2. JavaScript Object Notation
1. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text format for the
serialization of structured data. It comes from object literals in
2. JSON can represent four primitive types (strings, numbers,
booleans, and null) and two structured types (objects and arrays).
3. A string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters.
4. An object is an unordered collection of zero or more name/value
pairs, where a name is a string and a value is a string, number,
boolean, null, object, or array. An array is an ordered sequence of
zero or more values.
5. JSON's design goals were for it to be minimal, portable, textual,
and a subset of JavaScript.
3. About JSON
Requires name:value pairs
Serializes data
Smaller file size, fast
Made of Arrays and Objects
Subset of JavaScript
Plays well with jQuery
4. Working with JSON
Like XML, JSON can be a text file as in
JSON usually comes from a server such as
6. Creating JSON
1. Create a file and call it contacts.json
2. Type Name="Your Name Here"
3. Replace this with an array Contacts=["your name","
4. Turn the Array into an Object by replacing the [ ] with { }
and adding name:value pairs Contacts = {"Name": "your
name","Address": "123 Main Street","Phone Numbers":
7. Creating JSON (p2)
1. Contacts can now be used. Copy the code between the {
} and paste it into http://jsonlint.com and click validate
2. If it is correct then it will say Valid JSON Modify the JSON until it
3. Add 2 more people to the Contacts JSON file and
validate it.
8. Creating JSON (p3)
1. contacts.json can now be used in a web application as it is.
2. You can also declare a JavaScript variable with it like this:
var Contacts = {"Name": "your name","Address": "123 Main Street","Phone
Numbers": ["714-432-1234", "714-8310-9754", "714-765-4534"]};
3. Copy the above variable, and open the Chrome web browser
4. Right-click on the page and select Inspect Element, then click the Console
5. Paste the JavaScript variable into the console and press enter. Then type
6. Notice the Object {Name: "your name", Address: "123 Main Street", Phone Numbers: Array[3]}
7. Open the Object and find the phone numbers inside it
9. Review
JSON is widely used
The syntax is simple and easily readable
It is light-weight and great for using in AJAX-
driven User Interfaces such as those created
with jQuery UI