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3 Sepulveda emiller7@hawk.iit.edu
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 erezjmiller@gmail.com
(609) 682-3117 www.linkedin.com/in/erezm
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology; Chicago, IL GPA:3.76 August 2015
Specialization: Energy, Environment & Economics GPA:4.00 August 2015
Specialization: Environmental Engineering GPA:3.67 August 2015
 Aspen HYSYS  MATLAB  NI LabVIEW  MS Excel  Fluent in Hebrew
Illinois Institute of Technology January 2015  May 2015
Undergraduate Research
 Repaired auto-thermal reactor and developed a NI LabVIEW program to run the reactor and collect data.
 Created an experiment to be incorporated into future IIT chemical engineering labs.
Illinois Institute of Technology January 2015  May 2015
Capstone Design Project  Technical Design Lead
 Generated and refined a design proposal for a natural gas pre-treatment plant using Aspen HYSYS.
 Collaborated with economic analysis team to reduce plant cost, resulting in recognition as most economical pitch.
Illinois Institute of Technology January 2014  May 2014
Interprofessional Project  Urban Agriculture
 Worked within a team to design and build a working indoor 20 gallon aquaponics system.
 Installed, started and troubleshot water lines and pumps which ran 150 gallons of water per hour.
 Project treasurer: budgeted $500 for the parts; kept the project on time and under budget.
Illinois Institute of Technology June 2014  July 2014
Interprofessional Project  Developing Workspace Innovation
 Assisted in designing a new workspace for young professionals, at a local technology company, centered on
providing spaces tailored to an assortment of work style preferences.
 Interviewed current company employees to understand and address clients needs in the spatial design.
 Presented the solution to client in oral and visual format, including a written report and finalized floor plans.
Illinois Institute of Technology Academic Resource Center August 2014  May 2015
Lead Chemical Engineering Tutor
 Managed and scheduled four teams of tutors (Chemistry, Biology, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering).
 Trained and certified tutors; tutored chemical engineering, chemistry, physics and mathematics students.
 Liaison between tutors and management
American Institute of Chemical Engineers  Illinois Institute of Technology January 2014  December 2014
 Collaborated with club officers to organize, advertise and host 25 organizational events with 20-50 attendees.
 Managed membership dues and event budgeting. Fundraised over $500 for organization events.
Cum Laude August 2015
Campus Life Excellence Award  Outstanding Student Organization Board Member Fall 2014
Campus Life Excellence Award  Excellence in Budgeting Fall 2014
Deans Honor List Fall 2013  Fall 2014

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  • 1. EREZ MILLER 3 Sepulveda emiller7@hawk.iit.edu Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 erezjmiller@gmail.com (609) 682-3117 www.linkedin.com/in/erezm EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Illinois Institute of Technology; Chicago, IL GPA:3.76 August 2015 Specialization: Energy, Environment & Economics GPA:4.00 August 2015 Specialization: Environmental Engineering GPA:3.67 August 2015 SKILLS Aspen HYSYS MATLAB NI LabVIEW MS Excel Fluent in Hebrew RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Illinois Institute of Technology January 2015 May 2015 Undergraduate Research Repaired auto-thermal reactor and developed a NI LabVIEW program to run the reactor and collect data. Created an experiment to be incorporated into future IIT chemical engineering labs. Illinois Institute of Technology January 2015 May 2015 Capstone Design Project Technical Design Lead Generated and refined a design proposal for a natural gas pre-treatment plant using Aspen HYSYS. Collaborated with economic analysis team to reduce plant cost, resulting in recognition as most economical pitch. Illinois Institute of Technology January 2014 May 2014 Interprofessional Project Urban Agriculture Worked within a team to design and build a working indoor 20 gallon aquaponics system. Installed, started and troubleshot water lines and pumps which ran 150 gallons of water per hour. Project treasurer: budgeted $500 for the parts; kept the project on time and under budget. Illinois Institute of Technology June 2014 July 2014 Interprofessional Project Developing Workspace Innovation Assisted in designing a new workspace for young professionals, at a local technology company, centered on providing spaces tailored to an assortment of work style preferences. Interviewed current company employees to understand and address clients needs in the spatial design. Presented the solution to client in oral and visual format, including a written report and finalized floor plans. Illinois Institute of Technology Academic Resource Center August 2014 May 2015 Lead Chemical Engineering Tutor Managed and scheduled four teams of tutors (Chemistry, Biology, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering). Trained and certified tutors; tutored chemical engineering, chemistry, physics and mathematics students. Liaison between tutors and management American Institute of Chemical Engineers Illinois Institute of Technology January 2014 December 2014 Treasurer Collaborated with club officers to organize, advertise and host 25 organizational events with 20-50 attendees. Managed membership dues and event budgeting. Fundraised over $500 for organization events. ACHIEVEMENTS Cum Laude August 2015 Campus Life Excellence Award Outstanding Student Organization Board Member Fall 2014 Campus Life Excellence Award Excellence in Budgeting Fall 2014 Deans Honor List Fall 2013 Fall 2014