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Bondary secondary school 
Authors: Petrova E.A. 
Bryxina I. A. 
NNeecceessssiittyy iiss tthhee mmootthheerr 
ooff iinnvveennttiioonn..
Science is a source of progress. It develops the world we live in. 
Our century is an epoch of great discoveries in science and 
engineering. It is epoch of scientific and technological revolution, 
when new ideas are being born and new discoveries, inventions are 
being made at an ever increasing rate. 
Today science has become the most important factor in the 
development of national economy in the whole world. Scientific 
progress serves the interests of society, helps to increase the well - 
being of people and develops public education. 
But science may be turned both for peace and military purpose. It 
can take good forms and evil forms. researches help us in our life: 
at home, at work, at school and make the level of the country 
development higher.
KKnnooww  kknneeww  wwaanntt ttoo kknnooww 
know have 
want to 
It is the wheel which enabled the first 
primitive carts and other forms of 
The discovery and invention of the proper 
cultivation of penicillin has become the 
basis of many other essential organic 
The Chinese and Egyptian civilization, 
played a highly instrumental role in the 
development of paper. 
The steam engine was at the heart of the 
industrial revolution which revolutionized 
the world. 
Benjamin Franklin was able to show 
lightening created electric charge.
AAnnsswweerr tthhee qquueessttiioonnss 
1) Inventions  are they harmful or useful? 
2) What makes people invent? 
3) What can we do without modern gadgets? 
4) Has the Mankind become happier with the 
appearance of modern inventions? 
5) Is it difficult to be a scientists?
Match the iinnvveennttiioonnss aanndd iinnvveennttoorrss 
ELECTRICITY Wilhelm Konrad von 
Alexander Graham Bell 
Levi Strauss 
John S. Thurman 
Vladimir Zworykin 
Benjamin Franklin 
Translate into English 
1. 亳亰仂弍亠舒 
2. 亟亠仍舒, 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳 
3. 亰舒仗亳 
4. 仄亠 
5. 亳仗于舒 
6. 亟亠仍舒 仂从亳亠 
7. 舒亰于亳于舒 
8. 于仂亳, 仂亰亟舒于舒 
9. 仍舒 
10. 仗舒亠仆仂于舒 
11. 仂于亠亠仆于仂于舒 
12. 弍亠亰 仗仂于仂亟舒 
to invent 
to produce 
to launch 
to test 
a mixture 
to develop 
to discover 
to create 
to improve 
to patent 
to perfect 
Find a single word equivalent 
1. A small device 
2.To make bright or brighter 
3. Absolutely necessary 
4. To work, act or function 
5. Common or ordinary 
6. Increase in value or excellence 
7. To call to a contest 
8. A devise, especially, 
an electrical or 
gas-operated household device 
to brighten 
to operate 
Essential question: 
Is scientific research a great mankinds harm or good? 
Unit questions: 
Is necessity always a reason of a scientific invention? 
How to estimate uniqueness of a discovery? 
Is one discovery a reason to appear another ones? 
How does a wheels invention influence a mankinds progress?
SStteeppss ooff tthhee pprroojjeecctt 
1. Preparatory stage  December-January, 
2. Practical stage  January  February, 2013 
3. Analytical stage  March-April, 2013
PPrroojjeeccttss tthheemmeess
The first group 
create Google site 
to find the 
information about 
information in Wiki 
to write stories about 
famous scientists and 
inventors and their 
The second group 
do researching projects 
to create multimedia 
The third group 
AAsssseessssmmeenntt TTiimmeelliinnee 
Before project 
work begins 
Students work on 
and complete tasks 
After project work 
is complete 
Prediction and 
observation chart 
Journal, quiz, 
diary scoring 
PPrroojjeecctt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt 
1. Agree precise specification for the project 
2. Plan the project - time, team, activities, resources. 
3. Communicate the project plan to your project team - 
and to any other interested people and groups. 
4. Agree and delegate project actions. 
5. Manage and motivate - inform, encourage, enable the 
project team. 
6. Check, measure, monitor, review project progress - 
adjust project plans, and inform the project team. 
7. Project follow-up - train, support, measure and report 
results and benefits (reflection).
BBeenneeffiitt ffrroomm tthhee pprroojjeecctt 
 You become more creative, tolerant and 
 You are able to formulate a problem, put 
purposes and tasks, present different forms 
and results of your project activity. 
 To have a possibility to make decisions in 
unusual situations. 
 To learn to work in different Web 2.0. 
IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnaall rreessoouurrcceess 
New Millennium English -11 . 仂亰舒, 仂. 于仂亠从舒 亳 亟. 

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  • 1. Bondary secondary school Authors: Petrova E.A. Bryxina I. A. 2012-2013
  • 2. NNeecceessssiittyy iiss tthhee mmootthheerr ooff iinnvveennttiioonn..
  • 3. AAnnnnoottaattiioonn Science is a source of progress. It develops the world we live in. Our century is an epoch of great discoveries in science and engineering. It is epoch of scientific and technological revolution, when new ideas are being born and new discoveries, inventions are being made at an ever increasing rate. Today science has become the most important factor in the development of national economy in the whole world. Scientific progress serves the interests of society, helps to increase the well - being of people and develops public education. But science may be turned both for peace and military purpose. It can take good forms and evil forms. researches help us in our life: at home, at work, at school and make the level of the country development higher.
  • 5. KKnnooww kknneeww wwaanntt ttoo kknnooww know have knew want to know how have known It is the wheel which enabled the first primitive carts and other forms of transport. The discovery and invention of the proper cultivation of penicillin has become the basis of many other essential organic processes. The Chinese and Egyptian civilization, played a highly instrumental role in the development of paper. The steam engine was at the heart of the industrial revolution which revolutionized the world. Benjamin Franklin was able to show lightening created electric charge.
  • 6. AAnnsswweerr tthhee qquueessttiioonnss 1) Inventions are they harmful or useful? 2) What makes people invent? 3) What can we do without modern gadgets? 4) Has the Mankind become happier with the appearance of modern inventions? 5) Is it difficult to be a scientists?
  • 7. Match the iinnvveennttiioonnss aanndd iinnvveennttoorrss ELECTRICITY Wilhelm Konrad von Roentgen vacuum cleaner Alexander Graham Bell Levi Strauss John S. Thurman Vladimir Zworykin telephone kinescope Jeans Benjamin Franklin X-Ray
  • 8. Translate into English 1. 亳亰仂弍亠舒 2. 亟亠仍舒, 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳 3. 亰舒仗亳 4. 仄亠 5. 亳仗于舒 6. 亟亠仍舒 仂从亳亠 7. 舒亰于亳于舒 8. 于仂亳, 仂亰亟舒于舒 9. 仍舒 10. 仗舒亠仆仂于舒 11. 仂于亠亠仆于仂于舒 12. 弍亠亰 仗仂于仂亟舒 to invent to produce to launch to test a mixture to develop to discover to create to improve to patent to perfect cordless
  • 9. Find a single word equivalent 1. A small device 2.To make bright or brighter 3. Absolutely necessary 4. To work, act or function 5. Common or ordinary 6. Increase in value or excellence 7. To call to a contest 8. A devise, especially, an electrical or gas-operated household device gadget to brighten essential to operate commonplace improvement challenge appliance
  • 10. Essential question: Is scientific research a great mankinds harm or good? Unit questions: Is necessity always a reason of a scientific invention? How to estimate uniqueness of a discovery? Is one discovery a reason to appear another ones? How does a wheels invention influence a mankinds progress?
  • 11. SStteeppss ooff tthhee pprroojjeecctt 1. Preparatory stage December-January, 2012-2013 2. Practical stage January February, 2013 3. Analytical stage March-April, 2013
  • 13. CCoollllaabboorraattiioonn The first group Inventors create Google site Aim to find the information about inventions. present information in Wiki Aim to write stories about famous scientists and inventors and their inventions. The second group Researchers do researching projects Aim to create multimedia projects. The third group Journalists
  • 14. AAsssseessssmmeenntt TTiimmeelliinnee Before project work begins Students work on projects and complete tasks After project work is complete Discussion, Prediction and observation chart Journal, quiz, presentation, diary scoring guide Reflection, self-estimation
  • 15. PPrroojjeecctt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt 1. Agree precise specification for the project 2. Plan the project - time, team, activities, resources. 3. Communicate the project plan to your project team - and to any other interested people and groups. 4. Agree and delegate project actions. 5. Manage and motivate - inform, encourage, enable the project team. 6. Check, measure, monitor, review project progress - adjust project plans, and inform the project team. 7. Project follow-up - train, support, measure and report results and benefits (reflection).
  • 16. BBeenneeffiitt ffrroomm tthhee pprroojjeecctt You become more creative, tolerant and initiative. You are able to formulate a problem, put purposes and tasks, present different forms and results of your project activity. To have a possibility to make decisions in unusual situations. To learn to work in different Web 2.0. services.
  • 17. IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnaall rreessoouurrcceess New Millennium English -11 . 仂亰舒, 仂. 于仂亠从舒 亳 亟. http://www.shenet.org/karigon/2ndGrade/mkimages/images/microscope.gif http://amyboehman.edublogs.org/files/2008/09/waycool.gif http://starstudyacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/science_camp_icon.jpg http://blogs-images.forbes.com/alexknapp/files/2011/11/300px- Shadow_Hand_Bulb_large.jpg