Writing good test plan and writing good testsQingsong Yao1. The document discusses effective testing strategies, focusing on user scenario-driven testing. It emphasizes separating what will be tested from how it will be tested.
2. It recommends understanding the feature being tested by knowing how it will be implemented and identifying risks. An example lists potential risks and mitigation strategies.
3. The document outlines defining a test strategy that addresses risk areas and determines the appropriate balance of manual and automated testing. An example strategy is provided.
Testing and Test Constructionsongoten77The document discusses different types of tests, their purposes, and characteristics. It describes screening/admission tests which determine if a person has the required behavior to be successful in a program. Placement tests determine the appropriate level for a person in a program. Proficiency tests measure overall language ability compared to native speakers. Achievement tests determine if learning objectives have been achieved. The TOEFL test is provided as an example of a proficiency test. Guidelines for developing effective tests are also outlined.
Writing good test plan and writing good testsQingsong Yao1. The document discusses effective testing strategies, focusing on user scenario-driven testing. It emphasizes separating what will be tested from how it will be tested.
2. It recommends understanding the feature being tested by knowing how it will be implemented and identifying risks. An example lists potential risks and mitigation strategies.
3. The document outlines defining a test strategy that addresses risk areas and determines the appropriate balance of manual and automated testing. An example strategy is provided.
Testing and Test Constructionsongoten77The document discusses different types of tests, their purposes, and characteristics. It describes screening/admission tests which determine if a person has the required behavior to be successful in a program. Placement tests determine the appropriate level for a person in a program. Proficiency tests measure overall language ability compared to native speakers. Achievement tests determine if learning objectives have been achieved. The TOEFL test is provided as an example of a proficiency test. Guidelines for developing effective tests are also outlined.
Qualities of a good test (1)kimoyaThis document discusses key criteria for developing a valid test, including ensuring test items match instructional objectives and emphasis, including enough items to adequately measure objectives, achieving scorer agreement, having an appropriate difficulty level to differentiate performance, reliability in scoring, fairness for all test takers, providing sufficient time, and an absence of bias.
Characteristics of a good testALMA HERMOGINOA good test should have the following key characteristics:
1. It should be a valid instrument that accurately measures what it is intended to measure as evidenced by various types of validity like content validity.
2. It should be a reliable instrument that consistently measures constructs and yields similar results over time as determined through methods like test-retest reliability.
3. It should be objective by eliminating personal bias and opinions of scorers so that different scorers arrive at the same score.
Kinds of testing (2nd)Harry SubagyoThe document discusses the definition and purposes of language testing. It defines a test as an activity meant to convey how well a test-taker knows or can perform something. Tests serve several functions, including reinforcing learning, assessing student performance, and providing diagnostic information. There are two main types of assessment: formative, to check student progress, and summative, used at the end to measure achievement. The document also outlines five common types of language tests: proficiency, achievement, diagnostic, placement, and direct/indirect. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different testing methods.
Test construction editedArnel RiveraThe document provides an overview of effective test construction and evaluation. It discusses principles of test construction, the steps to prepare test questions, and examples of different question formats including multiple choice, true/false, matching, and essay. The presentation emphasizes designing valid and reliable assessments that accurately measure student learning.
Characteristics of a good testBoyet AluanA good test should be valid and reliable. Validity refers to how well a test measures what it intends to measure. There are three main types of validity: content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. Reliability refers to the consistency of test scores. Sources of measurement error can affect reliability. Reliability is estimated through methods like test-retest, parallel forms, and internal consistency. Item analysis evaluates item difficulty and discrimination to identify questions that need improvement.
stages of test constructionirshad narejoThe document outlines 9 stages of test construction: 1) Planning, 2) Preparing items, 3) Establishing validity, 4) Reliability, 5) Arranging items, 6) Writing directions, 7) Analyzing and revising, 8) Reproducing, and 9) Administering and scoring. It discusses key considerations at each stage such as writing items according to specifications, establishing content and criterion validity, determining reliability through various methods, and ensuring the test is objective, comprehensive, simple, and practical. The final stages cover arranging items by difficulty, providing clear directions, analyzing item performance, and properly administering the test.
Language TestingTeguh EkosetioLanguage testing involves developing and administering tests to evaluate an individual's proficiency in a language, including their knowledge, ability to discriminate, and different types of skills like achievement, proficiency, and aptitude. Tests are used to determine what a student has learned according to content standards and policies, and performance standards evaluate skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Language evaluation also gauges student growth and development against learning objectives.
Writing Identification TestsdessandreaPresentation regarding the definition of identification test; advantages & disadvantages; suggestions on how to make good tests.
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Test constructionMental Health Center1. The document outlines the process of test construction which involves preliminary considerations, reviewing the content domain, item/task writing, assessing content validity, revising items/tasks, field testing, revising based on field testing results, test assembly, selecting performance standards, pilot testing, and preparing manuals.
2. Key steps include specifying test purposes and intended examinees, reviewing content standards/objectives, drafting and editing items/tasks, evaluating items for validity and potential biases, conducting item analysis after field testing, revising or deleting weak items, assembling the final test, and collecting ongoing reliability and validity data.
3. Item analysis involves both qualitative review of item content and format as well as quantitative analysis
Test construction 2Arnel RiveraThe document provides guidelines for constructing different types of test questions including matching, sentence completion, essay, and other question types. It discusses principles such as ensuring questions are clear, focused, and at an appropriate level for students. The document emphasizes that creating good tests takes time but plays an important role in evaluation. It also notes that breaking rules is acceptable when one has a good reason.
Test construction 1Arnel RiveraThe document discusses best practices for constructing tests and writing test questions. It provides guidelines for developing multiple choice, true/false, matching, and essay questions. Key aspects addressed include writing clear questions, avoiding negatives, ensuring answer options are similar in length and structure, and using distractors that could plausibly be chosen. The document emphasizes the importance of validity, reliability, and usability in test design.
1. 14.2. Эквивалентная схема приемной антенны.
Выражение (14.1.8.) напоминает собой закон Ома и может быть проиллюстрировано
эквивалентной схемой приемной антенны, последовательный переход к которой показан на
Рис. 14.2.
На этой схеме εА - ЭДС приемной антенны; ZА - внутреннее сопротивление антенны,
которое в общем случае содержит как активную, так. и реактивную составляющие:
ZA=RA+jXA, (14.2.1.)
Z - сопротивление нагрузки антенны, соединенной с приемником через фидер.