Physician, Inventor, Innovations Catalyst, Humanist; Founder & CEO, HealO Medical, LLC, and Ingenious Technologies Corp.
An OPEN networker (4,000+), I never IDK. My schedule precludes checking LI regularly, so I apologize for lengthy delays in response or accepting invitations. Anything urgent, please email or call. elin001 [at] gmail [dot] com.
I’m a proactive positive thinker who applies exceptional creativity+perseverance to attain uncommon results. Personal strengths include integrity, social conscience and a sincere desire for win-win.
Innovative in pioneering advanced pain-relief after major surgery, and devising technique to obviate transfusions or blood banking, I left clinical medicine on a mission to better the world on a global scale.
In 2006, I became an Honoree in the Modern Marvels Inve...