This presenatation gives an idea how to use the E-EYE-D card and wher the idea came from. It's a good start to show to colleagues or students to motivate them and explain the project.
5. STEP 2 Exchange the E-EYE-D cards with the other schools Originals, copies, mails, homepage, E.g.: drama roll play in englisch lessons, food lessons in biologie and nutrition and houseeconomy,
6. STEP 3 Work with the E-Eye-D cards of an other school Questions to the kids : Who is this person? What I do know about him/her? Create a kind of wantedposter, write a story about him/her Topics for the teachers: depending on the subject he/she is teaching
7. STEP 4 Send the materials back to the first school get materials back
8. STEP 5 Create a webside with all the pictures, all stories, all wanted posters, filmrols, E-EYE-D card,
9. STEP 6 make short videos of the children where they introduce theirself to really know each other Reflection-videos: what I`ve learned
10. Own reflections of the project Put everything in the E-EYE-D cards movie band STEP 7