Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Brussels Area, Belgium Belgium
Software Integration Engineer
Main skills:
* WebServices integration with telephony (REST/JSON, JSON-RPC, SOAP, XML-RPC)
* Specific Web telephony applications: dynamic callrouting, feedback forms... (jQuery+Django+XiVO)
* Custom reports: call center analysis, billing...
* Contributor in the XiVO software (Python, PHP, C++/Qt)
* System administrator on Debian and CentOS
* Project management with Redmine
* Version control system with Git and Subversion
* Good knowledge of Free/Open Source software community and licenses
Past skills:
* Open Source CMS integration (Joomla, eZ Publish (Certified), Drupal)
* Advanced search with Solr
* Development with Zend Framework
* Open Source eCommerce (VirtueMart, Mage
Contact Details