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Psychology applied to UX
     Social Usability

                           Gianandrea Giacoma
1. What's going on between Psychology and UX?

2. The user as a psychological and social system

3. For example... UXD into Enterprise 2.0

4. It's just the begining
1. What's going on between
    Psychology and UX?
Psychology  IxD  UXD
Donald Norman
Persuasive Design

 Social Interfaces

Change Behaviours
BJ Fogg
Stanford University
"..as interaction designers, our medium is not technology  it's behavior."

 Robert Fabricant
Frog Design - Vice President of Creative
Andy Budd
Founding Partner of Clearleft
Ux conf 2010
Ux conf 2010
What's happening?
2. The user as a
psychological and social system
The digital interactions make the mental world pragmatically more realistic

What is real?
Co-evolution between man and cognitive technologies
The cognitive artifact extend
  the cognitive processes
Extended Mind or extended Psyche?
Memory extensions
Share knowledge
The emotional role of the personal diary
              for a teen

           The multitasking
The social networks expand social dynamics
New channels of socialization
diffused identity
Social Presence

Diffused and co-created identities
Human  Machine

Human  Machine  Human
The middle earth of interaction is richer of psychological and social variables
The UXD has to adapt to the users' mutation
New users levels and needs require three different
integrations of competences between Psychology
                    and UXD
1. Going beyond Cognitive Ergonomy,
Psychophysiology, Behaviourism and the first
2. The etnographic narration is not enough
3. More Social Psychology, Psychodynamic and
          Construtivism Cognitivism
It's a matter of granularity
Sorry for the psycholanguage...
What are the opportunities and challenges
           for the Designers?
Design more complex psychological and social
3. For example... UXD into the
        Enterprise 2.0
Sociality and knowledge management
- Sociality to make collaboration habit

- Aliance between person and professional

- Intrinsic motivations

To be users in a network is an experience of
 social presence and co-creation of a community
The UX Designer has already some new tools and
               models to adopt
For example...
How to enable sociality in a digital space?
Social Usability
Social Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy social interactions
are to make. The term social usability also refers to the methods for improving
the ease of human-human interaction during the design process.


- Relations

- Identity

- Communication

- Emergence of Groups
4. It's just the beginning
Let's create research and collaboration spaces
     between Designers and Psychologists
Gianandrea Giacoma

Mail gianandrea.giacoma@gmail.com
Twitter @ibridazioni

BJ Fogg  Meet the Media Guru - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meetthemediaguru/3954741258/sizes/o/
Robert Fabricant  PopTech! - http://www.flickr.com/photos/poptech2006/2969780492/sizes/l/
Andy Budd  Kurafire - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kurafire/190014099/sizes/l/
Donald Norman  Cyberdees - http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyberdees/3641655561/sizes/l/
Orangutan  Davidandbecky - http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidandbecky/3956298644/sizes/l/
Grottes de Lascaux Iiv  Davidmartinpro - http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidmartinpro/3605363434/sizes/l/
Spok  S.t.a.r.k. - http://www.flickr.com/photos/estark/125538877/sizes/l/
Middle Earth  Darek_Smid - http://www.flickr.com/photos/darc/313252881/sizes/l/

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