Post disaster shelter assistance to affected population living in informal and/or illegal settlements has been always a challenge In the context of the Philippines tenure arrangements vary greatly. Owing to a complicated and lengthy legal process involved in securing tenure a dynamic informal land market exists and this cause limited assistance the most deserving population. Shelter cluster figure expressing the analysis of vulnerability Vs Assistance shows that informal/illegal settlers regardless of recognized vulnerability not always on priority for shelter assistance considering the complex land ownership challenges. There is a huge need for an innovative sheltering solution to address land ownership challenges.
a collapsible shelter with the following features:
Rapid collapsing time of about 2-3 hours to minimize worst destruction in case of typhoon/ tsunami evacuation situation.
Quick and easy to build, detach and rebuild.
Portability and transportability through the use of collapsible panels
Attuned to local practices. No skilled labour required in collapsing and rebuilding the structure.
Use of local materials such as nipa shingles, amakan and coco lumber. No sophisticated materials and contraptions involved. No extraordinary costs required.
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Collapsible shelter initiative
1. An effort to provide rapidly collapsible,
reusable, transportable shelter for families
facing repeated disasters
Seeking Solutions on How to
Live with Disasters
briefing to relocation working group @ Tacloban CITY HALL
August 1, 2014
3. Salient Features:
> Rapid collapsing time of about 2-3 hours with the help of 4-6
pax to minimize worst destruction in case of evacuation
situation except Tsunami
> Quick and easy to build, detach and rebuild.
> Easily portable and transportable
> Attuned to local practices. No skilled labour required in
collapsing and rebuilding the structure.
> Use of local materials such as nipa shingles, amakan and
coco lumber. No sophisticated materials and contraptions
involved. No extraordinary costs required
1. Untie the roof panel and remove the roofing.