I have been working on mobile technologies especially on Android (since Eclair) and also IOS as full-stack developer since the team formation in my current company.
I am engaged with GDG and WTM Istanbul as co-organizer. I love to speak at tech events and also organize and attend to them. I blog in my native language at my blog(elifboncuk.wordpress.com) about everything but mostly tech and also at medium in English and only tech.
Videos :
» After IO'16 - What's new in Android - Haziran 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln6zjeo6aOM @ GDG Istanbul Channel
» Android İstanbul Meetup - Android Uygulama Performansı - Şubat 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UomHKkDhgUw @Android Ä°stan...