Personal Information
Here I 'Am :
*MoMOGI-CHOLIC, keJU-CHOLiC, SHOPPinggg-ChoLIC,DoRAEmon-Cholic,Sinchan-Cholic,KEBAYA-Cholic,ShOES-Cholic,SANG KHOLIK-ChOLic..
*Absolutely -> Romantic Gurl
*According to d Pschycotest ; very Obsesif and emphaty
*Like Don- Quixotic ( a wild-eyed dream of a wonderfull world)...fantasi tinggi buat dunia khayal..
*Egoistic (banget..)
*Have a high sense of art
*Seneng bgt dikusuk2 palak,digelitikin tangan..ampe ketiduran..manjaaa bgt sih...
*BERANI melawan kebajingan yg dilakukan oleh BAJINGAN!
*Save d Money, a Good investing...
*Slanted eyes, sawomateng...(Truely asia...)
* Able to communicate, it will work when make a deal
* I Love this Things
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