Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Jakarta, Indonesia
DM Pratama
~Sedikit oriental (face-nya)
~SmaLL siZe ( imut hehe..)
~does caRe w/ people,,
~ LUVs shoPping a loT!
~has seNse oF huMor,, hoho,,
~caN be eMotional,, but matUre too...
~mandiri,, hehe i'm serious...
~likes havin so mUcH fUn wit fRiends,,, Luv ya,
~cEria gemBira,, halah,, it's a must...
~NATURAL is so hEr.........
~ciNta w/ mYluv fan...,
~ LUVs reading a lot,,, any kiNd of bOoks,,
~really LIKEs cHeese & cHocolates
~likes making friends.... believe me,,,, ^____^
~ peNuh perTimbaNgan,, heee,, aGak keRas kePala,, haha,, taurUs bgd ??!!
~not a pErfEct woMan,, i'M nOt,, and won't be peRfect,,
~but well in tHe fact i'M oNLy a woMan wHo LooKin'
Users being followed by Hani Meilina