Атлас Пермского краяАнтон ТолмачевАтлас Пермского края подготовлен коллективом учёных Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета. Публикуемые материалы впервые за последние годы дают комплексное представление о Пермском крае. В основу Атласа положены результаты
основных научно-исследовательских работ, проведённых по заказу органов государственной власти федерального и регионального уровней,
а также местного самоуправления. Структура Атласа традиционна и состоит из следующих разделов: общая характеристика, природа, население, социальная сфера, экономика, история. Особенностью издания является наличие большого фактографического и визуального ряда. Это связано с желанием авторов подчеркнуть уникальное разнообразие природного богатства, животного и растительного мира, туристических и
историко-природных комплексов Уральского Прикамья, его социально-экономические особенности.
Атлас предназначен для представителей органов государственной власти федерального и регионального уровней, местного самоуправления,
преподавателей, студентов, школьников, а также для широкого круга читателей, кого интересует Пермский край.
Evaluating music magazine q6pptxjz newcarolinebirksatworkThe document discusses technologies the author has used and learned about through constructing a product. The technologies include Photoshop, digital cameras, recorders, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Paint, iMovie, InDesign, blogs, polls, and Prezi. The author provides examples of how they used each technology in the past and what they learned about how to use the interface and features of each one.
окружность круг радиус диаметрkillarunsЦели и задачи урока:
• Ввести понятия окружности, круга, радиуса, диаметра.
• Вывести соотношение между радиусом и диаметром.
• Научить находить радиус, если известен диаметр, и наоборот.
• Познакомить с инструментом “циркуль”, научить чертить окружность с помощью циркуля.
Gonzalez pricky8311997The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, living on its North and South Islands in the South Pacific Ocean near Australia. While some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the ceremonial Haka war dance and Ta moko tattooing, others have adopted non-traditional modern lifestyles, though many still struggle with issues like poverty that often affect conquered indigenous groups.
Corporate Gift WatchesAvik EnterprisesThis document provides a catalog of watches available from Avik Enterprises for corporate gifts. It includes 7 collections of steel, gold-plated, and alloy watches ranging from small dual-time pairs to large pocket watches. Each collection includes multiple reference numbers and models. The document also mentions options for watch packaging and case back etching available from Avik Enterprises.
Rickys stuffricky8311997According to Asmat tradition, Fumeripits was the first being who existed on earth and created the first ceremonial house. He grew tired of being alone, so he carved human figures from trees and placed them in the ceremonial house. However, the figures did not come to life. Fumeripits then created a drum from a hollowed tree and stretched lizard skin over it. When he played the drum, the carved figures came to life and were the first Asmat people.
Abdulkalam team 10Nikhil TanniThis document contains a list of 20 names divided into groups. The first group contains 4 names, the second contains 3 names, the third contains 4 names, the fourth contains 5 names, and the fifth contains 2 names with one additional name listed separately below.
Evaluationamyyahya- The document is a student's evaluation of their created magazine covering coursework.
- The magazine was designed to attract devoted music fans interested in both mainstream and undiscovered music.
- Traditional magazine styles and conventions were used like bold colors and direct eye contact in photos, while also experimenting with techniques like graduated margin text.
- The student demonstrated new skills in photo editing software and creating a more polished final magazine compared to their preliminary work.
FUTURAPOLIS - Écrans, Sources et Capteurs : Les Outils Marketing de Demain - ...UnitagMarketing & Innovations : Quel Marketing pour Demain ?
Alexis Laporte, fondateur de la startup UNITAG, spécialiste Marketing Mobile, vous donne quelques pistes de réflexion et vous présente les nouveaux outils et innovations marketing : Nouvelles technologies et nouveaux capteurs, portes d'entrée vers de nouveaux écrans redéfinissent les usages et la communication - et ouvrent de multiples opportunité d'engager la conversation.
A vous aujourd'hui de définir le marketing du futur !
Digital securitykschreiner12The document introduces a task for students to create a multimedia presentation about digital security and internet safety to present to the school principal. It explains that parents have expressed concerns about student internet use and want to ban it altogether. The task is for students to work in groups to research internet safety topics, develop 10 safety rules, and create a presentation to demonstrate their knowledge and convince the principal that students can be responsible online. It provides resources for students to research different aspects of internet safety and digital security.
EvaluationBarney1995The Megan Summers Foundation portfolio evaluation discusses conventions used in real rock magazines that were applied to the student's media product. These included using a color scheme of black, white, and a bright color on the cover along with bar codes, dates, prices, and attention-grabbing words. Images used a direct address and the masthead was bold to catch readers' attention. The product represented 15-25 year olds through bright colors, informal language, artists, and images of people in that age group. Bauer Publishing would be a suitable media institution to distribute the product since they publish a similar genre magazine. The target audience is 15-25 year old rock and indie music fans.
Basic concept of q cPrabhat PandeyQuality Circles began in Japan in 1962 as a way to improve quality and productivity by tapping into workers' creativity. A Quality Circle is a voluntary group of employees who meet regularly to discuss work-related issues and offer suggestions for improvements. The goal is to increase employee participation and motivation by giving them input into production processes. Quality Circles benefit companies by promoting self-development, teamwork, improved performance, and higher morale.
Administaff OverviewJMDeady- Administaff serves over 7,000 client companies and 118,000 employees across 50 states and is listed as one of Fortune's most admired companies for the past 4 years.
- It provides comprehensive HR outsourcing solutions including payroll, benefits administration, government compliance, training and development, and HR management.
- Administaff's personnel management system is designed to help clients improve business performance, retain top talent, and reduce HR-related costs and liabilities.
February 2014 Newletter (First for the year)JOHNLEACHThe document provides an update from missionaries in Chavuma, Zambia. It discusses their plans for 2014 including completing construction of a bush camp facility, assisting with maintenance projects, preparing boats and vehicles for outreach, and translating materials. Progress on projects is provided and challenges mentioned. Visitors assisting with the work are appreciated. Personal updates on family members involved in the mission are included. Photos are also shared from travels across Africa.
Formulario devolucionesangiedaianaEste documento contiene 20 registros de devoluciones de productos de clientes. Cada registro incluye la identificación del cliente, fecha de compra, fecha de devolución, referencia del producto devuelto y motivo de la devolución. Los motivos más comunes de devolución son que el producto se rompió, se descoloró o tenía algún defecto de calidad o cosido.
The hour bank(thb)SatisnetThe Hour Bank (THB) is a new concept developed by Satisnet engineers that allows subscribers unlimited access to a pool of skills and hours across various technologies for a flat monthly fee. Subscribers can access over 50,000 hours of skills in areas like e-commerce platforms, web development frameworks, graphic design, mobile app development and more. THB aims to provide flexibility and cost savings compared to traditional project staffing models. Satisnet is an IT services company based in India that developed THB and has the infrastructure to support over 100 developers.
Branding amilia astrom - the riverstreamemilia åströmThis document outlines how the author presents themselves online through branding, keywords, profiles, and a business card. It includes their logo, colors, fonts, profile picture, headers, and keywords they use across portfolio, blog, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Instead of a traditional business card, the author prints stickers with their logo and website to give out knowing most people check websites before contacting someone.
De lach door de jaren heen thijsvanraakThis is a link to a YouTube video but no other context is provided about the content or topic of the video. The document on its own does not contain enough information to generate an informative 3 sentence summary.
Corporate Gift WatchesAvik EnterprisesThis document provides a catalog of watches available from Avik Enterprises for corporate gifts. It includes 7 collections of steel, gold-plated, and alloy watches ranging from small dual-time pairs to large pocket watches. Each collection includes multiple reference numbers and models. The document also mentions options for watch packaging and case back etching available from Avik Enterprises.
Rickys stuffricky8311997According to Asmat tradition, Fumeripits was the first being who existed on earth and created the first ceremonial house. He grew tired of being alone, so he carved human figures from trees and placed them in the ceremonial house. However, the figures did not come to life. Fumeripits then created a drum from a hollowed tree and stretched lizard skin over it. When he played the drum, the carved figures came to life and were the first Asmat people.
Abdulkalam team 10Nikhil TanniThis document contains a list of 20 names divided into groups. The first group contains 4 names, the second contains 3 names, the third contains 4 names, the fourth contains 5 names, and the fifth contains 2 names with one additional name listed separately below.
Evaluationamyyahya- The document is a student's evaluation of their created magazine covering coursework.
- The magazine was designed to attract devoted music fans interested in both mainstream and undiscovered music.
- Traditional magazine styles and conventions were used like bold colors and direct eye contact in photos, while also experimenting with techniques like graduated margin text.
- The student demonstrated new skills in photo editing software and creating a more polished final magazine compared to their preliminary work.
FUTURAPOLIS - Écrans, Sources et Capteurs : Les Outils Marketing de Demain - ...UnitagMarketing & Innovations : Quel Marketing pour Demain ?
Alexis Laporte, fondateur de la startup UNITAG, spécialiste Marketing Mobile, vous donne quelques pistes de réflexion et vous présente les nouveaux outils et innovations marketing : Nouvelles technologies et nouveaux capteurs, portes d'entrée vers de nouveaux écrans redéfinissent les usages et la communication - et ouvrent de multiples opportunité d'engager la conversation.
A vous aujourd'hui de définir le marketing du futur !
Digital securitykschreiner12The document introduces a task for students to create a multimedia presentation about digital security and internet safety to present to the school principal. It explains that parents have expressed concerns about student internet use and want to ban it altogether. The task is for students to work in groups to research internet safety topics, develop 10 safety rules, and create a presentation to demonstrate their knowledge and convince the principal that students can be responsible online. It provides resources for students to research different aspects of internet safety and digital security.
EvaluationBarney1995The Megan Summers Foundation portfolio evaluation discusses conventions used in real rock magazines that were applied to the student's media product. These included using a color scheme of black, white, and a bright color on the cover along with bar codes, dates, prices, and attention-grabbing words. Images used a direct address and the masthead was bold to catch readers' attention. The product represented 15-25 year olds through bright colors, informal language, artists, and images of people in that age group. Bauer Publishing would be a suitable media institution to distribute the product since they publish a similar genre magazine. The target audience is 15-25 year old rock and indie music fans.
Basic concept of q cPrabhat PandeyQuality Circles began in Japan in 1962 as a way to improve quality and productivity by tapping into workers' creativity. A Quality Circle is a voluntary group of employees who meet regularly to discuss work-related issues and offer suggestions for improvements. The goal is to increase employee participation and motivation by giving them input into production processes. Quality Circles benefit companies by promoting self-development, teamwork, improved performance, and higher morale.
Administaff OverviewJMDeady- Administaff serves over 7,000 client companies and 118,000 employees across 50 states and is listed as one of Fortune's most admired companies for the past 4 years.
- It provides comprehensive HR outsourcing solutions including payroll, benefits administration, government compliance, training and development, and HR management.
- Administaff's personnel management system is designed to help clients improve business performance, retain top talent, and reduce HR-related costs and liabilities.
February 2014 Newletter (First for the year)JOHNLEACHThe document provides an update from missionaries in Chavuma, Zambia. It discusses their plans for 2014 including completing construction of a bush camp facility, assisting with maintenance projects, preparing boats and vehicles for outreach, and translating materials. Progress on projects is provided and challenges mentioned. Visitors assisting with the work are appreciated. Personal updates on family members involved in the mission are included. Photos are also shared from travels across Africa.
Formulario devolucionesangiedaianaEste documento contiene 20 registros de devoluciones de productos de clientes. Cada registro incluye la identificación del cliente, fecha de compra, fecha de devolución, referencia del producto devuelto y motivo de la devolución. Los motivos más comunes de devolución son que el producto se rompió, se descoloró o tenía algún defecto de calidad o cosido.
The hour bank(thb)SatisnetThe Hour Bank (THB) is a new concept developed by Satisnet engineers that allows subscribers unlimited access to a pool of skills and hours across various technologies for a flat monthly fee. Subscribers can access over 50,000 hours of skills in areas like e-commerce platforms, web development frameworks, graphic design, mobile app development and more. THB aims to provide flexibility and cost savings compared to traditional project staffing models. Satisnet is an IT services company based in India that developed THB and has the infrastructure to support over 100 developers.
Branding amilia astrom - the riverstreamemilia åströmThis document outlines how the author presents themselves online through branding, keywords, profiles, and a business card. It includes their logo, colors, fonts, profile picture, headers, and keywords they use across portfolio, blog, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Instead of a traditional business card, the author prints stickers with their logo and website to give out knowing most people check websites before contacting someone.
De lach door de jaren heen thijsvanraakThis is a link to a YouTube video but no other context is provided about the content or topic of the video. The document on its own does not contain enough information to generate an informative 3 sentence summary.
2. Теория реального конфликта Д.Кемпбелла Угроза материальному благополучию Межгрупповой конфликт Получение ресурсов
3. Ограниченные ресурсы Игра с «нулевой суммой» Ресурсы получает группа Конфликт интересов Отношение внутри группы Межгрупповой конфликт
4. Теория относительной депривации Человек знает, что другие группы получили вознаграждение Человек хочет сам получить его Человек полагает, что заслужил исполнение своего желания Относительная депривация
5. Угроза материальному благополучию Относительная депривация Межгрупповой конфликт Получение заслуженных ресурсов