Economics studies human problems and solutions by looking at how people interact and exchange resources to meet their needs. Government sets standards to allow people to meet needs without violating others' rights through managing scarce resources. Technology has increased production efficiency and quality of life by introducing new production techniques and reducing work hours. Other factors important in economics include computers for accounting and trade, psychology for understanding consumer tastes, sociology for studying production and consumption systems, and statistics for analyzing economic data. Throughout history, modes of production have developed from inefficient early communities to improvements under slavery, feudalism, and capitalism.
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Assay economy
1. economics to othersciences
The philosophy and economics are two social disciplines that deal with human problems
and possible solutions , as we all know anthropology is a branch of philosophy that studies
the man , because this is a social being , has tried meet your needs by interacting with
other people and that alone can not get everything you want because you can only get
what your medium or region offers you so as you can not get what you want in a region
not there are certain natural resources on the other there 's there is what is called
exchange. Thus knowing that a man is a being who has multiple needs and seeks ways to
meet them taking it to a disorder or chaos , and that man is a being who thinks of himself
which interferes the right with the intention of establish rules ensuring the right of every
individual belonging to a society to meet their needs without violating the rights of others
and then enters policy . These standards are set by the government to allow a beneficial
result through good management by the state in charge of the process of planning,
organizing , directing and controlling the scarce resources that are important for the
development of a country, using factors as the technology that has been inferred in many
changes in the economy and this has helped to increase production thus causing this to
become a more efficient and effective way to produce . Technology brings new techniques
to produce it says you can change the mode of production , this leading to a new product
or a renewal or change in the product and reducing working hours thus leading to an
increase in the income of producers and a better quality of life for consumers . But for this
we must consider the computer because without it would stop world trade , and that
today computer science is important for accounting which focuses on the assessment,
record , study resources and assets that have an economic and social , but following the IT
factor that is very important for any country entity because the computer can bring
economic data in the shortest possible time , also recall that by means of computer is
nowadays you can shop and sell items easier and faster through the internet also using
psychology that is what is responsible for searching what are the tastes of consumers and
addresses one of the problems of the economy that is ? what to produce ? looking what
their motivations to consume a product with playing with his psychology to meet the need
2. according to your tastes , advertising is one of the factors used in economics psychology to
motivate the consumer to buy more or buy simple mind but besides that sociology is one
of the streams of economics that looks at how important and which needs a separate
society studies the system of production and consumption of a given society are .
The economy has features such as mathematical computations that let you know how it
operates as well using the same logic as a tool for verification of certain processes such as
why tax revenues decrease an offeror . In economics mathematical methods are used to
calculate income and also in demand curve , as in the offer at any price and also possibility
frontiers , where these results to a table that is regarding stats carry to take some data ,
censuses and surveys on previous years , therefore , the statistics is used increasingly by
the economy
Throughout history we have seen a great development of the economy and this fits the
changes that have occurred from past civilizations to the present . Starting from the first
community where their mode of production was inefficient because it does not have the
resources , so that made his production was limited . Then came the slavery which was
productive factor labor and following where feudalism was based on a rural economy to
meet the needs of the manor . Then capitalism where an improvement was in production
appears .
Author : Edgar warrior carrillo
University of Cartagena
School: Madre Gabriela of san martin