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Organization / Workplace
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Coach, Creativist & Course Leader at Intunity Coaches, www.IntunityCoaches.com
Being devoted to people and people's growth, and a life-long learner and explorer of human relationships, I appreciate life as a process of discovering, revealing and most of all expressing the beautiful nature of every human being. Thus I currently put my heart into each of these professional areas: ~ Coaching people on expressing their authentic self and on creating balance and fulfillment in their personal and professional life; working with leaders who are devoted to continuous learning and growth, and always strive for excellence. ~ Crafting and conducting state-of-the-art workshops on self development, leadership and soft skills, integrating the coaching approach with our so cal.
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舒亰亞仂于仂亳  亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂亰亠仆亳 (于 仂亠亰亳) 仂 弌仆仂舒舒亰亞仂于仂亳  亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂亰亠仆亳 (于 仂亠亰亳) 仂 弌仆仂舒
舒亰亞仂于仂亳 亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂亰亠仆亳 (于 仂亠亰亳) 仂 弌仆仂舒
Intunity Coaches Resources - 仂亳仆亞 仗仂亠
Intunity Coaches Resources - 仂亳仆亞 仗仂亠Intunity Coaches Resources - 仂亳仆亞 仗仂亠
Intunity Coaches Resources - 仂亳仆亞 仗仂亠


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舒 仗亠亠于亳亠仂 Intunity Coaches速 ~ 仗亠于仂亟亳亠仍
舒 仗亠亠于亳亠仂 Intunity Coaches速 ~ 仗亠于仂亟亳亠仍舒 仗亠亠于亳亠仂 Intunity Coaches速 ~ 仗亠于仂亟亳亠仍
舒 仗亠亠于亳亠仂 Intunity Coaches速 ~ 仗亠于仂亟亳亠仍
舒亰亞仂于仂亳 亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂 亠 仂仍礆舒舒 亳 ? (仂亠仄于亳 '2014)
舒亰亞仂于仂亳  亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂 亠 仂仍礆舒舒 亳 ? (仂亠仄于亳 '2014)舒亰亞仂于仂亳  亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂 亠 仂仍礆舒舒 亳 ? (仂亠仄于亳 '2014)
舒亰亞仂于仂亳 亠亳 舒于仍仂于舒: 仂 亠 仂仍礆舒舒 亳 ? (仂亠仄于亳 '2014)
Intunity Coaches Causes & JA Bulgaria Initiative
Intunity Coaches Causes & JA Bulgaria InitiativeIntunity Coaches Causes & JA Bulgaria Initiative
Intunity Coaches Causes & JA Bulgaria Initiative