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1 adam brakman_wax_onwaxoff(director'snotebook#2)
Shot #1
                                  Daniel/Mr. Miyagi riding in truck
Shot Type
               Character/Object Action/Dialogue           Camera    Lighting     Sounds    Intended
                                                          Angle and                        Effect on
                                                          Movement                         Audience
Establishing   Characters-        Mr. Miyagi is shown     Tracking/    High     Diegetic The purpose of
                                                                                         the establishing
Shot           Daniel and Mr.     driving Daniel to his   Dolly        Key      - truck
                                                                                         shot is to convey
               Miyagi             house over the          (follows     Lighting driving  Mr. Miyagis
               Objects- Old       railroad tracks in an   truck over            Non-     unconventionality
               Truck, Oil         old truck.              railroad              Diegetic (or possibly
                                                                                         poverty). This
               Barrels,           Daniel: Wait, you      tracks)               - flute
                                                                                         may be suggested
               Railroad Tracks,   own the oil                                   music    by having his
               Railroad           companies, too?                                         house near a
               Crossing Sign      Miyagi: Not                                             junkyard full of
                                                                                           oil barrels.
                                  everything is as
Shot #2
                             Daniel/Mr. Miyagi exiting truck
Shot    Character/Object
                           Action/Dialogue        Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds    Intended
Type                                              and                               Effect on
                                                  Movement                          Audience
High    Characters-        Daniel and Mr.         Boom/       High        Non-      The purpose
                                                                                    of the
Angle   Daniel and Mr.     Miyagi reach his       Crane- The Key          Diegetic- boom/crane
        Miyagi             house and get out of   camera      Lighting    - flute   is to suggest
        Objects- Old       the truck. Daniel      shows                   music     how tiny Mr.
        Truck, Old Cars,   expresses his          Miyagis
                                                                                    house is in
        Fence, Shrubs,     nervousness about      house and                         comparison
        Small House        the karate             the                               to the
                           tournament to Mr.      background.                       junkyard,
                                                                                    and, hence,
                           Miyagi.                                                  his simple
Shot #3
Shot   Character/Object
                            Action/Dialogue       Camera Angle   Lighting   Sounds    Intended
Type                                              and Movement                        Effect on
Long   Characters- Daniel   Mr. Miyagi tells      Tracking/Dolly High       Diegetic- Placing Mr.
Shot   and Mr. Miyagi       Daniel to respect     (follows Daniel Key       Daniels Miyagi in the
                            the rival sensei,
       Objects- Old truck                         and Mr. Miyagi Lighting   and Mr. center of the
                            even if he finds                                          frame may
                                                  walking)                  Miyagis
                            him wacko.                                              emphasize his
                            Mr. Miyagi (to                                  footsteps stating Wacko
                            Daniel): Wacko                                 on dirt   teacher
                            teacher attitude                                          attitude rest in
                            rest in fist.                                             fist while
                            [Clenches fist]                                           clenching his
                            Stupid, but fact of                                       fist.
Shot #4
                             Daniel Looks into Mr. Miyagis car
Shot Type Character/Object
                             Action/Dialogue     Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds   Intended
                                                 and                              Effect on
                                                 Movement                         Audience
Medium Characters-           Daniel looks into   Zoom- The High Key N/A           Having the
Shot   Daniel and Mr.        Mr. Miyagis car.   camera       Lighting            camera zoom
                                                                                  in on Daniel
       Miyagi                Mr. Miyagi then     follows
                                                                                  signifies his
       Object- Old car       notices Daniel      Daniel
                                                                                  curiosity about
                             peering into it.    looking into                     the interior of
                                                 Mr. Miyagis                     Mr. Miyagis
                                                 car.                             car (possibly
                                                                                  how old it is,
Shot #5
                               Mr. Miyagi brings water buckets
Shot Type Character/Object
                             Action/Dialogue    Camera      Lighting   Sounds    Intended
                                                Angle and                        Effect on
                                                Movement                         Audience
Eye-line   Characters-       Mr. Miyagi brings a N/A        High     Diegetic-   The absence of
Match      Daniel and Mr.    water bucket to                Key      Water       dialogue
                                                                                 suggests that
           Miyagi            Daniel.                        Lighting bucket
                                                                                 Miyagi wants
           Objects- Water    No dialogue                             clinking
                                                                                 Daniel to show
           buckets, old                                                          pride in his
           car,                                                                  work. He
           wheelbarrow,                                                          presents this by
           fence                                                                 carrying in the
                                                                                 water buckets
                                                                                 with a straight
Shot #6
                                        Walk on road, hmm?
Shot Type Character/Object
                             Action/Dialogue       Camera       Lighting Sounds         Intended
                                                   Angle and                            Effect on
                                                   Movement                             Audience
Medium Characters-           Miyagi (to Daniel):   The camera High         Diegetic-    The close-up
                             Walk on road,                     Key                     helps define Mr.
Shot   Daniel and Mr.                              slowly                  Mr.          Miyagis hand
       Miyagi                hmm? Walk left        zooms in     Lighting
                                                                           Miyagi       motions (such as
                             side, safe. Walk                                           hand-wringing
       Object- Old car                             on Miyagi               making
                             right side, safe.                                          for squishing a
                             Walk middle,          as he                   squishing   grape.) Also, the
                             sooner or later       explains his            sound       slow pacing of the
                             [makes squish         walk on                             action in the
                                                                                        scene helps the
                             gesture] get squish   road                                audience grasp
                             just like grape.      analogy to                           the developing
                             Here, karate, same                                         friendship
                             thing.                                                    between him and
Shot #7
                             Mr. Miyagi ties headband on Daniel
Shot Type Character/Object
                             Action/Dialogue       Camera         Lighting Sounds       Intended
                                                   Angle and                            Effect on
                                                   Movement                             Audience
Close-Up/ Characters-        Mr. Miyagi ties       Tilt- The      High     Diegetic-    The close-up
Medium    Daniel and Mr.     Daniels karate       camera         Key      Headband     foreshadows
Shot      Miyagi             headband around his   pivots         Lighting being tied   the closeness of
          Object- karate     forehead.             upward as               around       the bond that
          headband                                 Daniel and              Daniels     will form
                                                   Mr. Miyagi              head         between Daniel
                                                   stand up for                         and Mr. Miyagi
                                                   him to tie                           as they gain
                                                   Daniels                             mutual respect.
                                                   headband on.
Shot #8
                                             Wax on, wax off
Shot Type Character/Object   Action/Dialogue
                                                      Camera      Lighting   Sounds    Intended
                                                       Angle and                        Effect on
                                                       Movement                         Audience
Low       Characters-        Mr. Miyagi instructs      N/A         High     Diegetic-   The intended
Angle/    Daniel, Mr.        Daniel on how to wax                  Key      Mr.         effect on the
                             a car.                                                     audience is to
Close-    Miyagi                                                   Lighting Miyagi
                             Miyagi (to Daniel):                                        draw attention
Up        Objects-                                                          breathing
                             Wax on, right hand.                                       to Mr. Miyagis
          sponge, car        Wax off, left hand.                            softly      emphasis on
                             Wax on, wax off.                                           having Daniel
                             Breathe in through                                         breathe slowly
                             nose, out the mouth.                                       and quietly
                             Wax on, wax off. Don't                                     while waxing
                             forget to breathe, very                                    the car.
Shot #9
                              Whered these cars come from?
Shot Type Character/Object
                             Action/Dialogue    Camera      Lighting   Sounds     Intended
                                                Angle and                         Effect on
                                                Movement                          Audience
Two-       Characters-       Daniel: Whered   N/A         High     Diegetic-    The effect of the
Shot       Daniel, Mr.       these cars come                Key      Daniel and
                                                                                  shot is to
(Shot-     Miyagi            from?                         Lighting Mr.          present Mr.
Reverse-   Objects- Old      Mr. Miyagi:                             Miyagi       Miyagis
Shot)      car,              Detroit.                              talking      response to
           wheelbarrow                                                            what he feels is
                                                                                  an irrelevant
                                                                                  question, which
                                                                                  he briefly
                                                                                  answers and
                                                                                  then continues
                                                                                  to walk away.
Shot #10
                          Daniel scrubbing Mr. Miyagis car
Shot   Character/Object
                          Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds    Intended
Type                                      and Movement                      Effect on
Close- Characters-        Mr. Miyagi     Zoom- The     Rear     Diegetic-   The camera
                                                                            zooms in to
Up     Daniel             walks away,    camera        Lighting Sponge
                                                                            hint at how
       Objects-           leaving        zooms in               scrubbing   vigorously
       sponge, old car    Daniel alone   on Daniel                          Daniel scrubs
                          to scrub the   scrubbing                          the dirt off
                                                                            Miyagis car.
                          car doors.     the car                            Likewise, the
                                         doors.                             rapid editing of
                                                                            the scene also
                                                                            achieves this.
Shot #11
                                Wax on, wax off... (again)
Shot   Character/Object
                          Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds        Intended
Type                                      and Movement                          Effect on
Wipe   Characters-        Mr. Miyagi      N/A          Low Key    Diegetic-     The low key
       Daniel, Mr.        comes back to                Lighting   Daniel and    lighting
       Miyagi             Daniel waxing                           Mr. Miyagi    illustrates
       Objects- sponge,   the car. He                             talking,      that several
       old car, small     then reinforces                         sponges       hours have
       house (in          the importance                          brushing      passed while
       background)        of wax on,                             against car   Daniel has
                          right hand,                                           been waxing
                          wax off, left                                         the car.
Shot #12
                                Daniel finishes waxing the car
Shot Type
            Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting     Sounds   Intended
                                             and Movement                       Effect on
Medium Characters-          Daniel          Tilt- The       Low Key    N/A      Here, the
Shot   Daniel, Mr.          finishes        camera          Lighting            absence of
            Miyagi          waxing the      follows                             dialogue may
            Objects-                        Daniel as he                        suggest that
                            cars hood
            sponge                          scrubs the                          Daniel is
                            and bumper.     lower part of                       becoming too
                            No dialogue     the car.                            tired to
Shot #13
                               Daniel finishes waxing the car
        Character/Object Action/Dialogue    Camera Angle   Lighting   Sounds   Intended
Type                                        and Movement                       Effect on
Low     Characters-      Daniel calls for   Tracking/Dolly Low Key N/A         The low key
Angle   Daniel           Mr. Miyagi to      -The camera     Lighting           lighting
        Objects- old     see his finished   follows behind                     intensifies
        cars (in         work in waxing     Daniel as he                       Daniels
        background)      the car. He        walks into Mr.                     exhaustion
                         anxiously          Miyagis house.                    after hours of
                         begins to look                                        washing and
                         for him.                                              waxing the
Shot #14
                                Daniel tries to find Mr. Miyagi
Shot Type
            Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds      Intended
                                             and Movement                        Effect on
Long        Characters-     Daniel          Tracking-   Low          Diegetic-   Having the
                                                                                 camera track
Shot        Daniel          slowly walks    The camera Key           Daniels
                                                                                 Daniel as he
            Objects-        through Mr.     follows     Lighting     footsteps   walks through
            paper           Miyagis        behind                   on          the house may
            lanterns,       kitchen         Daniel as                hardwood    suggest
            refrigerator    before          he walks                 floor       nervousness
                            entering his    through the                          and anxiety as
                            bedroom.        house.                               to Mr. Miyagis
Shot #15
                             Daniel finds Mr. Miyagi meditating
Shot Type
            Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting   Sounds       Intended
                                             and Movement                         Effect on
Long        Characters-      Daniel pauses N/A            Front      Diegetic-    The front lighting
                                                                                  conveys serenity
Shot        Daniel and Mr.   to stare at Mr.              Lighting   Mr. Miyagi   and inner calm
            Miyagi           Miyagi                                  meditating   while Mr. Miyagi
            Objects- small   meditating. He                          and          meditates. Placing
                                                                                  Daniel behind
            candles, paper   then walks out                          breathing    Miyagi may
            lanterns, beds   in                                                   evoke Daniels
                             astonishment.                                        surprise when he
                                                                                  notices this.

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1 adam brakman_wax_onwaxoff(director'snotebook#2)

  • 2. Shot #1 Daniel/Mr. Miyagi riding in truck Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Establishing Characters- Mr. Miyagi is shown Tracking/ High Diegetic The purpose of the establishing Shot Daniel and Mr. driving Daniel to his Dolly Key - truck shot is to convey Miyagi house over the (follows Lighting driving Mr. Miyagis Objects- Old railroad tracks in an truck over Non- unconventionality Truck, Oil old truck. railroad Diegetic (or possibly poverty). This Barrels, Daniel: Wait, you tracks) - flute may be suggested Railroad Tracks, own the oil music by having his Railroad companies, too? house near a Crossing Sign Miyagi: Not junkyard full of oil barrels. everything is as seem.
  • 3. Shot #2 Daniel/Mr. Miyagi exiting truck Shot Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended Type and Effect on Movement Audience High Characters- Daniel and Mr. Boom/ High Non- The purpose of the Angle Daniel and Mr. Miyagi reach his Crane- The Key Diegetic- boom/crane Miyagi house and get out of camera Lighting - flute is to suggest Objects- Old the truck. Daniel shows music how tiny Mr. Miyagis Truck, Old Cars, expresses his Miyagis house is in Fence, Shrubs, nervousness about house and comparison Small House the karate the to the tournament to Mr. background. junkyard, and, hence, Miyagi. his simple lifestyle.
  • 4. Shot #3 Shot Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended Type and Movement Effect on Audience Long Characters- Daniel Mr. Miyagi tells Tracking/Dolly High Diegetic- Placing Mr. Shot and Mr. Miyagi Daniel to respect (follows Daniel Key Daniels Miyagi in the the rival sensei, Objects- Old truck and Mr. Miyagi Lighting and Mr. center of the even if he finds frame may walking) Miyagis him wacko. emphasize his Mr. Miyagi (to footsteps stating Wacko Daniel): Wacko on dirt teacher teacher attitude attitude rest in rest in fist. fist while [Clenches fist] clenching his Stupid, but fact of fist. life.
  • 5. Shot #4 Daniel Looks into Mr. Miyagis car Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended and Effect on Movement Audience Medium Characters- Daniel looks into Zoom- The High Key N/A Having the Shot Daniel and Mr. Mr. Miyagis car. camera Lighting camera zoom in on Daniel Miyagi Mr. Miyagi then follows signifies his Object- Old car notices Daniel Daniel curiosity about peering into it. looking into the interior of Mr. Miyagis Mr. Miyagis car. car (possibly how old it is, etc.)
  • 6. Shot #5 Mr. Miyagi brings water buckets Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Eye-line Characters- Mr. Miyagi brings a N/A High Diegetic- The absence of Match Daniel and Mr. water bucket to Key Water dialogue suggests that Miyagi Daniel. Lighting bucket Miyagi wants Objects- Water No dialogue clinking Daniel to show buckets, old pride in his car, work. He wheelbarrow, presents this by fence carrying in the water buckets with a straight face.
  • 7. Shot #6 Walk on road, hmm? Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Medium Characters- Miyagi (to Daniel): The camera High Diegetic- The close-up Walk on road, Key helps define Mr. Shot Daniel and Mr. slowly Mr. Miyagis hand Miyagi hmm? Walk left zooms in Lighting Miyagi motions (such as side, safe. Walk hand-wringing Object- Old car on Miyagi making right side, safe. for squishing a Walk middle, as he squishing grape.) Also, the sooner or later explains his sound slow pacing of the [makes squish walk on action in the scene helps the gesture] get squish road audience grasp just like grape. analogy to the developing Here, karate, same friendship Daniel. thing. between him and
  • 8. Shot #7 Mr. Miyagi ties headband on Daniel Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Close-Up/ Characters- Mr. Miyagi ties Tilt- The High Diegetic- The close-up Medium Daniel and Mr. Daniels karate camera Key Headband foreshadows Shot Miyagi headband around his pivots Lighting being tied the closeness of Object- karate forehead. upward as around the bond that headband Daniel and Daniels will form Mr. Miyagi head between Daniel stand up for and Mr. Miyagi him to tie as they gain Daniels mutual respect. headband on.
  • 9. Shot #8 Wax on, wax off Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Low Characters- Mr. Miyagi instructs N/A High Diegetic- The intended Angle/ Daniel, Mr. Daniel on how to wax Key Mr. effect on the a car. audience is to Close- Miyagi Lighting Miyagi Miyagi (to Daniel): draw attention Up Objects- breathing Wax on, right hand. to Mr. Miyagis sponge, car Wax off, left hand. softly emphasis on Wax on, wax off. having Daniel Breathe in through breathe slowly nose, out the mouth. and quietly Wax on, wax off. Don't while waxing forget to breathe, very the car. important.
  • 10. Shot #9 Whered these cars come from? Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Lighting Sounds Intended Angle and Effect on Movement Audience Two- Characters- Daniel: Whered N/A High Diegetic- The effect of the shot-reverse- Shot Daniel, Mr. these cars come Key Daniel and shot is to (Shot- Miyagi from? Lighting Mr. present Mr. Reverse- Objects- Old Mr. Miyagi: Miyagi Miyagis Shot) car, Detroit. talking response to wheelbarrow what he feels is an irrelevant question, which he briefly answers and then continues to walk away.
  • 11. Shot #10 Daniel scrubbing Mr. Miyagis car Shot Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended Type and Movement Effect on Audience Close- Characters- Mr. Miyagi Zoom- The Rear Diegetic- The camera zooms in to Up Daniel walks away, camera Lighting Sponge hint at how Objects- leaving zooms in scrubbing vigorously sponge, old car Daniel alone on Daniel Daniel scrubs to scrub the scrubbing the dirt off Miyagis car. car doors. the car Likewise, the doors. rapid editing of the scene also achieves this.
  • 12. Shot #11 Wax on, wax off... (again) Shot Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended Type and Movement Effect on Audience Wipe Characters- Mr. Miyagi N/A Low Key Diegetic- The low key Daniel, Mr. comes back to Lighting Daniel and lighting Miyagi Daniel waxing Mr. Miyagi illustrates Objects- sponge, the car. He talking, that several old car, small then reinforces sponges hours have house (in the importance brushing passed while background) of wax on, against car Daniel has right hand, been waxing wax off, left the car. hand.
  • 13. Shot #12 Daniel finishes waxing the car Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended and Movement Effect on Audience Medium Characters- Daniel Tilt- The Low Key N/A Here, the Shot Daniel, Mr. finishes camera Lighting absence of Miyagi waxing the follows dialogue may Objects- Daniel as he suggest that cars hood sponge scrubs the Daniel is and bumper. lower part of becoming too No dialogue the car. tired to speak.
  • 14. Shot #13 Daniel finishes waxing the car Shot Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended Type and Movement Effect on Audience Low Characters- Daniel calls for Tracking/Dolly Low Key N/A The low key Angle Daniel Mr. Miyagi to -The camera Lighting lighting Objects- old see his finished follows behind intensifies cars (in work in waxing Daniel as he Daniels background) the car. He walks into Mr. exhaustion anxiously Miyagis house. after hours of begins to look washing and for him. waxing the car.
  • 15. Shot #14 Daniel tries to find Mr. Miyagi Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended and Movement Effect on Audience Long Characters- Daniel Tracking- Low Diegetic- Having the camera track Shot Daniel slowly walks The camera Key Daniels Daniel as he Objects- through Mr. follows Lighting footsteps walks through paper Miyagis behind on the house may lanterns, kitchen Daniel as hardwood suggest Daniels refrigerator before he walks floor nervousness entering his through the and anxiety as bedroom. house. to Mr. Miyagis whereabouts.
  • 16. Shot #15 Daniel finds Mr. Miyagi meditating Shot Type Character/Object Action/Dialogue Camera Angle Lighting Sounds Intended and Movement Effect on Audience Long Characters- Daniel pauses N/A Front Diegetic- The front lighting conveys serenity Shot Daniel and Mr. to stare at Mr. Lighting Mr. Miyagi and inner calm Miyagi Miyagi meditating while Mr. Miyagi Objects- small meditating. He and meditates. Placing Daniel behind candles, paper then walks out breathing Miyagi may lanterns, beds in evoke Daniels astonishment. surprise when he notices this.