This document provides a list of materials and resources for students, including notebooks, worksheets, textbooks, readers, vocabulary and verb lists, and an MP3 player. It also includes reminders to review basic grammar concepts like conjugating regular and irregular verbs in the present simple tense. Finally, it outlines functional language for classroom interactions and six ways for students to contact their teacher, such as using the blackboard, noticeboards, online learning platforms, email, or telephone.
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Documents, stuff
1. Documents, stuff and functional language
May 13th, 2016
Documents and stuff for the student
Hoja del Alumno
Normas de asistencia y justificantes
Cuaderno de clase: condiciones
Notebook (cuaderno de clase)
Reminders (recordatorios)
Parallel Papers (trimestrales)
Dictionary of English language (bilingual)
Handouts (fotocopias sueltas)
Vocabulary lists (wordlist)
Verb lists
Password to Aula Virtual
MP3 player for audios
2. Revise basics such as: conjugation of verbs, list of regular
verbs and irregular verbs
Conjugate the Present Simple tense in the negative form of the verb:
to WANT-querer
I do not want
You do not want
She does not want- ella no quiere
We do not want
You do not want
They do not want
Regular verbs: to LOOK LOOKED LOOKED- mirar, parecer
Irregular verbs: to SEE SAW SEEN-ver
to LEAVE LEFT LEFT-dejar, abandonar
Functional Language-lenguaje funcional (lenguaje 炭til)
Watch out!.cuid..............
Shall we do those exercises?.多hacemos esos ej...........?
Can you repeat, please?.多puede repetir, por favor?
Me! /Yes! / Present!.臓Yo!/ S鱈 /臓Presente! (pasando lista y respondiendo)
Have we corrected this?. 多hemos corregido esto?
Wait a second!.臓espere un segundo!
I don卒t know. No lo s辿
I do not understand you. No le ..................
Shall I continue reading, teacher?.多sigo leyendo, profesor?
Next, please!.臓el siguiente, por favor!
How to contact with the teacher
1. blackboard and teacher卒s talk
2. noticeboards in the classroom
3. reminders, Parallel Papers, Copycat Fly packs
4. Aula Virtual or MOODLE (Direct Messages to teacher or NOTES in
current lessons)
5. email teachers
6. telephone call