This document outlines several projects the person worked on in various roles such as strategist, copywriter, and creative. It provides brief descriptions of the projects including engaging users during the 2014 FIFA World Cup with real-time content for Barilla reaching 6 million users. It also describes an offline and online activation for a movie dinner influencing over 1.4 million people and creating training instruments and social media content for a travel agency network. Additional projects included a recipe contest across 10 countries for a card program and communicating the themes and values of a conference selling out all tickets for the first time.
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6. Role: Strategist, Copywriter
Project: #CalcioBarilla Real time content marketing to
engage users during Fifa world Cup 2014
Results: 6 million users reached; 8 milions of impressions, 13
milions of interactions (organic results). The campaign has
been reported by the main italian newspapers
7. Role: Creative, Copywriting, Strategist
Project: ‘Indovina chi viene a Cine’ a special dinner for selected influencers where
everything is a clue for a Movie. An offline and online activation to engage fans in the
Infinity TV storytelling.
Results: 166 content generated, more than 1.465.000 people reached
8. Role: Strategist, Public Speaking, Training
Project: Create Instruments to develop social activities of over 1k travel agencies in
the «Welcome Travel» network.
Output: A Brand Facebook Page with engaging sharable contents. A structure of
Social and digital webinar s to help and train agencies
9. Role: Strategist, Creative, Copywriter
Project: A Recipe contest to engage fans of Live Inspire in the Expo 2015 Themes
connecting those values with the card ‘Live Inspire’ of Intesa San Paolo
Output: 10 Countries involved, a coordinate editoral plan good for different cultures
and languages, an E-book user generated, a digital Pr activitiy in all the countries
10. Role: Strategist, Copywriter
Project: Communicate themes of the new WOBI 2014 focusing on values and guests
Output: First time all tickets Sold out, live tweeting activities, special video for
external and internal communication