Science fairs provide an opportunity for students to explore scientific topics that interest them through hands-on experimentation and research. They allow students to test hypotheses using the scientific method, collect and analyze data, and present their findings. Students are encouraged to choose a topic related to observations they have made or a potential future career path. Successful science fair projects involve developing a hypothesis, performing experiments safely with the proper controls and variables, collecting results, drawing conclusions, and presenting findings through a display board, project report, and oral presentation to be evaluated by judges.
2. An excellent opportunity for you to
explore the natural world around us
A chance to test and practice your
use of the scientific method
A chance to ignite a passion for the
study of science
3. Have you ever noticed
Plants grow faster on one side of your living room
than the other? Why?
Wood bugs gather in one spot in your garden only?
One type of shampoo works better on your hair than
another? Why?
These observations are the starting point to a great
science fair project!
4. Choosing A Topic
Use project suggestions booklet
Choose a project that really interests
themmaybe a future career field
Ask Mr. Sharma for library books to
brainstorm new experiment ideas
Make sure that the experiment is
realistic with the materials that you can
find and use
5. Types of projects
Perform experiment & collect data
Data collect - survey or case study analysis
Reveal evidence of fact or pattern
Development of inventions or computer programs
6. Parts of a Project
Project report
Scientific methodology
Display board
Charts, graphs, diagrams
Oral presentation
Questions from judges
8. Project Report
This report is to put in front of the display
board. The report is much more detailed
than the information on the board.
Should be 5 pages + title page
Theory and application focus
Summarize the experiment
Include a bibliography
9. Display Board
Bright, colourful, 3-D, FUN!!!!!
Should have all the necessary sections
Charts, graphs, tables!!!!
A catchy title
What should it be made out of?????
Size quoted is maximum dimensions.
10. Oral Presentation
You should have about a 10 minute explanation prepared
and then be ready for any questions
You will be surprised how easy it is to talk about your project
especially if it is something you are passionate about!
You will present your information several times to
different judges
Questions about scientific method
Repeated trials
11. Safety Rules for
District Fair
No chemicals at project station (only water)
The best way to show experiment is to have
pictures of the process
No bacteria, animals, or plant materials
Show pictures
If you are using people in your study you must
have signed consent forms from each participant
prior to starting your study