The letter thanks Mr. Kant for his contribution to one of six topic teams in the 2014 Intelligence Community Analyst-Private Sector Program. It recognizes the critical value of public-private partnerships in contributing to national security. The letter states that the program would not have been successful without Mr. Kant's active engagement and that they were impressed with the diversity of analytic capabilities the teams created. The products from each team will be widely disseminated.
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Intelligence Community (IC) Analyst - Private Sector Program
1. Mr. Eric Kant
Kant Consulting Group
3085 Victoria Drive
Kissimmee, FL 34746
Dear Mr. Kant,
19 December 2014
U.S. Department of Homeland Sccurity
Washington, DC 20528
On behalfofthe Intelligence Community (IC), I thank you for your contribution to one ofthe six
Topic Teams in the 2014 IC Analyst-Private Seetor Program. The DHS Office of Intelligence
and Analysis and Office ofthe Director ofNational Intelligence recognize the critical value of
our public-private sector partnerships in contributing to the national security mission. This
program would not have been a success without your active engagement. We were particularly
impressed by the diversity ofanalytk udivi;:rabk:s thi;: li;:<tlllS ~lt::<tlt::U <lUU Wt;; will cnsurc C<tch
team's products are widely disseminated to include posting on the DHS Homeland Security
Information Network, as well as the other information sharing environments.
We encourage you to continue to engage with your team and build upon the meaningful
relationships you have formed. 1hope you have found the program rewarding and that you will
also encourage your colleagues to apply for the 2015 iteration.
~~Jennifer A. Lasley
Deputy Under Secretary for Analysis
Office of Intelligence and Analysis