Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Training Coordinator
I really love popcorn... haha. TRANSFOOOORM! I love my lumas. I love buying new toothbrushes and laundry detergent. I enjoy a good roll of sushi and I love my husband. hes tute... :o)
Music is my Husband.
I thoroughly enjoy living in a house and making it feel homey.
I love my job and the people I work with!
I love living in Kalamazoo, pretty much my favorite city ever..
I have a dog named Red and a cat named KiKi
My husband and I recently bought a foreclosure home and spend lots of time fixing it up.. great deal, just lots of work! We have fun tho.. :o)
I work at Grifols Biomat USA its the plasma donation center in downtown Kalamazoo. If your interested in donating.. hit me up.
Users being followed by Haley Hogoboom