Brad McDaniel explains how there are certain things you can and cannot do in patient collections (legally anyway), and most of the most common legal efforts are ineffective. Patient collections needs to be re-considered on several fronts
MBA 603 Ethical Decision-Making in the Global Arena Week Three .docxandreecapon
MBA 603 Ethical Decision-Making in the Global Arena Week Three Lecture Notes and Reading Assignment
You have probably heard the term corporate social responsibility and have a general idea of what it means. Another term that is beginning to be used instead of corporate social responsibility is corporate citizenship, which kind of takes the ethical component of CSR out, and then business citizenship, which puts it back in. So you are to read Business Citizenship: from Individuals to Organizations, by Wood and Logsdon. You should be able to find it in Proquest in the Marist online library.
You also need to read What Stakeholder Theory Is Not, by Robert Phillips, R. Edward Freeman, and Andrew C. Wicks. Its in Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 13(4), pp. 479-502 (Oct. 2003). You can find it in our online library by going to ABI Inform or Business Premier or any of the big scholarly journal databases. You need to pay particular attention to the definitions of normative stakeholders, derivative stakeholders, primary stakeholders, and secondary stakeholders. You also need to get a firm grip on the idea that stakeholder management doesnt mean managing the means managing the corporation in a way that distributes the benefits and detriments of the corporations activities in an ethically acceptable manner, both for the good of society, the protection of stakeholders who deserve protection, and the preservation of the social legitimacy of the corporation in the eyes of its customers and the public in general.
But then there is the issue of how YOU, as an individual decisionmaker, might approach an ethical problem. An ethical problem is one which involves conflict: either because two opposite courses of action both seem like the right one, but you cant do both; or because a contemplated course of action provides significant short term good for you, but significant harm for others; or because a course of action which you know to be the just or moral one will subject you to significant disadvantage or harm; or because to YOU one course of action seems clearly right and ethical, whereas to another involved person, a different course of action seems like the right and ethical, or at least not unethical.
So the question is: how can such conflicts be resolved?
Here are three possibilities:
ONE: The Full Harm Picture
First, I think that the stakeholder approach (which we havent gotten to yet, but many of you probably know what it is, and if you dont, use the online library to find out!!!) IS very useful in this area because it prods us to list all the people/entities who have a STAKE in what the corporation does: who either stand to BENEFIT from what the corporation does, or who stand to be HARMED by what the corporation does.
And in many cases, flawed ethical decisionmaking comes from failing to first sit down and make a VERY COMPLETE list of all the people and/or entities who ...
Turn Wishes Into Choices For Automatic SuccessGeorge Hutton
If you've got a wish, you're depending on somebody else. If you've got a choice, it's up to you, and much more likely to happen. Learn More :
The document discusses various ways to make money online, focusing on selling digital information products. It recommends finding products that solve people's problems in specific niches. These types of products are easy to acquire, cheap to deliver, and highly profitable. The document provides examples of profitable niches and information products, and advises readers to locate target customers, provide a product that solves their problem, collect payments automatically, and deliver the product digitally.
The document summarizes key points from a talk by Dan Ariely on behavioral economics and irrational decision making. [1] Vision can strongly influence judgments through illusions, like perceiving different lengths or colors based on background. [2] "Default" options, like opt-in vs opt-out organ donation, significantly impact choices by exploiting human tendency to pick the easier option. [3] Even professionals make irrational lapses, like surgeons not exploring alternative treatments due to complexity. Happiness depends more on relative salary than absolute salary. Preferences are influenced by how choices are framed through comparison.
Executive training for Talentelle leaderssuperpeter
The document provides advice and recommendations for achieving business success and financial freedom, including developing a single great idea, focusing on innovation and customer value, improving thinking through reading books, and leveraging the internet. It emphasizes intellectual freedom through developing problem-solving skills as key to financial success.
One day you wake up and you your throat hurts a little bit. Instead of just brushing it off or asking an actual medical professional, you decide to take things into your own hands and use the power of the internet. Next thing you know, you are writing up a will because you are convinced youre dying of cancer.
This is just one of the issues with sites such as WebMD. The overall problem with it, is the fact that although it is a good idea in theory to help people improve their health, it is actually ending up making people less healthy.
Partnering with Health Systems: Potholes and Pitfalls on the road from Custom...Levi Shapiro
Partnering with Health Systems: Potholes and Pitfalls on the road from Customer to Partner. Presentation by Dr. Ilan Rubinfeld, Associate CMIO, Henry Ford Health System.
The document discusses the inherent differences between startups and healthcare systems that can lead to conflict and friction in partnerships. It notes that startups are nimble with high risk tolerance and short horizons, while healthcare systems are slow, risk-averse, and have long planning horizons. The document provides strategies for startups and healthcare systems to find common ground and run successful projects, including understanding each other's perspectives, conducting realistic assessments of costs and timelines, and focusing on mutual interests rather than positions.
This document contains excerpts from a presentation on overcoming fear of rejection in business. It discusses how fear of rejection prevents people from achieving their goals, and provides strategies for inviting rejection to overcome that fear. The strategies include getting used to rejection to the point that it no longer bothers you, then turning it to your advantage, and eventually having fun with rejection. The document also discusses how most salespeople give up after only a few rejections, but many customers say no multiple times before agreeing. It encourages viewing rejection as empowering rather than draining.
What most people do wrong in internet and how to avoid their mistakesartp
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like emphasizing SEO over revenue generation. The key is to only engage in activities that are profitable.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action. It's better to find one idea to implement thoroughly.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay taking action, which is worse than making a wrong decision since indecision prevents progress.
4. Some believe affiliate marketing is easier than other models when it actually faces more competition and requires different skills rather
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from an affiliate marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits. The key is to only do things that generate revenue.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action on one strategy. It's better to pick one idea and fully implement it.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay taking action, when quick decisions are better than no decision at all.
4. Some see affiliate marketing as inherently "easier" than other models,
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits.
2. Attendees often take too many notes at seminars and feel overwhelmed instead of taking focused action on one promising idea.
3. Many people hesitate to make decisions quickly, delaying their progress in internet marketing.
4. Some mistakenly think affiliate marketing is easier than other models, when it actually has more competition due to lower barriers to entry.
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits. The key is to only do things that generate revenue.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action on one idea. It's better to pick one idea and dedicate time to implementing it.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay choices, when quick decisions are better even if imperfect. Slow decisions can't be fixed but wrong calls often can be corrected.
4. Some see
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits.
2. Attendees often take too many notes at seminars and feel overwhelmed instead of taking focused action on one promising idea.
3. Many people hesitate to make decisions quickly, delaying their progress in internet marketing.
4. Some mistakenly think affiliate marketing is easier than other models, when it actually has more competition due to lower barriers to entry.
The Stupid Simple Secret To Consistent SuccessGeorge Hutton
Most people, after they've achieved massive amounts of financial, business, and relationship success look back and are amazed at just how simple it really is. To learn more, please visit
The document discusses the author's distrust of financial institutions and banks, seeing them as greedy entities that manipulate ordinary people and rely on hiding behind fancy offices. The author notes that banks continue to raise fees and rates with no end in sight, while the government that is supposed to protect citizens is in bed with these banks. The author aims to help readers get out of debt and stay out of debt through a common sense approach focusing on spending less than one earns.
Jobstreet Annual Sales Convention - Success In SalesKenny Ong
The document summarizes key concepts and "laws" for success in sales, including beginning the new year with dreams, attitude, habits, and relationships. It provides tips for managing relationships, communication, personality and potential. Specific sales techniques are outlined, like asking questions, avoiding "no", using comparisons, and reciprocity. The document ends by emphasizing making the new year significant.
This document discusses two mental triggers that top loan officers use to increase their commissions and referrals while working less. The triggers are:
1. Creating an "Ethos Effect" where clients perceive the loan officer as a trusted expert who has their best interests in mind.
2. Causing a "Power Shift" where clients no longer see a loan as just rates and fees, but how it can help with bigger goals like retirement or education.
It explains that top producers master triggering these effects to set themselves apart from competitors and reduce rate shopping. The document proposes there is an easy way for other loan officers to quickly create the same trusted advisor perception through a new system.
The Easy Secret To Success In All Areas Of Life - For Real!George Hutton
Getting what you want is pretty easy. The strategy is simple, and with a few mind shifts you'll be on your way to creating anything you want. To learn more, please visit
How to Pitch Your Shareholders Like the Media (and get support for your ideas) Terri Trespicio
The document provides tips for pitching ideas to shareholders or other stakeholders in a way that engages their attention and meets their needs. It advises framing the pitch around what the stakeholder wants, not what you want, by highlighting how the idea solves their problems or helps them achieve their goals. Pitches are more likely to succeed by making the idea intriguing rather than complicated, focusing on benefits for the stakeholder rather than your own efforts, and offering a range of solutions rather than a single idea.
The ABC of Exchange Traded Funds - TOI 11 November 2008Shruti Jain
This document provides tips for changing a boring job into an interesting one by making changes from within. It suggests being proactive in implementing solutions to problems, changing one's perspective to focus on original reasons for liking the job, bringing about real positive changes discussed with managers, reinventing work processes innovatively, ensuring managers notice good work through subtle feedback, addressing issues with difficult colleagues, and avoiding quitting which is not always the best solution. The last section discusses lessons learned from past financial mistakes like overspending, reckless investing, and not saving adequately for the future. It emphasizes the importance of saving during good times, resisting temptation to make major investment changes, only purchasing what is truly needed, and selectively considering advice from others.
The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a paper writing request on the site. It involves a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review writer bids and choose one to complete the assignment. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the guarantee of a refund if plagiarized.
One day you wake up and you your throat hurts a little bit. Instead of just brushing it off or asking an actual medical professional, you decide to take things into your own hands and use the power of the internet. Next thing you know, you are writing up a will because you are convinced youre dying of cancer.
This is just one of the issues with sites such as WebMD. The overall problem with it, is the fact that although it is a good idea in theory to help people improve their health, it is actually ending up making people less healthy.
Partnering with Health Systems: Potholes and Pitfalls on the road from Custom...Levi Shapiro
Partnering with Health Systems: Potholes and Pitfalls on the road from Customer to Partner. Presentation by Dr. Ilan Rubinfeld, Associate CMIO, Henry Ford Health System.
The document discusses the inherent differences between startups and healthcare systems that can lead to conflict and friction in partnerships. It notes that startups are nimble with high risk tolerance and short horizons, while healthcare systems are slow, risk-averse, and have long planning horizons. The document provides strategies for startups and healthcare systems to find common ground and run successful projects, including understanding each other's perspectives, conducting realistic assessments of costs and timelines, and focusing on mutual interests rather than positions.
This document contains excerpts from a presentation on overcoming fear of rejection in business. It discusses how fear of rejection prevents people from achieving their goals, and provides strategies for inviting rejection to overcome that fear. The strategies include getting used to rejection to the point that it no longer bothers you, then turning it to your advantage, and eventually having fun with rejection. The document also discusses how most salespeople give up after only a few rejections, but many customers say no multiple times before agreeing. It encourages viewing rejection as empowering rather than draining.
What most people do wrong in internet and how to avoid their mistakesartp
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like emphasizing SEO over revenue generation. The key is to only engage in activities that are profitable.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action. It's better to find one idea to implement thoroughly.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay taking action, which is worse than making a wrong decision since indecision prevents progress.
4. Some believe affiliate marketing is easier than other models when it actually faces more competition and requires different skills rather
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from an affiliate marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits. The key is to only do things that generate revenue.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action on one strategy. It's better to pick one idea and fully implement it.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay taking action, when quick decisions are better than no decision at all.
4. Some see affiliate marketing as inherently "easier" than other models,
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits.
2. Attendees often take too many notes at seminars and feel overwhelmed instead of taking focused action on one promising idea.
3. Many people hesitate to make decisions quickly, delaying their progress in internet marketing.
4. Some mistakenly think affiliate marketing is easier than other models, when it actually has more competition due to lower barriers to entry.
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits. The key is to only do things that generate revenue.
2. Attendees often take too many notes and feel overwhelmed afterwards instead of taking focused action on one idea. It's better to pick one idea and dedicate time to implementing it.
3. Many people hesitate in decision making and delay choices, when quick decisions are better even if imperfect. Slow decisions can't be fixed but wrong calls often can be corrected.
4. Some see
The document summarizes common mistakes people make in internet marketing based on observations from a marketing seminar.
1. Some people focus too much on activities that don't directly make money, like optimizing websites solely for search engine rankings rather than profits.
2. Attendees often take too many notes at seminars and feel overwhelmed instead of taking focused action on one promising idea.
3. Many people hesitate to make decisions quickly, delaying their progress in internet marketing.
4. Some mistakenly think affiliate marketing is easier than other models, when it actually has more competition due to lower barriers to entry.
The Stupid Simple Secret To Consistent SuccessGeorge Hutton
Most people, after they've achieved massive amounts of financial, business, and relationship success look back and are amazed at just how simple it really is. To learn more, please visit
The document discusses the author's distrust of financial institutions and banks, seeing them as greedy entities that manipulate ordinary people and rely on hiding behind fancy offices. The author notes that banks continue to raise fees and rates with no end in sight, while the government that is supposed to protect citizens is in bed with these banks. The author aims to help readers get out of debt and stay out of debt through a common sense approach focusing on spending less than one earns.
Jobstreet Annual Sales Convention - Success In SalesKenny Ong
The document summarizes key concepts and "laws" for success in sales, including beginning the new year with dreams, attitude, habits, and relationships. It provides tips for managing relationships, communication, personality and potential. Specific sales techniques are outlined, like asking questions, avoiding "no", using comparisons, and reciprocity. The document ends by emphasizing making the new year significant.
This document discusses two mental triggers that top loan officers use to increase their commissions and referrals while working less. The triggers are:
1. Creating an "Ethos Effect" where clients perceive the loan officer as a trusted expert who has their best interests in mind.
2. Causing a "Power Shift" where clients no longer see a loan as just rates and fees, but how it can help with bigger goals like retirement or education.
It explains that top producers master triggering these effects to set themselves apart from competitors and reduce rate shopping. The document proposes there is an easy way for other loan officers to quickly create the same trusted advisor perception through a new system.
The Easy Secret To Success In All Areas Of Life - For Real!George Hutton
Getting what you want is pretty easy. The strategy is simple, and with a few mind shifts you'll be on your way to creating anything you want. To learn more, please visit
How to Pitch Your Shareholders Like the Media (and get support for your ideas) Terri Trespicio
The document provides tips for pitching ideas to shareholders or other stakeholders in a way that engages their attention and meets their needs. It advises framing the pitch around what the stakeholder wants, not what you want, by highlighting how the idea solves their problems or helps them achieve their goals. Pitches are more likely to succeed by making the idea intriguing rather than complicated, focusing on benefits for the stakeholder rather than your own efforts, and offering a range of solutions rather than a single idea.
The ABC of Exchange Traded Funds - TOI 11 November 2008Shruti Jain
This document provides tips for changing a boring job into an interesting one by making changes from within. It suggests being proactive in implementing solutions to problems, changing one's perspective to focus on original reasons for liking the job, bringing about real positive changes discussed with managers, reinventing work processes innovatively, ensuring managers notice good work through subtle feedback, addressing issues with difficult colleagues, and avoiding quitting which is not always the best solution. The last section discusses lessons learned from past financial mistakes like overspending, reckless investing, and not saving adequately for the future. It emphasizes the importance of saving during good times, resisting temptation to make major investment changes, only purchasing what is truly needed, and selectively considering advice from others.
The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a paper writing request on the site. It involves a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review writer bids and choose one to complete the assignment. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the guarantee of a refund if plagiarized.
Acute & Chronic Inflammation, Chemical mediators in Inflammation and Wound he...Ganapathi Vankudoth
A complete information of Inflammation, it includes types of Inflammation, purpose of Inflammation, pathogenesis of acute inflammation, chemical mediators in inflammation, types of chronic inflammation, wound healing and Inflammation in skin repair, phases of wound healing, factors influencing wound healing and types of wound healing.
Solubilization in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts, Mechanisms & Enhancement...KHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides an in-depth understanding of solubilization and its critical role in pharmaceutical formulations. It covers:
Definition & Mechanisms of Solubilization
Role of surfactants, micelles, and bile salts in drug solubility
Factors affecting solubilization (pH, polarity, particle size, temperature, etc.)
Methods to enhance drug solubility (Buffers, Co-solvents, Surfactants, Complexation, Solid Dispersions)
Advanced approaches (Polymorphism, Salt Formation, Co-crystallization, Prodrugs)
This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical scientists, formulation experts, regulatory professionals, and students interested in improving drug solubility and bioavailability.
Title: Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption A Comprehensive Overview
This lecture provides a detailed and structured explanation of the mechanisms regulating tubular reabsorption in the kidneys. It explores how different physiological and hormonal factors influence glomerular filtration and reabsorption rates, ensuring fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
Who Should Read This?
This presentation is designed for:
鏝 Medical Students (MBBS, BDS, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences) preparing for physiology exams.
鏝 Medical Educators & Professors looking for structured teaching material.
鏝 Healthcare Professionals (doctors, nephrologists, and physiologists) seeking a refresher on renal physiology.
鏝 Postgraduate Students & Researchers in the field of medical sciences and physiology.
What Youll Learn:
Local Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Glomerulo-Tubular Balance its mechanism and clinical significance
鏝 Net reabsorptive forces affecting peritubular capillaries
鏝 Role of peritubular hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
Hormonal Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Effects of Aldosterone, Angiotensin II, ADH, and Natriuretic Peptides
鏝 Clinical conditions like Addisons disease & Conn Syndrome
鏝 Mechanisms of pressure natriuresis and diuresis
Nervous System Regulation
鏝 Sympathetic Nervous System activation and its effects on sodium reabsorption
Clinical Correlations & Case Discussions
鏝 How renal regulation is altered in hypertension, hypotension, and proteinuria
鏝 Comparison of Glomerulo-Tubular Balance vs. Tubulo-Glomerular Feedback
This presentation provides detailed diagrams, flowcharts, and calculations to enhance understanding and retention. Whether you are studying, teaching, or practicing medicine, this lecture will serve as a valuable resource for mastering renal physiology.
Keywords for Easy Search:
#Physiology #RenalPhysiology #TubularReabsorption #GlomeruloTubularBalance #HormonalRegulation #MedicalEducation #Nephrology
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TunesKit Spotify Converter is a software tool that allows users to convert and download Spotify music to various formats, such as MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV. It is particularly useful for Spotify users who want to keep their favorite tracks offline and have them in a more accessible format, especially if they wish to listen to them on devices that do not support the Spotify app.
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At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
Chair, Grzegorz (Greg) S. Nowakowski, MD, FASCO, discusses diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in this CME activity titled Addressing Unmet Needs for Better Outcomes in DLBCL: Leveraging Prognostic Assessment and Off-the-Shelf Immunotherapy Strategies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aid, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 27, 2026.
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
Explore the impact of thyroid disorders in pregnancy, including causes, risks, diagnosis, and management strategies to ensure maternal and fetal health.
2. Review of Other eBooks In This Series
Getting paid often comes down to a set of certain
psychology triggers.
Simple Psychology
The Rosenthal Effect
You tend to get paid what you expect to get paid.
Getting paid is more about respect than money.
People have money, they just arent paying you.
The Revenue Funnel Leakage
If youll think of your practice as a revenue funnel,
then you have leakage in both your front & back
of鍖ce. Heres how to 鍖x them.
3. Mind Games: Wagging, Barking & Biting
It is mainly wagging and barking, not biting that
gets people to pay.
If you could bite - what would that be exactly?
But lets just ask the question
What is the worst thing you can do
to a patient if they dont pay their
bill on timelegally?
4. Biting Options:
You cant yell, cuss, threaten, insult (FDCPA*)
You cant show up at their house or work (FDCPA)
You cant put them in Debtors Prison (sorry)
* The FDCPA, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,
wont allow you to do these things (as fun or stress-
relieving as they might be).
5. Stop service (if you can)
Ding their credit
Take them to court
So What CAN You Do?
- Its time consuming,
- No your agency doesnt do this for you,
- If the patient ever does pay you, its excruciatingly hard to reverse,
- But the *real* kicker is that
Recovery rates go DOWN when you ding their credit.
- Its time consuming,
- No your agency doesnt do this for you unless the balance is huge,
- You will easily win the case, but all you will get from your trouble is a
piece of paper (a judgement),
- So the *real* kicker is that
Hardly any money is ever collected from court cases with patients.
6. Conclusion:
It might feel good to penalize people who dont pay
you (aka steal from you), but its not cost-effective.
7. Another Option:
What if you did nothing at all to change your
patient collection strategies?
How long could you survive the current
healthcare environment?
8. Want to learn how to re-train your patient
base to actually pay you?
We have apps for that!
To see them in action, just set a demo!
Do it now!
Brad McDaniel, MBA
9. Who else in your of鍖ce should be reading
Send them the link RIGHT NOW!