This document summarizes Regina Gong's work as a librarian and OER project manager at Lansing Community College, and her PhD studies at Michigan State University. As project manager, she helped lead LCC's successful adoption of open educational resources, with support from faculty and administration. For her dissertation, she is researching the roles, contributions, challenges, and sense of empowerment of women of color librarians leading OER projects at community colleges. Her goal is to conduct open research that makes knowledge accessible to all without barriers.
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I’ll Get By With a LittleHelp from my GO-GN Friends
1. I’ll Get By With a Little
Help from my GO-GN
Regina Gong, Librarian and OER Project Manager
Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI
Ph.D Student in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education (HALE) Program
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2. My Work
• Administrator – Librarian at
Lansing Community College
• Started in 2010
• OER Project Manager in 2015
• LCC is a state and national
leader in OER adoptions
3. down arrow by Misha from the Noun Project
Move Up by ImageCatalog from the Noun Project
Circle by Xinh Studio from the Noun Project
Our Success
• Top down and
bottom up support
• Mostly all faculty
have drank the OER
6. Photo by felipe lopez on Unsplas
Spring 2020 (January) Comprehensive exam
Fall 2020 coursework done
Spring 2021 dissertation proposal
Fall 2022 defend dissertation
7. Women of color librarians
leading OER projects
in community colleges:
roles, contributions,
challenges, and sense of
Photo by Juan Marin on Unsplash
9. • Narrowing down my
• Formulating research
• Framework
10. Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash
What does open
research mean to me?
• Knowledge for all
• Information wants to be
• Access without barriers
• Transparency in my
research process
• Active seeking of
community feedback
Located in downtown Lansing and was founded in 1957. LCC is the third largest community college in the state of Michigan and serves students in both credit and noncredit courses. LCC offers more than 230 Associate Degree and Certificate Programs. The College encompasses a service area of 6 counties and serves approximately 20,000 students each year. The College was the first College in the State of Michigan to offer online degrees. LCC offers more than 250 courses online and 26 associate degrees and certificates can be earned through online study.
Librarians at two-year institutions are at the forefront of OER project leadership. Whether they are the ones leading the OER projects at their institutions or part of a larger committee within the college, they play a significant role in educating, training, supporting, advocating OER to various stakeholders on campus. Yet, even as they are the ones leading these OER initiatives, this work sits on top of their already full plates and largely under-supported.
Arlie Hochschild (1983/2012) developed the theory of emotional labor based on an ethnographic study of employees. However, most of the theory rests on Hochschild's analysis of airline industry employee expectations. Through embedded observations, interviews, and document analysis, Hochschild found that flight attendants were ordered to create a welcoming, homely environment for passengers, especially the repeat (often male) business passengers. Hochschild described how female airline attendants were trained and rewarded for displaying a friendly face and a caring disposition while their physical, technical, and mental labor was downplayed.
In terms of emotional labor, this theory suggests that employers tap into and exploit employee's emotional resources (e.g., happiness, servitude, graciousness).
This is similar to what librarians face in the profession. Librarians have a vocational attachment to their work and there’s this implied expectation that we should be of service to others and do it with a smile
Extension of my work as a librarian and the values espouse