This document discusses wealth and the desire to be rich. It notes that while wealth itself is not evil and can be a gift from God, the desire to be rich can take one's focus away from God. References are made to passages in the Bible such as 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Matthew 5:23-26, and Ecclesiastes 5:10-17 that discuss the difficulties of the rich entering heaven and wealth not satisfying one. The rich man from Luke 12:13-21 is used as an example of one who focused on himself rather than God.
Those who desire to be rich
1 T i m . 6 : 6 - 1 0
There are those that are rich
There are those that desire to be rich
There are those that are truly rich
M a t t . 5 : 2 3 - 2 6
It is hard for a rich man to ender the kingdom of heaven
What does the rich man look like today?
Ecclesiastes 5:19
p i e r c e d t h e m s e l v e s
t h r o u g h w i t h m a n y
s o r r o w s
Wealth is a gift from God.
Wealth in itself is not evil.
Ecc. 5:19
Wealth does not satisfy
Ecc. 5:10-17
The laboring man can find
some satisfaction
Ecc. 5:12
Desire to Be Rich Toward God
Luke 12:13-21
The rich man focused on taking care of himself. He did not have a
single thought about God.
Perhaps we something similar. We decide, once I build my barns, then I
will focus on the Lord.
I will just focus on school right now. Once I get my degree
then Ill focus on the Lord again.
I will just focus on my career right now. Once I get
established then Ill focus on the Lord again.
I will focus on my childrens financial future right now.
Once I get them a good financial start then Ill focus on the
Lord again.
You cannot serve God and mammon. (Luke 16:13)