- Information Technology Expert.
- Master degree in Information Systems and e-commerce.
- Bachelor in Business Administration and Information Technology.
Computer skills and competences:
Computer Languages: Java EE, Java SE, Javascript, SQL, HTML, XML, XSL, CSS, XPaths, XQueries, RDF, OWL, SPARQL.
Modelling Languages: UML, ER, BPML, EPC, BPEL, ISO 25964 –thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies.
Databases: XML DB (Exist), MySQL, Virtuoso, Jena, Oracle TOAD, Geneva.
Web Servers & IDE: Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss, Eclipse (IDE), NetBeans (IDE)
Operations Systems: Excellent knowledge of all Windows Operation Systems and Linux Ubuntu
Experienced in using the Frameworks ...