Euthanasia refers to the act of intentionally ending a life to relieve suffering. It is classified as either voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary based on patient consent. Passive euthanasia involves withholding treatment while active euthanasia uses lethal means to end life.
Western perspectives view euthanasia as acceptable in limited circumstances with patient consent to relieve suffering from terminal illness. Some jurisdictions have legalized voluntary euthanasia with guidelines.
The Islamic perspective is that only Allah can create and take life. Euthanasia is forbidden as it usurps Allah's authority. The only option is to pray for a good life or death. Islam considers euthanasia
3. 1
Euthanasia basically means mercy
killing where it is the act of letting
someone, who is terminally ill or who
is suffering great pain, to die by way
of medication or without it.
Oxford English Dictionary defines
euthanasia by incorporating suffering
as a necessary condition - the
painless killing of a patient suffering
from an incurable and painful disease
or in an irreversible coma.
4. 3
Michael Wreen argued that the
principal thing that distinguishes
euthanasia from intentional killing is
the agents motive: it must be a good
motive insofar as the good of the
person killed is concerned
Draper - an agent and a subject; an
intention; a causal proximity, such that
the actions of the agent lead to the
outcome; and an outcome.
5. 5
Hence, her version of the meaning of
euthanasia incorporating the four
elements is must be defined as death
that results from the intention of one
person to kill another person, using the
most gentle and painless means
possible, that is motivated solely by
the best interests of the person who
8. Euthanasia comes from the Greek words, eu
(good) and thanatosis (death) and it means
good death, gentle and easy death.
First recorded use of the word euthanasia
was by Suetonius, a Roman historian, in his
De Vita Caesarum--Divus Augustus (The
Lives of the Caesars--The Deified Augustus)
to describe the death of Augustus Caesar:
9. "...while he was asking some newcomers from the
city about the daughter of Drusus, who was ill, he
suddenly passed away as he was kissing Livia,
uttering these last words: "Live mindful of our
wedlock, Livia, and farewell," thus blessed with an
easy death and such a one as he had always
longed for. For almost always, on hearing that
anyone had died swiftly and painlessly, he prayed
that he and his might have a like euthanasia, for
that was the term he was wont to use
Augustus' death while termed "a
euthanasia" was not hastened by the
actions of any other person.
10. In Mesopotamia, Assyrian physicians forbade
euthanasia. Again in the old times incurable
patients were drowned in the River Ganges in
In ancient Israel, some books wrote that
frankincense was given to kill incurable patients.
Jewish society, following the teaching of the Bible
and the sixth command "thou shall not kill", had
rejected centuries ago every theory on shortening
the life of handicapped or disadvantaged people.
Judaism considered life to be sacred and equated
suicide and euthanasia with murder.
11. In the Middle Ages in Europe, Christian
teaching opposed euthanasia for the same
reason as Judaism. Christianity brought more
respect to human beings.
Accordingly, every individual has the right to
live since God creates human beings and they
belong to Him and not themselves. Death is for
God to decree, not man.
Like Judeo-Christian teaching, Islam also
teaches that God is the only one who creates
and the only one who may take life away
13. Classification of Euthanasia
There are two main type of euthanasia:
Voluntary Euthanasia
Involutary Euthanasia
Active euthanasia
Passive euthanasia
14. Voluntary Euthanasia
Conducted with the
informed consent of the
Refers to the practice of
ending a life in a painless
Physician - Assisted Suicide - an
individual(doctor) helps another
person die upon their wanting
to do so-also helps for
15. The term assisted suicide has several different
interpretations. Perhaps the most widely used and
accepted is "the intentional hastening of death by
a terminally ill patient with assistance from a
doctor, relative, or another person". Some people
will insist that something along the lines of "in order
relieve intractable (persistent, unstoppable)
suffering" needs to be added to the
meaning, while others insist that "terminally ill
patient" already includes that meaning.
17. passive
Passive Euthanasia
- When life-sustaining treatments
are suspended.
- Entails the withholding of
common treatments, such as
antibiotics, necessary for the
continuance of life.
18. Active euthanasia
- Active euthanasia entails the use of
lethal substances or forces to kill and is
the most controversial means.
- Includes life-ending actions
conducted by the patient or
somebody else.
19. Euthanasia has been a
very debatable and
emotive topic for a long
time. Based on the latest
reports and data, active
euthanasia is much more
controversial subject than
passive euthanasia.
Individuals are tightening
with religious, moral and
ethical and
arguments surrounding
the issue.
20. CASE: Deaf Twins Who Discovered They Were
Going Blind And Would Never See Each Other
Again Are Euthanized In Belgian Hospital
A pair of identical twins, who were born deaf, has
been killed by Belgian doctors after seeking
euthanasia when they found out they would also
soon go blind.
from Islamic point of view
Acceptable only when real fight with
death begins, or when the sick patient
is not capable of any action
23. 3 circumstances when it is applicable
People who were
doomed due to
an incurable
disease or
grievous injury and
they realized their
position and
consented to
People who
suffered from
mental infirmity
and their life
pointless as they
had no will to live
or to die
People who were
mentally healthy but
due to some accident,
they lost their
consciousness and in
case of regaining, they
would find themselves in
a tragic situation
1) Declaration of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith which states directly
that: when a threat of death exists, which
cannot be avoided with available
means, one is allowed according to ones
own conscience to refuse treatment which
may only bring uncertain and painful
extension of life".
25. 2) It is not considered euthanasia
but resignation from persistent
3) Only a patient suffering from a
disease where there are no chances
of being cured may petition for this
mercy killing
Two main obstacles need to be cleared
before legalizing euthanasia: -
1) Consent to death
- Sound mind and capable of conducting
legal actions (having legal capacity) may
give consent to death by way euthanasia.
- Consent cannot be expressed under the
influence of a threat, mistake or under
physical or mental pressure and under the
consent of the other party for the sake of
27. 2) Dignity of human being
- Article 16 of the Civil Code states that:
"law guarantees primacy of a human
being, prohibiting any kind of violation of
his/her dignity and guaranteeing the
respect of a human being since the
beginning of his/her life.
28. Criminal Code allows the implementation of
euthanasia on two circumstances.
when a strong motivation pressure on
the part of an offender exists and this
means really justified reasons for
compassion towards the victim,
when such a situation exists where
therapy, often extensive one, only
makes agony longer and the patient's
pain is more than he/she can stand.
29. However, there are no guidelines in
determining the physical and mental state of
the patient which could justify such great
compassion ending in murder. This is where de
lege ferenda comes into play.
De lege ferenda demands a complete and detailed
reasons to commute the sentence concerning
euthanasia so that malpractice could be prevented
and protection would be given to the suffering
persons against actions aimed at shortening their
pain against their will.
is prohibited in most countries
worldwide. Nonetheless, end-of-life debates
tend to occur more in North
America, Europe, and Australia than they do
in Asia, Africa, South America, and the
Middle East, although there are exceptions
to this trend.
Countries which legalize Euthanasia
The Netherlands
31. Countries
in which Euthanasia is illegal
United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Switzerland,
Italy, Canada, Germany, India, Israel
in which the ruling is still unclear
- Japan
- Colombia
33. The
belief in Islam is that Allah has Absolute
authority over all Creations.
He creates
(An Nahl: 78)
And He is the
one who takes
(Ali Imran: 145)
35. It
is forbidden to long for death
But due to mans weak nature, some succumb to
the pain of his injuries, and his suffering is too much
to bear
The only option given is to pray to Allah,
according to the hadith below
Hadith: It has been narrated on the authority of
Anas Ibn Malik (ra) that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said: None of you shall wish for death on
account of an injury which afflicted him if there
is no alternative, let him pray: Oh Allah! Give me
life so long as life is good for me and take my life
when death is good for me (Agreed upon)
36. Hence,
the only thing he can do is pray to Allah:
whether to grant him life, if its whats best for
him, or give him death, if that is also what is best for
Thus, we can see that death must come naturally
Only Allah has the prerogative to take a life
Hence, euthanasia, either active or passive, is
illegal in Islam
It is a crime of murder and, in certain
circumstances, considered as committing suicide
The punishment in the Akhirah will be severe