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Environmental Protection of
International River Basins (EPIRB)
Contract No 2011/279-666
This project isfunded by the
European Union
This project isimplementedby a Consortium
led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG
EPIRB project 5th National Coordination Committee (NCC) meeting for
Caspian Plaza, 52, J. Jabbarly str. Baku, Azerbaijan
March 15 2016 ,
Languages: Azeri and English, interpretation provided
Agenda of the 3rd NCC meeting and Stakeholder Consultation meeting is attached to the
minutes (Annex 1).
Signed List of Participants from the meeting is attached to the minutes (Annex 2).
Summary of Discussions
Welcome  Opening remarks
Mr. Mutallim Abdulhasanov, Head of Sector in Environmental Policy Department, Ministry
of Ecology and Natural Resources warmly welcomed participants and informed that the
priority areas for cooperation which have been agreed by the Government of Azerbaijan and
the European Commission in the country Strategy Paper under the European Neighbourhood
and Partnership Instrument include protection of water environment according to principles
identified in the Water Framework Directive.
Then he noted that Azerbaijan Government pays high attention to countrys water resources
management and protection as a priority sector, through huge investments and policy actions
reflected in State Development Programs and other documents. Now Azerbaijan closely
cooperates with UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD), EPIRB project and other international organizations to
manage water resources of the Country according to international standards
Mr Timothy Turner EPIRB Project Team Leader In his introductory notes welcomed
participants and expressed highly importance of joint NPD and NCC meeting as an opportunity
to discuss together priority water issues in Azerbaijan outlined the role of EPIRB project in this
process .
Mr Mutallim Abdulhasanov, Head of Subdivision in Environmental Protection Policy Unit of
the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources informed participants about main purpose of
joint EU WI NPD and EPIRB NCC meeting and presented them the draft agenda.
Mr Timothy Turner informed participants about project activities in all 6 countries for each of
project components He noted that "Environmental Protection of International River Basins"
project has been implemented according to its implementation plan in close cooperation with
main beneficiaries and all stakeholders of project countries and has played significant role
towards its aim to improve water quality in the trans-boundary river basins of the wider Black
Sea region and Belarus.
He told that the project has maintained its momentum and in the past nine months
consolidated the past achievements in the development and implementation of monitoring
systems and tools and WFD compliant RBMPs. The project remains on budget and to
programme with only minor adjustments. A number of the highly technical tasks including the
Ecological Status Classification System and the GIS database have been delayed but they are
now complete and will be finalised by the end of February 2016. There has also been some
delay in the implementation of the pilot projects in one or two countries but this has now been
addressed and implementation will continue through the extension period.
In summary Mr Turner noted below issues:
 The project is on programme and delivered all products in original ToR by January 2016
with the exception of implementation a small number of pilot projects in Azerbaijan
which will continue into the extension period. .
 The project is on budget and the incidental expenses will be fully spent by the end of the
 Significant advances have been made in development of the ESCS and GW monitoring
and information management systems. Draft RBMPs are being revised in preparation for
adoption at different levels.
 The project has developed a good working relationship with the beneficiaries and will
continue to be flexible in helping meet their objectives.
 The project has granted a nine month extension which will enable it to finalise the main
activities, test new initiatives and provide overlap with the EUWI+ follow-on project.
Mr Rafig Verdiyev CWME of EPIRB project presented detailed results and specific project
activities as well implementation in Azerbaijan for the reporting period since the last NCC
meeting He informed participants about developed by project water Monitoring Programmes
for surface and groundwater, as well as drafting River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) for
Central Kura pilot area and upcoming Joint Field Surveys in the pilot river basin, as well as
data gap filling exercise to obtain missing monitoring data.
Mr Rafig Verdiyev also informed participants that by support of EPIRB project following pilot
projects have been successfully implemented in Azerbaijan in close cooperation and
coordination with beneficiary institutes and work is ongoing for their adoption:
 Assistance to preparing secondary legislation in support of the Water Code to
introduce the concept and principles of IWRM and approximation and application of the
 Draft RBMP for Central Kura will be finalised and submitted to beneficiary for approval
By information of Rafig Verdiyev currently in Azerbaijan 5 pilot projects are being
 Water resource studies are ongoing in selected transboundary tributaries in the pilot
basin demonstrating IWRM and WFD concepts and objectives, through the
establishment of environmental flows and EQOs.
 Implementation of EU Flood Directive in Zayamchay River sub-basin (Central Kura Basin
District) on the territory of Azerbaijan.
 Support for finalization of development of Azerbaijan Water Strategy
 Rehabilitation of Gazakh regional Laboratory of MENR
 Rehabilitation of Ground Water Monitoring Network of MENR in Central Kura Basin
Then the flow was given to following contractors and beneficiary representatives to present
situation with implementation of above pilot projects: .
Mr. Vafadar Ismayilov , PERIOD LLC , about pilot project Water resource studies are ongoing in
selected transboundary tributaries in the pilot basin demonstrating IWRM and WFD concepts
and objectives, through the establishment of environmental flows and EQOs.
Mr. Mirzakhan Mansimov, Iqlim LLC about Implementation of EU Flood Directive in Zayamchay
River sub-basin (Central Kura Basin District) on the territory of Azerbaijan.
Mr. Ramil Ibrahimov,Period LLC who was followed by supporting speech of Mr. Mutallim
Abdulhasanov to inform participants about status of implementation of project Support for
finalization of development of Azerbaijan Water Strategy
Then representative of EKVATOR LLC Mr. Rasim Mammadov, who was followed by supporting
speech of Mr. Pasha Karimov, Chief Hydrogeologist of Geological Service of MENR to inform
participants about status of implementation of project  Ground Water Monitoring Network
of MENR in Central Kura Basin District
Then representative of Azsan LLC Nazakat Samadova who was followed by supporting speech
of Mr. Vasif Aliyev ,Head of Center of National Monitoring Department of MENR to inform
participants about status of implementation of project  Rehabilitation of Gazakh regional
Then Mr. Turner informed participants about project activities during the extension period
which will be between February  October 2016 and will have an additional budget of 1M
euros. Main work during this period are:
 Some extension activities have already commenced in order to ensure implementation
by October 2016, for example the pilot projects..
 The activities will focus on existing tasks and no new tasks will be initiated.
 The extension activities have been designed so that they link with anticipated activities
under the EUWI+ project.
 The project management structure will remain the same and there will be no change in
the project team
Then main planned activities have been delivered to participants and at the end below program
of future wok has been presented to participants:
 National Consultation meetings  February/March 2016
 Identification and implementation of pilot projects  November 2015  September 2016
 WISE development and training  February/April 2016
 Finalization of WFD strategies and QA/QC training. February  June 2016
 Design and development of coastal pilot and plan  February  July 2016
 Adoption of RBMPs  January 2016  July 2016
 Design of SW and GW Surveys  February 2016
 SW and GW surveys  April- June 2016
 Analysis and reporting of SW/GW surveys  August 2016
 Development of ESCS  September 2016
 SCM  September 2016
 Final Report  October 2016
In his presentation Mr.Rafig Verdiyev described ways how above activities will be implemented
in Azerbaijan. It was particularly noted that work is ongoing to finish in needed time
implementation of pilot projects and submit results to beneficiaries for approval.
Then Mr.Mutallim Abdulhasanov thanked participants , project Team and consulting companies
for their active work in project implementation in Azerbaijan and sad that project has high
priority fro all beneficiary institutes in Azerbaijan and MENR will be fully cooperating and
supporting of application of project recommendations and other documents.
In the closing part also Mr. Turner said warm words to representatives of all beneficiary
institutes and all participants for their active participation in project work.
9:30 -10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00-10.20 Opening. Adoption of the agenda. Mr. Mutallim Abdulhassanov, Head of Subdivision in
Environmental Protection Policy Unit of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
 Welcoming remarks
-Mr Timothy Turner , TL/, EPIRB
- Ms Ulviya Abdullayeva , EC Delegation
 Purpose of the meeting and adoption of the agenda
Mr. Mutallim Abdulhassanov, Head of Subdivision in Environmental Protection
Policy Unit of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Dr. Rafig Verdiyev, CWME , EPIRB project
 Project outline, objectives and results of activities undertaken 2015-
Mr Timothy Turner , TL/, EPIRB
 Status of Project Implementation in Azerbaijan
Dr. Rafig Verdiyev , CWME,
11.00-11.15 Discussion
11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30  12.30 SESSION II. EPIRB project pilot projects in Azerbaijan
 Status of Refurbishment of Gazakh regional Laboratory in Azerbaijan
Ms.Matanat Avazova- Deputy Head of National Environmental Monitoring
Department, MENR
Mr. Vasif Aliyev , Head of Center, National Environmental Monitoring
Department, MEN
 Status of Refurbishment of Ground WatersMonitoring Network in
Central Kura
Dr. Pasha Karimov- Chief Hydrogeologist, Complex Hydrogeology and
Engineering Geology Expedition of National Geological Exploration
Service, MENR
 Status of Adoption of Central Kura RBMP and Development of secondary
legislation on application of EU Directives
Rafig Verdiyev, CWME EPIRB project
Vafadar Ismayilov, Project expert, SADIG LLC
12.30-12.50 Discussion
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.10  15.00 SESSION III. Plans for next reporting period
 Project on going activities and plans for the next reporting period
Mr Timothy Turner, Team Leader, EPIRB.
 Project on going activities and plans in Azerbaijan for the next reporting
Mr Rafig Verdiyev, CWME, EPIRB.
15.00-15.30 Discussion
15.30-15.50 Coffee Break
15.50-16.15 NCC meeting Summary
16. 15 Closing of meeting
Annex II. List of Participants
N Name Organization Position Phone E-mail
1 Mutallim
Ministry of
Ecology and
Head of Division,
+994503154153 mutallim@baku.az
2 Matanat
Ministry of
Ecology and
Deputy Head of
+994557465162 mavazova@mail.ru
3 Asif Verdiyev Ministry of
Ecology and
Chief Hydrologist
4 Roya
Chief Laboratory
+994557600835 efendiyeva-
al Monitoring
5 Elnar
State Water
Agency of
Ministry of
Head of Division, +994506140175 elnar_sultanov@mail.r
6 Nazakat
AZ Santeklab Manager +994556537133 Nazakat.s@azsanteklab
7 Aliyev Vasif National
al Monitoring
Head of Center +994554554104 aliyevvasif1@gmail.co
8 Aliyev Saleh Baku state
+994505746780 alisaleh@romblor.ru
9 Mammadov
Academy of
Head of Branch +994506224284 vmammed@
10 Mirzakhan
Iglim LLC Director +994502202267 m.mansimov@iqlim.az
11 Gulare
Iqlim LLC Environmental
+994506655022 Mammadova.gulara@
12 Leyla
MOH Head of
+994124217902 leylatagizadeh@yahoo.
13 Aliyev Elvin Iqlim LLC CIS ecspert +994507838313 Elvin.ailyev.m@gmail.c
14 Mehraliyeva
Iqlim LLC ecologist +994553947115 Zulfiyye.mehraliyeva@
15 Gara Cafarov SRWPI of
Chief of
16 Rasim
service LLC
17 Mushviq
Ministry of
Head of Unit +994552270439 Mushviq.ibishov@mail.
18 Gashgay
Academy of
Head of Unit +994503545019 doktor.rq@mail.ru
19 Rafig
Azerbaijan +994503495884 rafig2000@mail.ru
20 Gulnar
Period MMC Assistant +994503495884 rafig2000@mail.ru
21 Ramil
Period MMC Director +994518054049 period19782@mail.ru
22 Aliyev
of Tovuz
Technician +99477667070
23 Irada
MENR Engineer +994557653435 Irada-kazimov@mail.ru
24 Vafadar
GIS Specialist +994557335511 is_vafadar@mail.ru
25 Farid
Specialist +994773338832 farid.garayev@mail.ru
26 Mammadov
FHN Hydrologist
27 Hamid
Hydrologist +994518960168
28 Ramil
MoA Adviser +994503673542 ramilhuseyn@bk.ru
29 Konul
WWF Az Project
+994503463987 kahmadov@mail.ru
30 Paa
+994503549128 hidrogeo@mail.ru
31 Anar Nuriyev MPA Hydrologist Anar_nuriyev@mail.ru
32 Amin
Consis Translator +994503510603
33 Isayeva Leyla Ministry of
Adviser +994125981655 Leyla.isayeva@minener
34 Timoty

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Annex 0.4_Minutes NCC meeting in Az March 15 2016

  • 1. Environmental Protection of International River Basins (EPIRB) Contract No 2011/279-666 This project isfunded by the European Union This project isimplementedby a Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG Minutes of EPIRB project 5th National Coordination Committee (NCC) meeting for Azerbaijan Caspian Plaza, 52, J. Jabbarly str. Baku, Azerbaijan March 15 2016 , Languages: Azeri and English, interpretation provided Agenda Agenda of the 3rd NCC meeting and Stakeholder Consultation meeting is attached to the minutes (Annex 1). Participants Signed List of Participants from the meeting is attached to the minutes (Annex 2). Summary of Discussions Welcome Opening remarks Mr. Mutallim Abdulhasanov, Head of Sector in Environmental Policy Department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources warmly welcomed participants and informed that the priority areas for cooperation which have been agreed by the Government of Azerbaijan and the European Commission in the country Strategy Paper under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument include protection of water environment according to principles identified in the Water Framework Directive. Then he noted that Azerbaijan Government pays high attention to countrys water resources management and protection as a priority sector, through huge investments and policy actions reflected in State Development Programs and other documents. Now Azerbaijan closely cooperates with UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD), EPIRB project and other international organizations to manage water resources of the Country according to international standards Mr Timothy Turner EPIRB Project Team Leader In his introductory notes welcomed participants and expressed highly importance of joint NPD and NCC meeting as an opportunity
  • 2. to discuss together priority water issues in Azerbaijan outlined the role of EPIRB project in this process . Mr Mutallim Abdulhasanov, Head of Subdivision in Environmental Protection Policy Unit of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources informed participants about main purpose of joint EU WI NPD and EPIRB NCC meeting and presented them the draft agenda. Mr Timothy Turner informed participants about project activities in all 6 countries for each of project components He noted that "Environmental Protection of International River Basins" project has been implemented according to its implementation plan in close cooperation with main beneficiaries and all stakeholders of project countries and has played significant role towards its aim to improve water quality in the trans-boundary river basins of the wider Black Sea region and Belarus. He told that the project has maintained its momentum and in the past nine months consolidated the past achievements in the development and implementation of monitoring systems and tools and WFD compliant RBMPs. The project remains on budget and to programme with only minor adjustments. A number of the highly technical tasks including the Ecological Status Classification System and the GIS database have been delayed but they are now complete and will be finalised by the end of February 2016. There has also been some delay in the implementation of the pilot projects in one or two countries but this has now been addressed and implementation will continue through the extension period. In summary Mr Turner noted below issues:
  • 3. The project is on programme and delivered all products in original ToR by January 2016 with the exception of implementation a small number of pilot projects in Azerbaijan which will continue into the extension period. . The project is on budget and the incidental expenses will be fully spent by the end of the project. Significant advances have been made in development of the ESCS and GW monitoring and information management systems. Draft RBMPs are being revised in preparation for adoption at different levels. The project has developed a good working relationship with the beneficiaries and will continue to be flexible in helping meet their objectives. The project has granted a nine month extension which will enable it to finalise the main activities, test new initiatives and provide overlap with the EUWI+ follow-on project. . Mr Rafig Verdiyev CWME of EPIRB project presented detailed results and specific project activities as well implementation in Azerbaijan for the reporting period since the last NCC meeting He informed participants about developed by project water Monitoring Programmes for surface and groundwater, as well as drafting River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) for Central Kura pilot area and upcoming Joint Field Surveys in the pilot river basin, as well as data gap filling exercise to obtain missing monitoring data. Mr Rafig Verdiyev also informed participants that by support of EPIRB project following pilot projects have been successfully implemented in Azerbaijan in close cooperation and coordination with beneficiary institutes and work is ongoing for their adoption: Assistance to preparing secondary legislation in support of the Water Code to introduce the concept and principles of IWRM and approximation and application of the WFD and UWWTD. Draft RBMP for Central Kura will be finalised and submitted to beneficiary for approval By information of Rafig Verdiyev currently in Azerbaijan 5 pilot projects are being implemented Water resource studies are ongoing in selected transboundary tributaries in the pilot basin demonstrating IWRM and WFD concepts and objectives, through the establishment of environmental flows and EQOs. Implementation of EU Flood Directive in Zayamchay River sub-basin (Central Kura Basin District) on the territory of Azerbaijan. Support for finalization of development of Azerbaijan Water Strategy Rehabilitation of Gazakh regional Laboratory of MENR Rehabilitation of Ground Water Monitoring Network of MENR in Central Kura Basin District Then the flow was given to following contractors and beneficiary representatives to present situation with implementation of above pilot projects: .
  • 4. Mr. Vafadar Ismayilov , PERIOD LLC , about pilot project Water resource studies are ongoing in selected transboundary tributaries in the pilot basin demonstrating IWRM and WFD concepts and objectives, through the establishment of environmental flows and EQOs. Mr. Mirzakhan Mansimov, Iqlim LLC about Implementation of EU Flood Directive in Zayamchay River sub-basin (Central Kura Basin District) on the territory of Azerbaijan.
  • 5. Mr. Ramil Ibrahimov,Period LLC who was followed by supporting speech of Mr. Mutallim Abdulhasanov to inform participants about status of implementation of project Support for finalization of development of Azerbaijan Water Strategy
  • 6. Then representative of EKVATOR LLC Mr. Rasim Mammadov, who was followed by supporting speech of Mr. Pasha Karimov, Chief Hydrogeologist of Geological Service of MENR to inform participants about status of implementation of project Ground Water Monitoring Network of MENR in Central Kura Basin District
  • 7. Then representative of Azsan LLC Nazakat Samadova who was followed by supporting speech of Mr. Vasif Aliyev ,Head of Center of National Monitoring Department of MENR to inform participants about status of implementation of project Rehabilitation of Gazakh regional 1. Then Mr. Turner informed participants about project activities during the extension period which will be between February October 2016 and will have an additional budget of 1M euros. Main work during this period are: Some extension activities have already commenced in order to ensure implementation by October 2016, for example the pilot projects.. The activities will focus on existing tasks and no new tasks will be initiated. The extension activities have been designed so that they link with anticipated activities under the EUWI+ project. The project management structure will remain the same and there will be no change in the project team Then main planned activities have been delivered to participants and at the end below program of future wok has been presented to participants: National Consultation meetings February/March 2016 Identification and implementation of pilot projects November 2015 September 2016 WISE development and training February/April 2016 Finalization of WFD strategies and QA/QC training. February June 2016 Design and development of coastal pilot and plan February July 2016 Adoption of RBMPs January 2016 July 2016 Design of SW and GW Surveys February 2016 SW and GW surveys April- June 2016
  • 8. Analysis and reporting of SW/GW surveys August 2016 Development of ESCS September 2016 SCM September 2016 Final Report October 2016 In his presentation Mr.Rafig Verdiyev described ways how above activities will be implemented in Azerbaijan. It was particularly noted that work is ongoing to finish in needed time implementation of pilot projects and submit results to beneficiaries for approval. Then Mr.Mutallim Abdulhasanov thanked participants , project Team and consulting companies for their active work in project implementation in Azerbaijan and sad that project has high priority fro all beneficiary institutes in Azerbaijan and MENR will be fully cooperating and supporting of application of project recommendations and other documents. In the closing part also Mr. Turner said warm words to representatives of all beneficiary institutes and all participants for their active participation in project work. Annex I. AGENDA 9:30 -10.00 Registration and coffee 10.00-10.20 Opening. Adoption of the agenda. Mr. Mutallim Abdulhassanov, Head of Subdivision in Environmental Protection Policy Unit of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Welcoming remarks -Mr Timothy Turner , TL/, EPIRB - Ms Ulviya Abdullayeva , EC Delegation , Purpose of the meeting and adoption of the agenda Mr. Mutallim Abdulhassanov, Head of Subdivision in Environmental Protection Policy Unit of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Dr. Rafig Verdiyev, CWME , EPIRB project 10.20-11.00 SESSION I. STATUS OF THE EPIRB PROJECT Project outline, objectives and results of activities undertaken 2015- 2016. Mr Timothy Turner , TL/, EPIRB Status of Project Implementation in Azerbaijan Dr. Rafig Verdiyev , CWME, 11.00-11.15 Discussion 11.15-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30 12.30 SESSION II. EPIRB project pilot projects in Azerbaijan Status of Refurbishment of Gazakh regional Laboratory in Azerbaijan Ms.Matanat Avazova- Deputy Head of National Environmental Monitoring Department, MENR Mr. Vasif Aliyev , Head of Center, National Environmental Monitoring Department, MEN
  • 9. Status of Refurbishment of Ground WatersMonitoring Network in Central Kura Dr. Pasha Karimov- Chief Hydrogeologist, Complex Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Expedition of National Geological Exploration Service, MENR Status of Adoption of Central Kura RBMP and Development of secondary legislation on application of EU Directives Rafig Verdiyev, CWME EPIRB project Vafadar Ismayilov, Project expert, SADIG LLC 12.30-12.50 Discussion 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.10 15.00 SESSION III. Plans for next reporting period Project on going activities and plans for the next reporting period Mr Timothy Turner, Team Leader, EPIRB. Project on going activities and plans in Azerbaijan for the next reporting period Mr Rafig Verdiyev, CWME, EPIRB. 15.00-15.30 Discussion 15.30-15.50 Coffee Break 15.50-16.15 NCC meeting Summary 16. 15 Closing of meeting Annex II. List of Participants N Name Organization Position Phone E-mail 1 Mutallim Abdulhasano v Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Head of Division, Environmental Policy Department +994503154153 mutallim@baku.az 2 Matanat Avazova Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Deputy Head of National Environmental Monitoring Department +994557465162 mavazova@mail.ru 3 Asif Verdiyev Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Chief Hydrologist National Hydrometeorolog y Department +994503941223 +994557600835 asifverdiyev@mail.ru 4 Roya Afandiyeva National Environment Chief Laboratory specialist +994557600835 efendiyeva- roya@mail.ru
  • 10. al Monitoring Department. MENR 5 Elnar Sultanov State Water Agency of Ministry of Emergency Situations Head of Division, +994506140175 elnar_sultanov@mail.r u 6 Nazakat Samedova AZ Santeklab Manager +994556537133 Nazakat.s@azsanteklab .com 7 Aliyev Vasif National Environment al Monitoring Department, MENR Head of Center +994554554104 aliyevvasif1@gmail.co m 8 Aliyev Saleh Baku state University Assistant professor +994505746780 alisaleh@romblor.ru 9 Mammadov Vagif National Academy of Science Geology Institute Head of Branch +994506224284 vmammed@ romblor.ru 10 Mirzakhan Mansimov Iglim LLC Director +994502202267 m.mansimov@iqlim.az 11 Gulare Mammadova Iqlim LLC Environmental Specialist +994506655022 Mammadova.gulara@ gmail.com 12 Leyla Tagizadeh MOH Head of Department +994124217902 leylatagizadeh@yahoo. com 13 Aliyev Elvin Iqlim LLC CIS ecspert +994507838313 Elvin.ailyev.m@gmail.c om 14 Mehraliyeva Zulfiyya Iqlim LLC ecologist +994553947115 Zulfiyye.mehraliyeva@ gmail.com 15 Gara Cafarov SRWPI of Amelioration JSC Chief of Labaratory +994505526016 16 Rasim Mammadov Ekvator service LLC Engineer geologist +994557771499 17 Mushviq Ibishov Ministry of Economy Head of Unit +994552270439 Mushviq.ibishov@mail. ru 18 Gashgay Rena National Academy of Science Geography Institute Head of Unit +994503545019 doktor.rq@mail.ru 19 Rafig Verdiyev CNME EPIRB Azerbaijan +994503495884 rafig2000@mail.ru 20 Gulnar Aliyeva Period MMC Assistant +994503495884 rafig2000@mail.ru
  • 11. 21 Ramil Ibrahimov Period MMC Director +994518054049 period19782@mail.ru 22 Aliyev Mustajab Govlar irrigation department of Tovuz region Technician +99477667070 23 Irada Kazimova MENR Engineer +994557653435 Irada-kazimov@mail.ru 24 Vafadar Ismayilov Sadig Consulting Company GIS Specialist +994557335511 is_vafadar@mail.ru 25 Farid Garayev HMC Company Specialist +994773338832 farid.garayev@mail.ru 26 Mammadov Camshid FHN Hydrologist engineer +994503274091 27 Hamid Suleymanov Agstafa water reservoir Hydrologist +994518960168 28 Ramil Huseyin MoA Adviser +994503673542 ramilhuseyn@bk.ru 29 Konul Ahmedov WWF Az Project Coordinator +994503463987 kahmadov@mail.ru 30 Paa Krimov MENR National Geology Service Chief hydrogeologist +994503549128 hidrogeo@mail.ru 31 Anar Nuriyev MPA Hydrologist Anar_nuriyev@mail.ru 32 Amin Mammadov Consis Translator +994503510603 33 Isayeva Leyla Ministry of Energy Adviser +994125981655 Leyla.isayeva@minener gi.gov.az 34 Timoty Turner EPIRB