Want to know how to master the English language as a second language? Then here are ten tips you can follow that will help you to become an English master.
5. Focus on the
language you need
to do your job!
make a list of all the situations
you might 鍖nd yourself where
you need English
覓伎 伎 讌譴語!
覿 襦 覿殊
覦 覈 れ 襴ろ碁 襷れ 覲伎語.
6. Its not about how
much English you
know, its about
what you do
with the English
you know.
朱 襷 企ゼ 螻螳
覿 螻 企 覓伎 螳 譴.
7. "Buying a new
hammer isn't going
to make you a
good carpenter.
You've got to learn
the craft."
襦 襷豺襯 磯り 譬 覈螳 蟆 .
蠍一 磯伎 譬 覈螳 蟆企.
Merlin Mann
38. If we want more
detail well ask for it!
English is an action language.
Tell me:
How 覿 伎手鍵 誤 伎 螻 矩る,
れ 讌覓誤 蟆.
企 蟲豌伎 覲企慨る 襾殊 語伎.
覓伎 企至 蟆 讌, 語襯 襾殊 襷語.
39. What
do you want?
do you want it?
will it make things better?
覓伎, 蠏碁Μ螻 企至 螻 讌, 蠏碁Μ螻 蟆語
瑚讌襷朱 豢覿 企伎 給.