Presentation of our short paper
"Too Late to Collaborate:Challenges to the Discovery of in-progress Research"
at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2019 in Urbana-Champaign, IL, U.S., June 3-5, 2019.
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Too Late to Collaborate:Challenges tothe Discovery ofin-progress Research
1. Too Late to
Challenges to
the Discovery of
in-progress Research
Corinna Breitinger, Bela Gipp,
Patrick Wortner, Harald Reiterer
University of Konstanz
& University of Wuppertal
2. Our Group at University of Konstanz & Wuppertal
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3. Agenda
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Problem & Research Motivation
Study Design
Implications & Future Work
4. Problem
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Many academics remain unaware of other
researchers who are currently working on
highly related topics or research questions
Several years can pass between framing a
research idea and publishing the final
research paper!
5. Problem & Research Motivation
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Academic Social
Sites (ASNS)
Status quo
To identify related work, researchers typically use academic
search or recommender systems embedded in DLs
only consider already published manuscripts
Researchers can choose to share details of in-progress work
using ASNS - but they risk their ideas or projects being stolen
manual task; no automated or standardized procedure
6. unpublished
dark literature
Problem & Research Motivation
Existing systems are unable to support researchers in the discovery of
ongoing research efforts i.e., work that has not yet been published.
gray literaturepublished literature
journal articles
technical reports
public talks
public data sets
blogs, forums, etc.
research ideas
manuscript drafts
manuscripts in revision or
under review
planned research projects
research grants in writing
or in review
ongoing data collection
ongoing data analysis &
data sets
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[1] Classification scheme inspired by: Rebecca Raworth
7. Problem & Research Motivation
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Research Questions:
1) What strategies do CS researchers currently employ to
discover ongoing, i.e., yet unpublished, research projects
in their respective field?
2) What challenges do CS researchers face when attempting to
identify ongoing research projects in their field?
8. Study Design
Questionnaire & semi-structured interview
16 computer science researchers (Ph.D., postdoc, Prof.)
Four domains
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Information Science (Info. Sci.)
Data Analysis and Visualization (Dat. Ana.)
Software Engineering (Softw. Eng.)
Six European universities
Trinity College Dublin, TU-Berlin, University of Konstanz, TUM,
Uni M端nster, University of St Andrews
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9. Study Design
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10. Findings: Strategies used
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Researchers described individual sets of strategies to address
the task of identifying in-progress research in their field:
a) attending conferences (15)
b) talking to colleagues (14)
c) browsing researchers online profiles
d) relying on senior researchers to inform them (5)
e) attending talks (4)
face-to-face encounters (a; b; e)
personal connections (b; d)
by chance
11. Findings
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The ability to identify ongoing research was deemed
an important task by researchers to:
avoid duplicate research
gain inspiration for their own work
identify potential collaborators
You don't want to replicate something that's already existing. (P9)
someone else is working on the same thing, and then they publish
it before me. Then my work is worthless. (P1)
You want to discover ideas and develop them further. So, it's
important to know whats out there (P7)
it lets you see in which direction my research field is moving(P6)
The more information you have about other people, what they are
actually working on, the easier it is for you to initiate collaboration. (P9)
I suppose if I could be matched with researchers doing the same thing as
me that would save a lot of time. (P4)
Conflict: desire to keep details about their own research confidential
12. Findings: Discovery-Confidentiality Trade-off
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I think, a lot of researchers do not actually tell other people what they are currently
working on, because it's kind of a trade-off: You want to search for collaborators, but
on the other hand, you don't want to show your ideas. (P10)
not everyone wants to share [ongoing research]. At least, they don't want to share it
until it's published. And then it might be too late. (P6).
Fear of research ideas being appropriated or plagiarized before publication
Factors influencing trade-off: trust and timeliness
researchers wished to keep
details about their own
research confidential
researchers expressed a need
to discover ongoing research
in their field
if you have something new, you dont want to share too much information, because
somebody might try to copy the idea or steal the idea. (P11)
.. especially, if it's a person that you don't know, then, of course, you don't want to tell
them like the whole thing. (P3)
13. Implications & Future Work
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Rethink how ongoing research efforts and potential scientific collaborators
can be recommended in real time by shifting the focus from completed
research to ongoing research activity
An ideal automated system supporting this information seeking
task should:
provide timely recommendations when they matter most to researchers
ensure full confidentiality and secure storage of users in-progress
research data to satisfy the trust requirement (cryptographic hashing)
allow the user to openly exchange more details - if they wish
Currently, no system exists that considers in-progress research to retrieve
related research work in a privacy-preserving manner to recommend
potentially valuable scientific collaborators.
14. Future Work
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adapt privacy-preserving feature matching methods to researchers work
in-progress (WIP) research artefacts
generate real-time recommendations of similar in-progress research and
potential collaborators
15. Thank You
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Twitter: @BreitingerC
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