Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
-Matthew 6:14-15
My nEm iZ fRanZeSs mEi
eM 16 yRz. oLd
╬ a kalej stUdENt ╬
♀married naq-haha♀
eM gUd bUt n0t aN aNgeL
eM helpful bUt n0t a sAmaritAn
eM fRiEndLy bUt n0t a d0g
eM sEriOus bUt hUmuRouZ
eM kind 2 aNimALZz! haHhaA..
I HatE iNsuLtinG nD 2 bE iNsuLted
I HatE 2 bE c0rRectEd
I HatE s0ciAL cLimbErz
I HatE gAya-gAya pErs0ns
I HatE bAcK bitErz (bUt I tnk dEm 4 mEkiNg mE p0puLar!)
I HatE c0ncEitEd
I HatE pLastiC fEfuL
I HatE gurLy stUfF
I HatE piNk
I HatE mAtHemAticZ
I HatE evEr
Users following Frances Serafin