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Mr. Emad Mohammed Amor Al-Alawi
Mobile: (+968)9702 5333
E-mail: e67m@hotmail.com
Highly energetic and self-oriented, self-motivated, personable, can easily build rapport
with a broad base of people.
Name: Emad Mohammed Amor Al-Alawi
ID number: 10352504
Manpower: 896400
Address: Almuwlih, Seeb, Oman
Telephone: (+968)9702 5333
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 24/10/1993
Nationality: Omani
Marital Status: Single
 Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering (Well
engineering) UCLAN University with first class grade GPA 3.7 in 2015/2016
 Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering) with GPA 3.8 in
 Diploma of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering) with GPA 3.8 in 2013/2014
 General English Courses from Capital school of English in UK
 ILETS from the International College of Engineering and Management with grade 5
in 2011/2012
 Foundation in the International College of Engineering and Management ( Grade A)
in 2011/2012
 Secondary School ( scientific) Diploma with 85.7% ( grade B) in 2010/2011
 Certificates of appreciations in most of the levels studies from basic to post basic
 Certificates of Appreciation for most of the school subjects taught during basic and
post basic education mainly mathematics, information technology and Islamic
 Certificates of Appreciation for many conducted activities during open days and
workshops conducted during academic school years
 Certificate obtained after the competition of a General English Standard Course at
the Capital School of English in 2013
 Certificate of Attendance at Al-Waseet Training Service conducted at Bournemouth
University in 2013
 Certificate of Attendance from Capital School English for attending a full course in
Leadership and Communication Skills in 2013
 Certificate of Appreciation obtained from the International College of Engineering
and Management, Oman in 2014
 Certificate of achievement for a Lower and Upper Intermediate English Courses at
LILA in 2014
 Certificate of achievement from the International College of Engineering and
Management, Oman in 2014 for achieving an overall GPA of 3.8 year 2 only in
Mechanical Engineering (Well engineering)
 Certificate of Appreciation obtained from Modern College of Business and Science
for the participation in Mathematical Week conducted in 2015
 Certificate of Participation from BAE Systems in the Omani student insight into
industry project conducted in 2015
 Certificate awarded from UCLAN Students Union: Advice and Representation
Centre in 2015
 Certificate of Participation from Petro City for taking part in the competition of
Petro City event held in Muscat in 2015
 School Prize awarded from UCLAN University for outstanding student representative
in Bachelor of Engineering with Honours joint course in Mechanical Engineering
 Certificate of Appreciation awarded from the Cultural Attach辿 Office, the Embassy of
the Sultanate of Oman in London for the results obtained in the Bachelor of
Engineering degree 2015/2016
 Final Project of Bachelor degree:
Title: Assessing the Risks for Oil Rigs Drilling Fluid Circulation System
Aim: The aim of the present project is to use failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
to assess the oil rig drilling fluid circulation system in order to decrease the possible
number of accidents which can occur following a failure in the system in a way to reduce
fatalities and injuries among workers and preserve the equipment and machines from
being damaged.
Theory: Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
Time scale: 2015/2016 academic year
Team size: Individual
Client: University of central Lancashire
 Arabic: (Outstanding background knowledge).
 English: (Excellent background d knowledge).
 Excellent familiarity with Windows Packages
 Professional in MS Office (Access, Excel, Word, Powerpoint) Internet
 Master of AutoCad and Solidwork.
Work based skills: Personal skills:
 Strong communication skills Friendly and approachable
 Working well as a team Organized and hard working
 Showing initiative and solving
Good timekeeper
 Good at meeting deadlines Take pride in my work
 Great interest in the field of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering)s
 Outdoor Activities including mountain walking and mountaineering.
 Reading, drawing, playing football, swimming.
Name Position Company Contact
Contact number
Dr Javad
Senior Lecturer in Nuclear
School of Engineering
University of Central
Lancashire, Preston,
Fawzi S.
Head of Well Engineering
Department in ICEM Oman
P.O. Box 2511 CPO
Seeb P.C. 111Oman
+968 2451 2040

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  • 1. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Mr. Emad Mohammed Amor Al-Alawi Mobile: (+968)9702 5333 E-mail: e67m@hotmail.com PERSONALPROFILE Highly energetic and self-oriented, self-motivated, personable, can easily build rapport with a broad base of people. PERSONALINFORMATION Name: Emad Mohammed Amor Al-Alawi ID number: 10352504 Manpower: 896400 Address: Almuwlih, Seeb, Oman Telephone: (+968)9702 5333 Sex: Male Date of Birth: 24/10/1993 Nationality: Omani Marital Status: Single EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering (Well engineering) UCLAN University with first class grade GPA 3.7 in 2015/2016 Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering) with GPA 3.8 in 2014/2015 Diploma of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering) with GPA 3.8 in 2013/2014 General English Courses from Capital school of English in UK
  • 2. 2 ILETS from the International College of Engineering and Management with grade 5 in 2011/2012 Foundation in the International College of Engineering and Management ( Grade A) in 2011/2012 Secondary School ( scientific) Diploma with 85.7% ( grade B) in 2010/2011 Certificates of appreciations in most of the levels studies from basic to post basic education Certificates of Appreciation for most of the school subjects taught during basic and post basic education mainly mathematics, information technology and Islamic studies Certificates of Appreciation for many conducted activities during open days and workshops conducted during academic school years Certificate obtained after the competition of a General English Standard Course at the Capital School of English in 2013 Certificate of Attendance at Al-Waseet Training Service conducted at Bournemouth University in 2013 Certificate of Attendance from Capital School English for attending a full course in Leadership and Communication Skills in 2013 Certificate of Appreciation obtained from the International College of Engineering and Management, Oman in 2014 Certificate of achievement for a Lower and Upper Intermediate English Courses at LILA in 2014 Certificate of achievement from the International College of Engineering and Management, Oman in 2014 for achieving an overall GPA of 3.8 year 2 only in Mechanical Engineering (Well engineering) Certificate of Appreciation obtained from Modern College of Business and Science for the participation in Mathematical Week conducted in 2015 Certificate of Participation from BAE Systems in the Omani student insight into industry project conducted in 2015 Certificate awarded from UCLAN Students Union: Advice and Representation Centre in 2015
  • 3. 3 Certificate of Participation from Petro City for taking part in the competition of Petro City event held in Muscat in 2015 School Prize awarded from UCLAN University for outstanding student representative in Bachelor of Engineering with Honours joint course in Mechanical Engineering Certificate of Appreciation awarded from the Cultural Attach辿 Office, the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in London for the results obtained in the Bachelor of Engineering degree 2015/2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Final Project of Bachelor degree: Title: Assessing the Risks for Oil Rigs Drilling Fluid Circulation System Aim: The aim of the present project is to use failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to assess the oil rig drilling fluid circulation system in order to decrease the possible number of accidents which can occur following a failure in the system in a way to reduce fatalities and injuries among workers and preserve the equipment and machines from being damaged. Theory: Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) Time scale: 2015/2016 academic year Team size: Individual Client: University of central Lancashire SKILLS AND ABILITIES Languages: Arabic: (Outstanding background knowledge). English: (Excellent background d knowledge). Computing: Excellent familiarity with Windows Packages Professional in MS Office (Access, Excel, Word, Powerpoint) Internet Master of AutoCad and Solidwork. Work based skills: Personal skills: Strong communication skills Friendly and approachable Working well as a team Organized and hard working Showing initiative and solving problems Good timekeeper Good at meeting deadlines Take pride in my work
  • 4. 4 INTERESTS AND HOBBIES Great interest in the field of Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering)s Outdoor Activities including mountain walking and mountaineering. Reading, drawing, playing football, swimming. References Name Position Company Contact Address Contact number Dr Javad YAZDANI Senior Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering School of Engineering University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK +44(0)1772892685 Fawzi S. Khasawneh Head of Well Engineering Department in ICEM Oman P.O. Box 2511 CPO Seeb P.C. 111Oman +968 2451 2040