Toulouse Area, France France
Commercial Engineer Architecture and Building at –––– ARICAD ––––– The•first•French•AUTODESK•Platinum•Partner
Technology / Software / Internet
‡ News ‡ :
Accompanying BIM phase APD / PRO by AriCad agency of ‘Sous Direction Sol CNES Toulouse’ for the ‘Ensemble de lancement n°4’ of Ariane 6 Centre Spatial Guyanais (ELA4 Ariane 6 CSG) came to an end with success.
In parralelle, we deployed the solution BIMVIEW ENTERPRISE ( to communicate on all digital models of Ariane 6 ELA 4 CSG to all project stakeholders.
Next step: The BIM accompaniment EXE stage start!
Σ My skills Σ :
Passionate about business, I would describe myself as someone fairly positive and tenacious.
(I have the "never give up" attitude)
The domains:
Business Manager / Business Engineer / Software Engineer / High Technology
As Engi...