Smartanalysis is a tachograph analysis and compliance management system. The document provides testimonials from several of Exentra's clients who use Smartanalysis. The clients praise Smartanalysis for providing clear, concise reports that help them manage drivers and fleets better to improve compliance. They also note benefits like reduced processing time, automatic report generation, and an easy to use system.
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What our clients say.
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What our clients say
Whos best suited to tell you how
useful Smartanalysis is?
Our clients, of course.
Heres what they have to say. Page 1 of 5
2. What our clients say
Turners We have worked
(Soham) Ltd with Exentra since
Fleet size: 1000+
2007, they provide
a good service and
Turners is one of the largest haulage have delivered a cost
companies in the UK. The companys
enviable reputation for providing
effective solution.
professional and innovative supply chain
solutions is based on extensive technical John Burbridge
Group Quality and Compliance Manager
and logistics experience in operating a fleet
that travels throughout the UK and Europe.
We take compliance very seriously at NFT. We
NFT have used Smartanalysis since 2007 and found
it to be the best solution for managing compliance. It
Fleet size: 100+
is also cost effective for our business. Exentra listened
NFT is a market leader in the provision of time critical, to our needs and were fully prepared to develop new
chilled logistics services to food and drink manufacturers software so that the driver debrief module fitted
and grocery retailers. with our business requirements.
Fleet Engineer
Virginia Logistics Smartanalysis is what it says it is Smart. The system
has benefited our company with cost savings across
Fleet size: 10+ many areas. It produces, clear and concise reports that
greatly assist in achieving our KPIs, whilst maintaining and
Virginia International Logistics is based in Ireland, they have improving our compliance. It helps us not only to manage
been in existence since the 1980s, and has grown to be one our drivers and fleet better, but also in driver debriefing
of the largest operators in Ireland. and training. I can highly recommend this system as a
major player and Exentra as a company that go the extra
mile to assist their customers at all times.
Jon Goodaker
Transport Operations Manager Page 2 of 5
3. What our clients say
GIST Great system to use
Fleet size: 1000+ and easy to follow.
Gist provides innovative bespoke supply chain solutions that
Helen Jarman
deliver cost savings, environmental benefits and competitive
Transport Manager
advantage. Gist Limited is a supply chain company with a history
spanning over 100 years serving a a wide range of commercial
and industrial sectors.
Immingham We moved to Smartanalysis during 2011 from one
of their competitors and have never regretted
Transport making the change. The reports from Smartanalysis are
very user friendly and that has allowed us to improve
Fleet size: <10 driver understanding in different areas. I would have
no hesitation in recommending Smartanalysis to any
Established in 2003, Immingham Transport Limited has developed company wishing to keep on the good side of VOSA.
into one of the largest privately owned transport and warehousing
providers in the Humber region, offering transport solutions Stewart Dalziel
throughout the whole of the UK. Director
Shearings Processing reports on the companys 450 drivers
was taking up to 17 hours to complete under our
Holidays former system. If we started at 4pm, they would be ready
at 9am the next day. The new system is much more
user friendly. Processing tachograph information now
Fleet size: 100+ takes around five minutes with Smartanalysis. Previously,
reports were all on paper and it could take four to eight
Shearings Holidays is a coach-based leisure company carrying days before you saw them.
holidaymakers to a variety of destinations throughout the UK
and Europe.
Paul Wharmby
Senior Transport Administrator
Redlynch Leisure Smartanalysis has removed the burden of
managing our compliance. Everything works
Fleet size: <10 in the background. I know our data is always
available and secure if the authorities want to see it.
Redlynch Leisure is a small family business that has been The reports on vehicle unit downloads, driver card
providing specialised construction services since 1997. downloads and drivers hours that are emailed to
This includes the installation of playground and sports equipment, me automatically give me everything I need so I can
safety surfacing and cleaning. Redlynch operate a small fleet of spend my time on the business.
HGVs to transport heavy and bulky materials and equipment to
the construction sites. Tina Harrison
Administration Director Page 3 of 5
4. What our clients say
ARR Craib Exentra process data from ARR Craibs 280 digital
and analogue tachographs every week. The
Fleet size: 100+ implementation of Smartanalysis was seamless, and the
reports have been set up to meet our exact requirements
The companys origins can be traced back to the 1970s in so that were now working with our drivers using
Aberdeen, when George Craib and Aberdeen Road Runners Ltd the most recent tachograph information.
operated as independent providers of haulage services to the
paper and oil & gas industries. The two companies merged in John Bain
1983 to form ARR Craib Transport Ltd. Finance Director
GB Tachopak GB Tachopak is proud to recommend
Smartanalysis. Our customers who use
Fleet size: N/A Smartanalysis find the product easy to use, whilst
supplying all the information required to ensure their
GB Tachopak provides tachograph compliance services and operation remains legal. The product and the backup
stationery product supplies to the UK road transport industry. service are second to none.
GB Tachopak supply Smartanalysis for both digital and
analogue customers and will continue to work with
Exentra to bring customers the product they need at the
best possible price.
Phil Latta
General Manager
PHS Datashred The Smartanalysis system provides us with a
comprehensive solution that allows us to analyse,
Fleet size: 100+ in full detail, how our drivers are complying with the
regulations, and provides us with the tools to act swiftly
PHS Datashred is one of the UKs leading providers of and decisively should any errors be identified.
on-site and off-site shredding services for confidential data
destruction, helping companies across the UK achieve Ian Walsh MInsTA
Data Protection Act compliance. Business Sector Transport Manager
We provide our customers with Smartanalysis
Graham Robison simply because it is the best and most easily
Transport accessible system on the market. The range of reports
available ensure you can find exactly what you are
Fleet size: N/A looking for and the staff are a pleasure to deal with,
quickly resolving any issues which may arise. We look
Founded over 20 years ago, Graham Robison Transport forward to developing our relationship with Exentra in the
(GRT) is a transport consultancy & training organisation future and continuing to use their excellent product.
specialising in all aspects of road transport legislation and
compliance. They offer end-to-end solutions for any road Scott Robison
transport operator in Scotland and North England. Business Development Manager Page 4 of 5
5. Powerful online driver debriefing tool
Automatic remote download of digital tachograph data
Tachograph analysis and compliance
management made easy
Online tool for managing employees driving licences Page 5 of 5