Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kuching, Malaysia
Im a Muslim & Im Proud
<3 we arE OnLy givEn tOday n nEva prOmisEd 2mOrrow..
sOo,, be surE 2 teLl Sum1 u lOve tHem..<3
<3 eyQa <3
<3 15 apriL_ma bpday <3
<3 simple gUrLz <3
<3 friendLy <3
<3 ALLAH <3
<3 pamiLy <3
<3 frentz <3
<3 him <3
<3 10.09.09<3
lorvE u babe!!
nothing special bout me If u want to know bout me, ask me. (Insyallah. saya lyn) haha
Im not a selfish or arrogant person. so don't worry maa.
I'm just hate people who always make me angry with their silly word! So, don't do that to me. :D i'm also a friendly person. I hate people who add me, just to increase their friends. Better don't add maa. Stop saying the weird word that will make me agry.
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