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Presentation gateshead
Presentation gateshead
Presentation gateshead
Presentation gateshead
Presentation gateshead

Missions and

Follow Up and

Parish and
Three Step Process

12 months prior to
Mission Week


Autumn 2011
Follow up weekend
December 2011

Strategy and Process in Gateshead
Year 8 retreats for the whole
year group over 4 nights with
Sixth Form Helpers.

Summer Festival at Youth
Village  50 students from
both schools

St Thomas More Blaydon Sixth Form
Retreat for 72 students

St Thomas More Catholic
School, Blaydon
Presentation gateshead
Presentation gateshead
Next steps: Deanery Group
Co-workers meet on a regular basis to develop
Youth Ministry in Gateshead
Diocesan opportunities for volunteering

Diocesan Youth Council  members from both schools
Youth Ministry Team Gap Year volunteers
Young entrepreneurs with St Cuthberts Care
CAFOD group
Lourdes volunteers from schools and parishes

I have enjoyed being a volunteer at Lourdes so
much this year. Although we go to Lourdes to help
and assist pilgrims, they in return help us. The
experience enables us to become more aware, to
stop our busy lives for a moment and reassess
what is truly important in life.'
Opportunities for volunteering with organisations

Gateshead Youth Assembly
Duke of Edinburgh Award
St John Ambulance
Fairtrade and Traidcraft
Shoe Box Appeal
Food Bank
Opportunities for volunteering
in the local community
 Choir performance in local care home

 SVP group including harvest collection for SVP soup kitchen in
 Volunteer gardeners at St Annes Church, Harlow Green,

supported by parishioners
 Sixth Form volunteers at a mother and toddler group in
St Wilfrids, Old Fold

 Sixth Form Community placements in primary schools, charity
shops, refugee and asylum seekers charities and care homes
Opportunities for volunteering
in the local community
 Fundraising events in parishes including Christmas fairs, cake
sales and afternoon tea dances

 Helping at Church services including altar servers, readers,
 Youth Band joining Churches Together at local supermarket

 Service Projects e.g. Peoples Kitchen, Justice and Peace
 Volunteering at Childrens Liturgy and Confirmation groups
 Individual volunteers
Helen volunteering in South Africa
How is volunteering encouraged?

Inviting young people to be part of something
Whole school encouragement
Fostering a culture of volunteering from a young age
Providing opportunities and life changing experiences
Inspiring by example and witness
Encouraging older young people to work with younger
Giving affirmation and practical support
Bringing adults and young people together
What encouraged you to volunteer?
To give something back to a world that has been so kind to me.

Hearing about people in need and knowing that I can help.

How can you grow in volunteering?
In your school you take part in various activities that habituate
you not to shut yourselves in on yourselves or in your small world,
but to be open to others, especially to the poorest and neediest,
to work to improve the world in which we live. Be men and
women with others and for others, real champions in the service
of others.
Pope Francis speaking to young people

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  • 10. STRATEGY -------- School Missions and Outreach Follow Up and Residential Retreats Parish and Deanery Youth Ministry
  • 11. Three Step Process 12 months prior to Mission Week Mission Experience Follow-up
  • 12. Missions Autumn 2011 Follow up weekend December 2011 Strategy and Process in Gateshead Year 8 retreats for the whole year group over 4 nights with Sixth Form Helpers. Summer Festival at Youth Village 50 students from both schools St Thomas More Blaydon Sixth Form Retreat for 72 students St Thomas More Catholic School, Blaydon
  • 15. Next steps: Deanery Group Co-workers meet on a regular basis to develop Youth Ministry in Gateshead
  • 16. Diocesan opportunities for volunteering Diocesan Youth Council members from both schools Youth Ministry Team Gap Year volunteers Young entrepreneurs with St Cuthberts Care CAFOD group Lourdes volunteers from schools and parishes I have enjoyed being a volunteer at Lourdes so much this year. Although we go to Lourdes to help and assist pilgrims, they in return help us. The experience enables us to become more aware, to stop our busy lives for a moment and reassess what is truly important in life.'
  • 17. Opportunities for volunteering with organisations Gateshead Youth Assembly Duke of Edinburgh Award St John Ambulance Fairtrade and Traidcraft Shoe Box Appeal Food Bank
  • 18. Opportunities for volunteering in the local community Choir performance in local care home SVP group including harvest collection for SVP soup kitchen in Wrekenton Volunteer gardeners at St Annes Church, Harlow Green, supported by parishioners Sixth Form volunteers at a mother and toddler group in St Wilfrids, Old Fold Sixth Form Community placements in primary schools, charity shops, refugee and asylum seekers charities and care homes
  • 19. Opportunities for volunteering in the local community Fundraising events in parishes including Christmas fairs, cake sales and afternoon tea dances Helping at Church services including altar servers, readers, musicians Youth Band joining Churches Together at local supermarket Service Projects e.g. Peoples Kitchen, Justice and Peace Volunteering at Childrens Liturgy and Confirmation groups Individual volunteers
  • 20. Helen volunteering in South Africa
  • 21. How is volunteering encouraged? Inviting young people to be part of something Whole school encouragement Fostering a culture of volunteering from a young age Providing opportunities and life changing experiences Inspiring by example and witness Encouraging older young people to work with younger Giving affirmation and practical support Bringing adults and young people together
  • 22. What encouraged you to volunteer? To give something back to a world that has been so kind to me. Helen Hearing about people in need and knowing that I can help. Leah How can you grow in volunteering? In your school you take part in various activities that habituate you not to shut yourselves in on yourselves or in your small world, but to be open to others, especially to the poorest and neediest, to work to improve the world in which we live. Be men and women with others and for others, real champions in the service of others. Pope Francis speaking to young people