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Engine API documentation
Bookingdom Engine API and all related products powered by Mangora Srl
Table of contents
Property Search
Property Details
Calculate price
Check property availability
Location search
Create booking
Count Tags
Operator Search
Operator Details
Geo data search
ApiResult is general result class and all result classes will inherit this one. It should provide general information about API call like:
 API version
 API method
 method type
 result code (eg. 200 for success or some of error codes in case of error )
 result text (text that returns OK in case of success or error description in case of error)
API result is not applied to iCalendar feature!
 Property search
 Property details
 Calculate price
 Check property availability
 Location search
 Create booking
Property Search
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/search?<<parameters>>
method type POST
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BKPropertySearchParameters (full list will be provided below)
result Wrapped list of Properties with the most important fields (full list will be
provided below) / JSON / XML
Example of method URL:
1. minPax
2. maxPax
3. pax
4. minBedrooms
5. maxBedrooms
6. bedrooms
7. minBathrooms
8. maxBathrooms
9. bathrooms
10. operatorUrl
11. address
12. locationUrls
13. locationCodes
14. locationType
15. datefrom
16. dateto
17. availabilityFlexNmbrOfDays
18. currencyLocale
19. doubleBeds
20. singleBeds
21. externalCode
22. locationId
23. operatorId
24. name
25. sofaBeds
26. doubleSofaBeds
27. language
28. resultsPerPage
29. pageNumber
Result of the propertySearch API method should include 3 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. Listing info (count, page number, number of entities per page, and links to previous and next page)
3. List of properties
Result example:
Property Details
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/<<propertyKey>>/<<language>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters Property key, Language
result Property details / JSON / XML
Example of method URL:
1. property key (*mandatory)
2. language (*mandatory)
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. Property details
Result example:
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/calendar/ical/<<propertyKey>>
method type GET
authentication No authentication
parameters PropertyKey, Calendar CopyNumber
result File with iCalendar formatting / .ics
Example of method URL:
1. property key (*mandatory)
2. copy number(*mandatory)
Result of the iCal API call should be file with calendar copy number name and .ics extension.
Result example:
<result>.ics file contains events. Every event is representation of one reserved or booked or, in some other way, unavailable period for that property.
Every event is represented with start and end date.
Calculate price
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/price/<<propertyKey>>/<<startDate>>/<<endDate>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters Property key, Start date, End date
result DateIntervalResult / JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
1. property key (*mandatory)
2. start date(*mandatory)
3. end date(*mandatory)
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. DateIntervalResult (with only price field populated)
Result example:
Check property availability
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/available
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters Property key, Start date, End date
result DateIntervalResult / JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
1. property key (*mandatory)
2. start date(*mandatory)
3. end date(*mandatory)
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. DateIntervalResult (with only available field populated)
Result example:
Location search
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/location/search?<<parameters>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BkLocationSearchParameters parameters
result LocationResultWrapper / JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
http://api.bookingdom.com/location/search?parentId=634&language=EN (will return all cities in Italy)
1. code
2. url
3. nameLike
4. locationType
5. excludePublished
6. excludeDraft
7. parentCode
8. parentId
9. onlyVisible
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
3. General info (API version, status, message)
4. LocationResultWrapper with list of locations
Result example:
Create booking
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/createBooking?<<parameters>>
method type POST
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BookingDataDTO parameters
result String/ JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
Parameters (all mandatory except guestComposition)
1. propertyId
2. guestsComposition (access example: guestsComposition.adults=2 or guestsComposition.infants=1 )
3. reservation
4. currency
5. fromDate
6. toDate
7. username
8. firstName
9. lastName
10. phone
11. paymentMethod
12. contract
13. fee
14. payoff
15. reservationValue
16. paymentId
17. bookingId
18. contractCode
19. bookingDotComProperty
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. String
Count Tags
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/countTags?<<parameters>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BkPropertySearchParameters parameters
result String/ JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
* same as for property search
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. List of pairs: tag/count
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/request/create?<<parameters>>
method type POST
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters RequestForm parameters
result String/ JSON/XML + email to sales
Example of method URL:
1. firstName
2. lastName
3. email
4. gender
5. title
6. language
7. locationUrl
8. phone
9. mobile
10. dateArrive
11. dateDeparture
12. property
13. Set<> properties
14. numberPerson
15. guestsComposition
16. pets
17. textComment
18. privacy
19. creatorId
20. subscribeToNewsletter
21. budget
22. referer
Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. Request
3. email should be sent to sales
Operator Search
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/company/search?<<parameters>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BkOperatorSearchParameters parameters
result OperatorResult / JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
1. locationId
2. url
3. brandLike
4. locationUrl
5. locationType
6. excludePublished
7. pageNumber
8. resultsPerPage
9. orderBy
10. language
Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. List of Operators
Result example:
Operator Details
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/company/<<operatorKey>>/<<language>>
method type GET
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters Operator key, Language
result Operator details / JSON/ XML
Example of method URL:
1. operator key (*mandatory)
2. language (*mandatory)
Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. Operator details
Geo data search
Name Description
method url http://api.bookingdom.com/geoData/search?<<parameters>>
method type POST
authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword)
parameters BkPropertySearchParameters parameters
result GeoDataResultWrapper / JSON/XML
Example of method URL:
* same as for property search
Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments:
1. General info (API version, status, message)
2. GeoDataResultWrapper
Api xml technical reference for integration

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Api xml technical reference for integration

  • 1. Engine API documentation Bookingdom Engine API and all related products powered by Mangora Srl Table of contents ApiResult Features Property Search Property Details iCalendar Calculate price Check property availability Location search Create booking Count Tags Requests Operator Search Operator Details Geo data search ApiResult ApiResult is general result class and all result classes will inherit this one. It should provide general information about API call like: API version API method method type result code (eg. 200 for success or some of error codes in case of error ) result text (text that returns OK in case of success or error description in case of error) API result is not applied to iCalendar feature! Features Property search Property details iCalendar Calculate price Check property availability Location search Create booking Property Search Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/search?<<parameters>> method type POST authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BKPropertySearchParameters (full list will be provided below) result Wrapped list of Properties with the most important fields (full list will be provided below) / JSON / XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/property/search?doubleBeds=2&resultsPerPage=5&pageNumber=1&language=DE Parameters 1. minPax 2. maxPax 3. pax 4. minBedrooms 5. maxBedrooms 6. bedrooms 7. minBathrooms 8. maxBathrooms
  • 2. 9. bathrooms 10. operatorUrl 11. address 12. locationUrls 13. locationCodes 14. locationType 15. datefrom 16. dateto 17. availabilityFlexNmbrOfDays 18. currencyLocale 19. doubleBeds 20. singleBeds 21. externalCode 22. locationId 23. operatorId 24. name 25. sofaBeds 26. doubleSofaBeds 27. language 28. resultsPerPage 29. pageNumber Result Result of the propertySearch API method should include 3 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. Listing info (count, page number, number of entities per page, and links to previous and next page) 3. List of properties Result example: Property Details Name Description
  • 3. method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/<<propertyKey>>/<<language>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters Property key, Language result Property details / JSON / XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/property/28451/EN Parameters 1. property key (*mandatory) 2. language (*mandatory) Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. Property details Result example: [a] iCalendar Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/calendar/ical/<<propertyKey>> /<<copyNumber>>.ics method type GET authentication No authentication parameters PropertyKey, Calendar CopyNumber result File with iCalendar formatting / .ics Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/calendar/ical/30422/10278.ics Parameters 1. property key (*mandatory) 2. copy number(*mandatory)
  • 4. Result Result of the iCal API call should be file with calendar copy number name and .ics extension. Result example: <result>.ics file contains events. Every event is representation of one reserved or booked or, in some other way, unavailable period for that property. Every event is represented with start and end date. Calculate price Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/price/<<propertyKey>>/<<startDate>>/<<endDate>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters Property key, Start date, End date result DateIntervalResult / JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/property/price/1794/22122013/10012014 Parameters 1. property key (*mandatory) 2. start date(*mandatory) 3. end date(*mandatory) Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. DateIntervalResult (with only price field populated) Result example: Check property availability Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/available /<<propertyKey>>/<<startDate>>/<<endDate>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters Property key, Start date, End date
  • 5. result DateIntervalResult / JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/property/available/1794/03012014/10012014 Parameters 1. property key (*mandatory) 2. start date(*mandatory) 3. end date(*mandatory) Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. DateIntervalResult (with only available field populated) Result example: Location search Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/location/search?<<parameters>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BkLocationSearchParameters parameters result LocationResultWrapper / JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/location/search?parentId=634&language=EN (will return all cities in Italy) Parameters 1. code 2. url 3. nameLike 4. locationType 5. excludePublished 6. excludeDraft 7. parentCode 8. parentId 9. onlyVisible Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 3. General info (API version, status, message) 4. LocationResultWrapper with list of locations Result example:
  • 6. Create booking Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/createBooking?<<parameters>> method type POST authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BookingDataDTO parameters result String/ JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/property/createBooking? propertyId=11861&&guestsComposition.adults=2&reservationLanguage=DE&username=djordje.ivanovic@halldis.com&firstName=djordje&lastName=ivanovic&reserv Parameters (all mandatory except guestComposition) 1. propertyId 2. guestsComposition (access example: guestsComposition.adults=2 or guestsComposition.infants=1 ) 3. reservation 4. currency 5. fromDate 6. toDate 7. username 8. firstName 9. lastName 10. phone 11. paymentMethod 12. contract 13. fee 14. payoff 15. reservationValue 16. paymentId 17. bookingId 18. contractCode 19. bookingDotComProperty Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. String Count Tags
  • 7. Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/property/countTags?<<parameters>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BkPropertySearchParameters parameters result String/ JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://stage.api.bookingdom.com/property/countTags?doubleBeds=2&guestsComposition.adults=2&language=EN Parameters * same as for property search Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. List of pairs: tag/count Requests Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/request/create?<<parameters>> method type POST authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters RequestForm parameters result String/ JSON/XML + email to sales Example of method URL: http://stage.api.bookingdom.com/request/create? firstName=djordje&lastName=ivanovic&email=djordje.ivanovic@mangora.org&gender=MALE&title=MR&language=EN&locationUrl=milan&dateArrive=22/01/2014&dat 2&properties=Herengracht-2&guestsComposition.adults=2&textComment=testcomment&privacy=true&budget=1500eur Parameters 1. firstName 2. lastName 3. email 4. gender 5. title 6. language 7. locationUrl 8. phone 9. mobile 10. dateArrive 11. dateDeparture 12. property 13. Set<> properties 14. numberPerson 15. guestsComposition 16. pets 17. textComment 18. privacy 19. creatorId 20. subscribeToNewsletter 21. budget 22. referer Result Result of the property details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message)
  • 8. 2. Request 3. email should be sent to sales Operator Search Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/company/search?<<parameters>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BkOperatorSearchParameters parameters result OperatorResult / JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/company/search?locationId=698&brandLike=Halldis Parameters 1. locationId 2. url 3. brandLike 4. locationUrl 5. locationType 6. excludePublished 7. pageNumber 8. resultsPerPage 9. orderBy 10. language Result Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. List of Operators Result example:
  • 9. Operator Details Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/company/<<operatorKey>>/<<language>> method type GET authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters Operator key, Language result Operator details / JSON/ XML Example of method URL: http://api.bookingdom.com/company/274/EN Parameters 1. operator key (*mandatory) 2. language (*mandatory) Result Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. Operator details
  • 10. Geo data search Name Description method url http://api.bookingdom.com/geoData/search?<<parameters>> method type POST authentication Required (headers: apiUsername, apiPassword) parameters BkPropertySearchParameters parameters result GeoDataResultWrapper / JSON/XML Example of method URL: http://stage.api.bookingdom.com/geoData/search?locationId=698 Parameters * same as for property search Result Result of the operator details API method should include 2 main segments: 1. General info (API version, status, message) 2. GeoDataResultWrapper