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heistParticipants Briefing Pack
1.	 Introduction
2.	The Heist Background Story
3.	Simulation Objective
4.	Building the Team
5.	Research:
	 The Circle Laboratory Blueprints
turn a team of experts into an expert team
Most critical errors occur in business at the point where highly skilled people come
together to perform as a team. Effective decision making, team collaboration and
team communication can be the fundamental factor that determines the successful
outcome of the project or the client initiative.
Until now, little training provision has existed to rehearse team decision making and
collaboration. Scenario training addresses this business need with an approach that
no other training methodology can.
Critical and time pressured situations can be recreated in a training scenario, so
that processes, routines and procedures can be established and communication
and collaboration problems can be identified and improved upon.
Team Leader
Black Swan
Head of
The Circle Inc.
The Futurist Nia Ty Walker
Flint Hecate
Head of
The Circle Inc.
Team Leader
Black Swan
Agent Alpha
Disruptive Learning
Solutions Member
Welcome to The油Heist!
So! I see two new
Hello, we would like to
know; what is The Heist?
The Heist is an immersive
training simulation for business
executives to develop key skills.
How can we help you?
It is based on a team
overcoming a series
of challenges.
The team must collaborate
together effectively to win.
If you fail, for example by
triggering the alarm, you
will be captured and must
start over.
What skills will we
work on?
With this list we can
significantly improve
our competences.
Here is a list of the key skills
your team will develop
Two monks must
face each-other in a
duel. But first, they
must prepare.
How do we
You learn by doing !
Next油spring youll face
each other, but first learn
to fight.
an example.
While the second trains on a
pole, failing and hurting, until
The first monk relaxed
under a tree to learn kung
fu from a book.
On test day, the two
monks prepared to
The match barely started,
the first monk went down!
You now
understand the
difference between
learning through
knowledge and learning
by doing.
How do you coach?
We use coaching to
develop leadership and
As one learns by doing, new skills
are transferable to the business
straight away
We focus on individual and
team coaching sessions.
We use key metrics defined
by the teams to structure
personalized learning, self-
assessment and goal planning.
What is the story of
Conquest ?
It is about a battle for
power between two
On one hand you have
The Circle Inc.
Which controls
everyone through the
power of good
And on the other
hand, you have
Black Swan, a
secret resistance
force fighting to
reveal the truth
about the power
of The Circle.
And only one
can win !And only one can win!
It is about a battle
for power between two
What is the story of
The Heist?
And on the
other hand, you
have Black Swan,
a secret resistance
force fighting to reveal
the truth about the
power of The Circle.
On one hand you
have The Circle Inc.
Which controls everyone
through the power of
good management.
We are at the top of our industry,
precisely because we listen to you !
 And because
we carefully
study market
trends and
capital to
innovations, it
promises the
best returns!
Flint Hecate knows there is only 7
days left before The Circles public
offering on NASDAQ and his resulting
professional and personal success will
make him one of the richest and most
powerful man in the world.
And then invest
aggressively in
Which provide you
with products of a
quality that answers
your needs.
We have won our
#1 leadership position.
All i have to do is keep
Black Swan out and
i will win油!
If you take the
red pill you go back
to the dream world of The
Circle. The blue pill is the
antidote to the red pill. It will
open your mind and I will
show you how deep the
rabbit-hole goes.
Ty, the red pills
are manufactured on
an industrial scale and
sold to other companies
who want to accelerate
their Good Business
Strategy. We must
stop them.
Ty is corporate Medical Director at The Circle, a multi-national which
manufactures the red pill, a drug for corporate well-being sold
as part of their worldwide health programs with a market share of
about 90%.
Ty has had some doubts about the real purpose of the red pill and
secretly began to run some tests on the drug. He was caught by The
Circles internal security agents but with the help of Janus and Nia at
Black Swan, he escaped.
They must break into The Circles secret laboratory
to retrieve the chemical formula hidden in a
high-security vault.
This is Black Swans only chance at disrupting
production of the good management pill.
The Red Pill is stopping
The Cirlce employees
from questioning
the companys good
management culture.
Black Swan must now
retrieve the formula
for the pill and stop
its effects.
A team of 5 experts
have been recruited
from within the ranks
of Black Swan for this
We have worked with PRO BTP, Laureate Education,
Royal Dutch Shell, Computer Science Corporation,
Philips Design, Philips Healthcare
And a range of other clients.
Our strength comes from
the way we have integrated
our experience of working
in innovation, collaboration,
learning and coaching
with gaming technologies
to create virtual training
We help organizations use new
technologies to cut training cost
and rapidly deploy new skills into
their business.
We are an award
winning team.Who are
Disruptive Learning
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
5 BlackSwan operatives must break into The
Circles laboratory to retrieve the chemical formula
hidden in the vault, thereby disrupting the
production of The Circles drug.
The simulations challenge is for 1 member of
the team to guide the 4 other members through
the security systems of the manufacturing site,
avoiding the electronic surveillance, obstacles
and guard/drone patrols to get into the vault and
The team Planner has access to the Circles CCTV network and can use this
information to guide his team to their objective.
The 4 other team members each have tasks that require collaboration in
order to achieve a high level of performance.
4) The Technician can proceed to the next set of lasers.
The Black-hat Hacker
The Acrobat
The Planner
The White-hat HackerThe Technician
The Black Swan Team
		 AKA. The Brain
Height: 1.82m
Weight: 91kg
Equipment: Command Center
(Displays plans and information about the ongoing heist)
Rumor has it he was a ex top-manager at a large conglomerate,
famous for his experience in crisis-management and incredible
patience. Early in his career, he was recruited by Black Swan
when it was just starting. He might not be a wise old man, but
his time spent with Black Swan means most members look up
to him.
Over the years, has been captured by The Circle dozens of times,
but always found a way out thanks to his deep knowledge of
their organization and methods.
The Circle know him well too, so he keeps his name a secret
and tends to stay in the background and help from a distance
to avoid getting caught, again.
		 Melinda Von Gassner
		 AKA. Tumbler
Height: 1.53m
Weight: 47kg
Equipment: Shockwave pistol (Stuns guards)
The youngest daughter of a rich family of Swiss bankers and lawyers
Melinda was destined for a career in medicine. She studied ballet at
a very young age, but had to stop at the age of 16, when her parents
deemed it too time consuming and would keep her from pursuing a
good career.
When she started university, she met a fellow student whose parents
ran a circus nearby. In the evenings, and in secret, she started
practicing to become a contortionist.
She went on to lead a successful double-life for years, working in as
a surgeon by day, and as a contortionist by night. Then the hospital
she worked at was taken over by The Circle Health Group, and every
employees background and activities were meticulously examined.
Forced into early retirement and humiliated in the eyes of her
family, she joined Black Swan in hopes of preventing The Circles
practices from ruining other peoples lives.
		 Thibault Dags
		 AKA. lArtiste
Height: 1.79m
Weight: 81kg
Equipment: Infrared Glasses (Reveals lasers and heat sensors)
After finishing engineering school, Thibault decided to walk across
all of Europe and Asia. After two years crossing through countries
impoverished by war, disease and greedy governments, he decided
to use his training for good and joined Builders Without Borders.
He helped build three schools in different countries and over thirty
houses only to have one of his projects demolished a few weeks
before completion because a large corporation, The Circle, wanted
the land to build a new research lab.
When Black Swan heard of his struggle, they helped him stop The
Circle and finish the project. He soon joined their cause and turned
out being a huge asset, putting his eidetic memory and incredible
sense of observation to good use. He is quite impatient with his team
members, but this does not keep him from being indispensable to the
		 Laura Kateb
		 AKA. Icebreaker
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 64kg
Equipment: EMP Pistol (Deactivates drones & movement sensors)
Laura was born in a bad part of town. She saw people get beat
up, police brutality, drug trafficking, and much worse. She
decided to do something about and learned to hack networks in
hopes of opening politicians eyes.
When she finally learned the truth, that it is actually big
companies that rule the world, she joined the infamous Black
Swan organization, hoping to end their reign of terror and
Her rough childhood makes her independent to a fault, she
takes orders from no one and cant stand to be criticized. But
her intentions are true, and she is truly loyal to Black Swans
		 Laurent Lafont
		 AKA. I.T.
Height: 1.79m
Weight: 82kg
Equipment: Detection Scanner
(Shows movement sensors fields of view)
Trained as a mathematician and an internet security developer,
Laurent was rapidly interested in Hacktivism and Hackers in
general. Though there is no proof, he is said to have brought to light
information that incriminated 10 big companies in the last 5 years.
Laurent started working for The Circles I.T. department in order to
infiltrate their security system, which is said to be one of the best in
the world. A great security system usually means there are things
to hide.
The problem is, he was caught red-handed. The Circle immediately
found out about his activities as a hacker, and gave him a choice:
either he helped them by infiltrating Black Swan or they made sure
he went to prison for what he did.
With no other choice, Laurent infiltrated Black Swan, but no one
was counting on him switching allegiance. Though this made him
a fugitive, he has become one of Black Swans best assets, regularly
helping them bring information about The Circles activities to light.
By hacking The Circles infrastructure, our team has been
able to gather information about their headquarters.
Here are the plans to the building you must infiltrate.
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack
Surveillance drones & hacked security cameras have
permitted us to gather precious information about the
Building Exterior
Main Hall
Ventilation Maintenance
Open-space Offices
Generator Room
The Vault
the Formula

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The Heist Simulation - Participants' Briefing Pack

  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Heist Background Story 3. Simulation Objective 4. Building the Team 5. Research: The Circle Laboratory Blueprints Intelligence
  • 3. turn a team of experts into an expert team Most critical errors occur in business at the point where highly skilled people come together to perform as a team. Effective decision making, team collaboration and team communication can be the fundamental factor that determines the successful outcome of the project or the client initiative. Until now, little training provision has existed to rehearse team decision making and collaboration. Scenario training addresses this business need with an approach that no other training methodology can. Critical and time pressured situations can be recreated in a training scenario, so that processes, routines and procedures can be established and communication and collaboration problems can be identified and improved upon.
  • 5. Team Leader Black Swan Head of The Circle Inc. The Futurist Nia Ty Walker Flint Hecate Head of The Circle Inc. Team Leader Black Swan Janus Agent Alpha Clients Disruptive Learning Solutions Member
  • 6. Welcome to The油Heist! So! I see two new Clients! Hello, we would like to know; what is The Heist? The Heist is an immersive training simulation for business executives to develop key skills. How can we help you? It is based on a team overcoming a series of challenges. The team must collaborate together effectively to win. If you fail, for example by triggering the alarm, you will be captured and must start over.
  • 7. FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS - LEADERSHIP - TEAMWORK - COMMUNICATION - CREATIVETHINKING - DISRUPTIVEINNOVATION - DECISIONMAKING - PROBLEMSOLVING - SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES - RISK TAKING - CONFLICTMANAGEMENT - PLANNING - STRATEGY - TACTICS - COACHING What skills will we work on? Hmmμvery油interesting, With this list we can significantly improve our competences. Here is a list of the key skills your team will develop
  • 8. Two monks must face each-other in a duel. But first, they must prepare. How do we learn? Very油simple, You learn by doing ! Next油spring youll face each other, but first learn to fight. Heres an example. While the second trains on a pole, failing and hurting, until exhaustion. The first monk relaxed under a tree to learn kung fu from a book. On test day, the two monks prepared to duel. The match barely started, the first monk went down! You now understand the difference between learning through knowledge and learning by doing.
  • 9. How do you coach? We use coaching to develop leadership and teamwork. As one learns by doing, new skills are transferable to the business straight away We focus on individual and team coaching sessions. We use key metrics defined by the teams to structure personalized learning, self- assessment and goal planning.
  • 10. What is the story of Conquest ? It is about a battle for power between two corporations. On one hand you have The Circle Inc. Which controls everyone through the power of good management. And on the other hand, you have Black Swan, a secret resistance force fighting to reveal the truth about the power of The Circle. And only one can win !And only one can win! It is about a battle for power between two corporations. What is the story of The Heist? And on the other hand, you have Black Swan, a secret resistance force fighting to reveal the truth about the power of The Circle. On one hand you have The Circle Inc. Which controls everyone through the power of good management.
  • 11. We are at the top of our industry, precisely because we listen to you ! And because we carefully study market trends and systematically allocate investment capital to innovations, it promises the best returns! Flint Hecate knows there is only 7 days left before The Circles public offering on NASDAQ and his resulting professional and personal success will make him one of the richest and most powerful man in the world. And then invest aggressively in technologies Which provide you with products of a quality that answers your needs. We have won our #1 leadership position. All i have to do is keep Black Swan out and i will win油!
  • 12. If you take the red pill you go back to the dream world of The Circle. The blue pill is the antidote to the red pill. It will open your mind and I will show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Ty, the red pills are manufactured on an industrial scale and sold to other companies who want to accelerate their Good Business Strategy. We must stop them. Ty is corporate Medical Director at The Circle, a multi-national which manufactures the red pill, a drug for corporate well-being sold as part of their worldwide health programs with a market share of about 90%. Ty has had some doubts about the real purpose of the red pill and secretly began to run some tests on the drug. He was caught by The Circles internal security agents but with the help of Janus and Nia at Black Swan, he escaped.
  • 13. They must break into The Circles secret laboratory to retrieve the chemical formula hidden in a high-security vault. This is Black Swans only chance at disrupting production of the good management pill. The Red Pill is stopping The Cirlce employees from questioning the companys good management culture. Black Swan must now retrieve the formula for the pill and stop its effects. A team of 5 experts have been recruited from within the ranks of Black Swan for this heist.
  • 14. We have worked with PRO BTP, Laureate Education, Royal Dutch Shell, Computer Science Corporation, Philips Design, Philips Healthcare And a range of other clients. Our strength comes from the way we have integrated our experience of working in innovation, collaboration, learning and coaching with gaming technologies to create virtual training solutions We help organizations use new technologies to cut training cost and rapidly deploy new skills into their business. We are an award winning team.Who are Disruptive Learning Solutions?
  • 16. The OBJECTIVE 5 BlackSwan operatives must break into The Circles laboratory to retrieve the chemical formula hidden in the vault, thereby disrupting the production of The Circles drug.
  • 17. The CHALLENGE The simulations challenge is for 1 member of the team to guide the 4 other members through the security systems of the manufacturing site, avoiding the electronic surveillance, obstacles and guard/drone patrols to get into the vault and escape.
  • 18. The PLANNER The team Planner has access to the Circles CCTV network and can use this information to guide his team to their objective.
  • 19. TEAMWORK The 4 other team members each have tasks that require collaboration in order to achieve a high level of performance. 4) The Technician can proceed to the next set of lasers.
  • 20. The Black-hat Hacker The Acrobat The Planner The White-hat HackerThe Technician The Black Swan Team
  • 21. The PLANNER: Anonymous AKA. The Brain Height: 1.82m Weight: 91kg Equipment: Command Center (Displays plans and information about the ongoing heist) Rumor has it he was a ex top-manager at a large conglomerate, famous for his experience in crisis-management and incredible patience. Early in his career, he was recruited by Black Swan when it was just starting. He might not be a wise old man, but his time spent with Black Swan means most members look up to him. Over the years, has been captured by The Circle dozens of times, but always found a way out thanks to his deep knowledge of their organization and methods. The Circle know him well too, so he keeps his name a secret and tends to stay in the background and help from a distance to avoid getting caught, again.
  • 22. The ACROBAT: Melinda Von Gassner AKA. Tumbler Height: 1.53m Weight: 47kg Equipment: Shockwave pistol (Stuns guards) The youngest daughter of a rich family of Swiss bankers and lawyers Melinda was destined for a career in medicine. She studied ballet at a very young age, but had to stop at the age of 16, when her parents deemed it too time consuming and would keep her from pursuing a good career. When she started university, she met a fellow student whose parents ran a circus nearby. In the evenings, and in secret, she started practicing to become a contortionist. She went on to lead a successful double-life for years, working in as a surgeon by day, and as a contortionist by night. Then the hospital she worked at was taken over by The Circle Health Group, and every employees background and activities were meticulously examined. Forced into early retirement and humiliated in the eyes of her family, she joined Black Swan in hopes of preventing The Circles practices from ruining other peoples lives.
  • 23. The TECHNICIAN: Thibault Dags AKA. lArtiste Height: 1.79m Weight: 81kg Equipment: Infrared Glasses (Reveals lasers and heat sensors) After finishing engineering school, Thibault decided to walk across all of Europe and Asia. After two years crossing through countries impoverished by war, disease and greedy governments, he decided to use his training for good and joined Builders Without Borders. He helped build three schools in different countries and over thirty houses only to have one of his projects demolished a few weeks before completion because a large corporation, The Circle, wanted the land to build a new research lab. When Black Swan heard of his struggle, they helped him stop The Circle and finish the project. He soon joined their cause and turned out being a huge asset, putting his eidetic memory and incredible sense of observation to good use. He is quite impatient with his team members, but this does not keep him from being indispensable to the team.
  • 24. The BLACK HAT HACKER: Laura Kateb AKA. Icebreaker Height: 1.68m Weight: 64kg Equipment: EMP Pistol (Deactivates drones & movement sensors) Laura was born in a bad part of town. She saw people get beat up, police brutality, drug trafficking, and much worse. She decided to do something about and learned to hack networks in hopes of opening politicians eyes. When she finally learned the truth, that it is actually big companies that rule the world, she joined the infamous Black Swan organization, hoping to end their reign of terror and injustice. Her rough childhood makes her independent to a fault, she takes orders from no one and cant stand to be criticized. But her intentions are true, and she is truly loyal to Black Swans cause.
  • 25. The WHITE HAT HACKER: Laurent Lafont AKA. I.T. Height: 1.79m Weight: 82kg Equipment: Detection Scanner (Shows movement sensors fields of view) Trained as a mathematician and an internet security developer, Laurent was rapidly interested in Hacktivism and Hackers in general. Though there is no proof, he is said to have brought to light information that incriminated 10 big companies in the last 5 years. Laurent started working for The Circles I.T. department in order to infiltrate their security system, which is said to be one of the best in the world. A great security system usually means there are things to hide. The problem is, he was caught red-handed. The Circle immediately found out about his activities as a hacker, and gave him a choice: either he helped them by infiltrating Black Swan or they made sure he went to prison for what he did. With no other choice, Laurent infiltrated Black Swan, but no one was counting on him switching allegiance. Though this made him a fugitive, he has become one of Black Swans best assets, regularly helping them bring information about The Circles activities to light.
  • 26. The CIRCLE LABORATORY BLUEPRINTS By hacking The Circles infrastructure, our team has been able to gather information about their headquarters. Here are the plans to the building you must infiltrate.
  • 33. INTELLIGENCE Surveillance drones & hacked security cameras have permitted us to gather precious information about the building.