder&president of the first childrens embass
independent auditors report for 2014 of the first
亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 仆亠亰舒于亳亠仆 亠于亳
independent auditors report 2013 to the first c
there are already many children. they are tired an
scared and unsure where and how to spend each pass
migrant children: on the crossroad between the unk
daily waiting to enter or transit through our coun
2015) the initiative of the group of parents and t
filed a motion for a mutual and responsible parent
仂亟仆亠亠仆舒 亠 亳仆亳舒亳于舒舒 亰
丐 丐
个弌弌 丿丐 2014
founder and director of the first children's embas
children should not be misused for political purpo
what is it?
baby left: responsible parenthood
brutal cases of violence against children are more
仂 亠 仂舒?
弌丐 : 亟亞仂于仂仆仂 仂
building a culture of child participation - childr
macedonian alternative reports for the situation w
alternative reports for the situation with the chi
丿丕 20 丐弌
exclusively for portal falanga
interview:dragi zmijanac
founder&director of the first childrens embassy
- 弍舒仍从舒仆从亳 仂仆仂亞仍亠亟亳 仂
- 仗于舒 亟亠从舒 舒仄弍舒舒亟舒 于仂
亳 - 仗仂仄仂 亰舒 亟亠舒舒 仂亟
- 仗舒仆亠亳 亰舒 亟亠舒 仂亟 舒仍
亳 亟舒 亞仂 仗仂亟亟亢亳 仗仂亠仂 仆舒
仗亠亠亟亠 仄舒仆亳亠 亰舒 仄舒仍亳 亟亠
亞舒亟亠亠 仄亳
- 亠仆舒 亰舒 亳于亳仍仆亳 亳仆亳亳
仗仂亳于舒亠 仆舒 舒亰仍亳仆仂舒
- 亟亠舒舒 仗亠亟 竪 仂亟 仆舒
first childrens embassy in the world - megja
balkan sunflowers from kosovo
djeca prije svega from montenegro
precede manifesto for young children partnership f
and to support the process of acceptance
and pomo deci from serbia. the main object
respect for diversity and unity through education
the center for civil initiatives(cci) from c
partner谷 p谷r f谷mij谷t from albania
亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 仆亠亰舒于亳仆亳仂 亠
dragi zmijanac no refugee children should be allow
imprisoned hope!
founder and president of the first childrens em
kole angelovski
introduction children come fir
仗仂亰仆舒舒仆亳 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳从亳 仗仂亳
monograph megjashi 1920-2022
monograph megjashi 1992-2022
仆仂于仂亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳仆仂仄舒仂
ambasada e par谷 e f谷mij谷ve
final annual report
舒仍亳亰舒 仆舒 仂仂弍舒舒 仂 亟亠舒
仗仂于亠亟于舒亠仂 仆舒 仗舒于舒舒 仆舒
亰仂仂 仂从仄 仄亠舒亳!? 仄亠舒亳 仆亳
仗仂亰亳亳于仆舒 亟亳亳仗仍亳仆舒 亳 仗仂亰亳亳于
仗仂仍亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 舒仍仂 弍舒于
仗亠亰亠仆亳舒亠 仆舒 亠亰仍舒亳亠 仂亟
仄仂亢亠弍亳 仄亠 舒亰仍亳仆亳
independent auditor's report
仄亳仂于仆仂 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠"
亰舒于亠仆 亟亠仍 仗亳于舒: 于舒仍亠仆亳仆舒
仆舒亟亰仂亠仆 仂亟弍仂
弍仂亠 仂舒仆仂于从亳-亠仂仆亳仄仂
亠从仂舒:从仂仍亠 舒仆亞亠仍仂于从亳
亳亰于亠舒 舒仍仂弍舒于从
亳亰于亠舒 舒仍仂弍舒于从仂
仄仂仆仂亞舒亳舒 -30 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仄亠舒亳
modules for peace education
modules for peace education in
舒仍仂 弍舒于从仂 亳仆舒仍亠仆 亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰
okulda iddetin 旦nlenmesi ve
roli i prind谷rve n谷 parandalim
于仂亟亳 亰舒 仍仂亞舒舒 仆舒 仂亟亳亠仍亳亠
仄- 亟舒亞亳 亰仄亳舒仆舒 亰舒舒仗仆亳从
P壬于舒 亟亠从舒 舒仄弍舒舒亟舒 仄亠舒亳
P塵笑火湖 亰舒 舒仆亞舒亢仄舒仆 仆舒 亟于亠
ma advocacy
monograph megjashi
仗仂仍亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒
仗仂亟仂仍亢亠仆 仗仂于亳从
仗仂于亳从 亰舒 舒仆亞舒亢亳舒亠
dragi zmijanac: it is a chall
亞仂亟亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 舒仍仂弍舒于从仂 20
亞仂亟亳亠仆 仂仗亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 亟亠
仄亠舒亳 仂弍舒于于舒 仂亞仍舒 亰舒 舒仆亞舒亢
blagoja chorevski-chore
舒亠亞亳舒 亰舒 仆舒仗亠亟于舒亠 仆舒
舒仄弍舒舒亟仂 仆舒
从仂仍亠 舒仆亞亠仍仂于从亳
仗仂仍亳亳从舒 亰舒 亰舒亳舒 仆舒 亟亠舒舒
舒仍仂 弍舒于从仂/亠仍亠仂仆 亰舒 亟亠舒 亳
亞仂亟亳仆亳仆亳从 弍.3 仆亳亠 仄亠 亳亟仆亳仆舒
亞仂亟亳亠仆 仂仗亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒
亞仂亟亳仆亳仂 仂仗亳亠仆 亳亰于亠舒
亳仆舒仆亳从亳 亳亰于亠舒j 仆舒 仆亠亰舒于亳
仗亠仗仂舒从亳 亰舒 亳亰于亠于舒亠
亠亠仗仆舒仍从仂于舒-舒从仂从舒: 亟亠仄仂从舒从仂 仂仗亠于仂 亰仆舒
舒仍亠仆舒亳于亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 亰舒 仂仂弍舒舒 仂 仗舒于舒舒 仆舒
舒仍亠仆舒亳于亠仆 亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 仆亠于仍舒亟亳仆亳亠 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亳 亰
弍仂舒 25 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仗仂仗舒于亠亟亠仆 于亠 亰舒 亟亠舒舒 - 25 亞
raporti vjetor p谷r vitin 2021 alo bushavko / sos t
annual report 2021 alo bushavko sos helpline for
macedonian children's rights activist
macedonian children's rights activist presentation
quality management system iso 9001:2015 22.07.2022
what are the key problems that children face: vide
anthology towards the peace education
舒仍亠仆舒亳于仆亳仂 亳亰于亠舒 仆舒 仆亠于仍舒亟亳仆亳亠 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亳
the children's alternative report on the situation
call to the political parties
air pollution affecting the children.
ambassador of
舒仂 舒从仂从亳: 仄亠舒亳 亠 从舒仍
亠弍舒 亟舒 亠 仗仂从仍仂仆亳仄亠....仗亳于
亳仍于舒仆舒 仍亠于舒从仂于从舒: 于亳亠 亠
仂亳仆舒 仗舒仆亟从舒 亟舒仄亳舒仆亳仆:
仍亳舒仆舒 亰仂从亳仄仂于从舒: 仄亠舒亳
亟亠舒舒 仗亠亟 竪. 于舒仍亠仆亳仆舒 仂亞
仍亳亟亳舒 仄亠亳仆舒亞亳: 亠 亞仂亟亠舒仄
舒从舒 亠舒仆仂于从舒: 仆舒舒舒 舒弍
仄舒亳舒 亟仂仆亠于从舒: 仄亠舒亳
亠于亳亟亳从舒 舒从仂于舒: 仗于舒舒 亟亠
仆仂于亳仆舒: 仄亠舒
亟从仂 舒仂于从亳
children safeguarding policy o
亳从仂 仄亠仂
仄亠仂亟亳舒 仆舒亠于从亳
仆仂于亳仆舒 仂亟
仂于仂 亟亳仄亳亳亠于亳
弍亠仆舒仄亳仆 弍仍亠从仆舒 仄亠舒亳 仗舒于舒
仂仂 仗亳从仂仍仂
于亠仆舒 亟亳仄亠于从舒
弍亳舒 仆亳从仂仍仂于从亳:舒仗亠仍仂 弍亠亠
亟舒亞舒仆 仄亳舒仍从仂于从亳: 亠亟仆舒 仗亠仆
弍仍舒亞仂舒 仂亠于从亳-仂亠
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