Este documento proporciona una lista de 78 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, incluyendo su n¨²mero, pa¨ªs, nombre, capit¨¢n y modelo de barco. La lista incluye detalles sobre cada barco como su pa¨ªs, nombre, capit¨¢n y modelo.
Argent Trading Inc. is a global corporate trading firm that has been operating for over 50 years. It enables companies to unlock value from underperforming assets by converting a portion of payments for goods and services into its proprietary currency, which can then be used to purchase a wide range of expenses. Argent has teams worldwide to acquire assets, remarket them, and provide client services to companies across multiple industries.
Room to Breathe: The BA's role in project estimationufunctional
What's the Business Analyst's role in project estimation?
According to this presentation, it's "Getting the project through the Hot Zone, with Room to Breathe."
Room to Breathe means enough time for the team and project manager to deal with the remaining uncertainty as it comes up.
The Hot Zone starts when up-front requirements and planning are yielding diminishing returns, the pressure to commit to a plan is mounting, and there's still more than about 25% uncertainty in the estimate.
The difference between a requirements gatherer and a Business Analyst is that a BA provides great decision support, and the estimation problem is at the heart of that.
Sara Awad's favorite sport is table tennis, which is played by 2 people using a racket, ball, and table. Points are scored when certain results occur, and while Sara is sad she does not play, she enjoys watching table tennis on TV.
This document provides an overview of CMCCHINA MANUFACTURING's expertise in outsourcing and quality control services for companies looking to manufacture products in China. Their services include purchasing, technology, quality management, and procurement. For each area, they describe initial analysis and support activities, operational phase assistance working with suppliers, and production phase oversight. A variety of industrial sectors are also listed that CMCCHINA has experience supporting for outsourcing to China.
Learnings from Hybrid App Testing Jijesh MohanvodQA
This document discusses testing a hybrid book reader application built with Phonegap, HTML5, and CSS3 for the iPad. It recommends testing the app on actual devices rather than simulators due to differences in user interactions, screen sizes, and orientations. The document outlines areas to focus testing on, including app performance, memory usage, compliance with App Store guidelines, handling of user gestures and touch events, and network connectivity in various conditions. Automated testing is suggested but noted to have limited support for hybrid apps. Testing across multiple devices using a mobile grid is proposed for report consolidation.
Vortrag 'Service-Qualit?t' bei den IT Quality Days 2014 - 2014-09-24 V03.02.00servicEvolution
Bei den IT Quality Days 2014 der Firma ServiceTrace
- am 24.09. - 25.09.2014
- in Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Jadgschloss Kranichstein
geht es in diesem Vortrag um Service-Qualit?t mit der folgenden Agenda
- Service-Trilemma ¨C Service-Qualit?t, Service-Preis & Service-Kosten
- Service-Begriff ¨C Definition & Erl?uterung
- Service-Typ ¨C Service-Konsument & Service-Sicht
- Service-Identifizierung ¨C Service-Typ & Service-Identifikatoren
- Service-Spezifizierung ¨C Service-Qualit?t & Service-Preis
- Service-Katalogisierung ¨C Service-Spezifikation & Service Levels
- Service-Kommittierung ¨C SLA-Vorlage & Service Level-Spezifikation
- Servicialisierung ¨C Leitkonzept, Methodik & Reifegradmodell
s. Diskussionspapiere
- "Die IT" - systemfixiert & service-ignorant
- Digitalisierung & Servicialisierung
- Servicequalit?t versus S.-Erbringungsqualit?t
- Workshop 'Service-Definition'
s. Konzeptpapiere
- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- ICTility Service-Katalog - ICTility Service-Typen & Servuktionsangebote
- Service-Identifizierung - Service-Typ & Wesensmerkmale
- Service-Spezifizierung - Service-Typ & Service-Erbringungsqualit?t
- Service-Konzept - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Drehbuch
- Service-Orchestrierung - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Beitragszubringer
- Service-Transaktion - Ausl?ser & Ablauf
- Service-Triathlon - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- Service-Konsument - Wertsch?pfer & Umsatzbringer
- Service-Definition - Herleitung & Anwendung
Servicialisation - From Service Identifying to Service Billing V01.02.00servicEvolution
This presentation comprises the basic terms & foundations, phases & methods of servicialisation, in particular
- Servicialisation ¨C Coining, Deducing & Demarcating
- Service Trilemma ¨C Service Quality, Service Price & Service Cost
- Service Identifying ¨C Service Consumer, Service Object & Benefits
- Service Specifying ¨C 12 Service Attributes, 3 Service Levels & 2 Pages
- Service Composing ¨C Service Specification, Service Map & Service Screenplay
- Service-Orchestrating ¨C Service Concept, Service Supplier & Service Supply Chain
- Service Catalogueing ¨C Service Specifications, Service Prices & Service Offerings
- Service Committing ¨C Service Catalogue, Service Specification & SLA
- Service Concerting ¨C Delivery Readiness, Delivery Capacity & Delivering
- Service Billing ¨C SLA, Service Delivery Price & Service Consumption
- Service Delivery Maturity Model ¨C Maturity Levels, Maturity Criteria & Steps
The 3 universally applicable criteria for precisely & succinctly identifying a service type have been traceably derived from the universally valid & complete, distinct & consistent definition of the term 'service'.
s. slide deck 'Service - Word & Term'
s. Konzeptpapier 'Service-Definition - Herleitung & Anwendung'
s. Diskussionspapier 'Workshop 'Service-Definition''
The generic & continuous concept of servicialisation ...
s. whitepaper 'Servicialisation'
... is further explained & illustrated in German in the following documents
- Konzeptpapier 'Servicialisierung - Service-Erbringung & Methodik'
- Strukturmatrix 01 'Servicialisierung & Methoden'
- Konzeptpapiere
-- Service-Transaktion - Ausl?ser & Ablauf
-- Service-Triathlon - Ausl?ser & Adressaten
-- Servuktionsumsatz - Service-Erbringungspreis & Service-Menge
-- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
-- Service Provider - Service-Trilemma & Gesch?ftsmodell
Kerangka Pikir Peserta Training sangat menentukan proses akhir dari training itu sendiri. Kalau saja anda mengikuti training dengan kerangka yang pas, sama saja anda datang dan pulang hanya dapat ke sia sia an saja. Bagus buat awalan training.
Afgelopen dinsdag 8 september was het tijd voor de #DCDW: De Digital Car Dealer Workshop
De #DCDW ontwikkeld zich steeds meer tot een kenniscentrum over online automotive in Nederland. Al voor de 19de keer organiseerde wij dit kleinschalige en daardoor succesvolle event. Afgelopen dinsdag hadden wij weer een super line-up met onderwerpen die de aanwezige importeurs, dealers mee naar huis kunnen nemen, om aldaar de gekregen kennis om te zetten in acties. Welke topics hebben wij behandeld?
The document discusses different New Zealand banknotes and coins, what is depicted on each denomination, and what common items can be purchased with each. The $20 note features Queen Elizabeth II and can buy a Hannah Montana DVD. The $10 note has Kate Sheppard and is enough to purchase fish and chips. The $1 coin has a kiwi and can be used to buy some Fizz Rolls lollies from a dairy.
This document summarizes a study that ranks economics departments and journals in India. It ranks 20 domestic Indian economics journals based on the number of citations their articles receive from other journals. It finds the Indian Economic Review to be the top ranked domestic journal. It also provides the rankings of 159 international economics journals from a previous study. The document aims to be the first study ranking economics departments in India based on their research output in both domestic and international journals.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre 236 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, incluyendo su n¨²mero, pa¨ªs, nombre, patr¨®n, marca y modelo del barco y club al que pertenecen. La informaci¨®n se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
The document provides instructions for creating a liquid three-column layout with specific formatting requirements, including positioning a background image in the right column, aligning text in the header and right column, styling links, and specifying column widths. It outlines the steps to create the necessary containers and apply attributes to achieve the desired layout using CSS. Code snippets are included to demonstrate how to structure the HTML containers and apply the appropriate CSS rules.
Embed perl allows a C program to use Perl code and features by adding a Perl interpreter to the C program. It allows calling Perl subroutines from C, evaluating Perl statements, and performing Perl regular expressions. Using embed perl provides access to CPAN modules and Perl's powerful regex engine without needing PCRE. The basic steps are to initialize an interpreter, parse Perl code, run the code, and destruct the interpreter. Output can be captured by overriding Perl's filehandle layers to write to C variables instead of files. Embed perl is not difficult and provides a way to leverage Perl in C and C++ programs.
Sara Awad's favorite sport is table tennis, which is played by 2 people using a racket, ball, and table. Points are scored when certain results occur, and while Sara is sad she does not play, she enjoys watching table tennis on TV.
This document provides an overview of CMCCHINA MANUFACTURING's expertise in outsourcing and quality control services for companies looking to manufacture products in China. Their services include purchasing, technology, quality management, and procurement. For each area, they describe initial analysis and support activities, operational phase assistance working with suppliers, and production phase oversight. A variety of industrial sectors are also listed that CMCCHINA has experience supporting for outsourcing to China.
Learnings from Hybrid App Testing Jijesh MohanvodQA
This document discusses testing a hybrid book reader application built with Phonegap, HTML5, and CSS3 for the iPad. It recommends testing the app on actual devices rather than simulators due to differences in user interactions, screen sizes, and orientations. The document outlines areas to focus testing on, including app performance, memory usage, compliance with App Store guidelines, handling of user gestures and touch events, and network connectivity in various conditions. Automated testing is suggested but noted to have limited support for hybrid apps. Testing across multiple devices using a mobile grid is proposed for report consolidation.
Vortrag 'Service-Qualit?t' bei den IT Quality Days 2014 - 2014-09-24 V03.02.00servicEvolution
Bei den IT Quality Days 2014 der Firma ServiceTrace
- am 24.09. - 25.09.2014
- in Darmstadt-Kranichstein, Jadgschloss Kranichstein
geht es in diesem Vortrag um Service-Qualit?t mit der folgenden Agenda
- Service-Trilemma ¨C Service-Qualit?t, Service-Preis & Service-Kosten
- Service-Begriff ¨C Definition & Erl?uterung
- Service-Typ ¨C Service-Konsument & Service-Sicht
- Service-Identifizierung ¨C Service-Typ & Service-Identifikatoren
- Service-Spezifizierung ¨C Service-Qualit?t & Service-Preis
- Service-Katalogisierung ¨C Service-Spezifikation & Service Levels
- Service-Kommittierung ¨C SLA-Vorlage & Service Level-Spezifikation
- Servicialisierung ¨C Leitkonzept, Methodik & Reifegradmodell
s. Diskussionspapiere
- "Die IT" - systemfixiert & service-ignorant
- Digitalisierung & Servicialisierung
- Servicequalit?t versus S.-Erbringungsqualit?t
- Workshop 'Service-Definition'
s. Konzeptpapiere
- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- ICTility Service-Katalog - ICTility Service-Typen & Servuktionsangebote
- Service-Identifizierung - Service-Typ & Wesensmerkmale
- Service-Spezifizierung - Service-Typ & Service-Erbringungsqualit?t
- Service-Konzept - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Drehbuch
- Service-Orchestrierung - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Beitragszubringer
- Service-Transaktion - Ausl?ser & Ablauf
- Service-Triathlon - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- Service-Konsument - Wertsch?pfer & Umsatzbringer
- Service-Definition - Herleitung & Anwendung
Servicialisation - From Service Identifying to Service Billing V01.02.00servicEvolution
This presentation comprises the basic terms & foundations, phases & methods of servicialisation, in particular
- Servicialisation ¨C Coining, Deducing & Demarcating
- Service Trilemma ¨C Service Quality, Service Price & Service Cost
- Service Identifying ¨C Service Consumer, Service Object & Benefits
- Service Specifying ¨C 12 Service Attributes, 3 Service Levels & 2 Pages
- Service Composing ¨C Service Specification, Service Map & Service Screenplay
- Service-Orchestrating ¨C Service Concept, Service Supplier & Service Supply Chain
- Service Catalogueing ¨C Service Specifications, Service Prices & Service Offerings
- Service Committing ¨C Service Catalogue, Service Specification & SLA
- Service Concerting ¨C Delivery Readiness, Delivery Capacity & Delivering
- Service Billing ¨C SLA, Service Delivery Price & Service Consumption
- Service Delivery Maturity Model ¨C Maturity Levels, Maturity Criteria & Steps
The 3 universally applicable criteria for precisely & succinctly identifying a service type have been traceably derived from the universally valid & complete, distinct & consistent definition of the term 'service'.
s. slide deck 'Service - Word & Term'
s. Konzeptpapier 'Service-Definition - Herleitung & Anwendung'
s. Diskussionspapier 'Workshop 'Service-Definition''
The generic & continuous concept of servicialisation ...
s. whitepaper 'Servicialisation'
... is further explained & illustrated in German in the following documents
- Konzeptpapier 'Servicialisierung - Service-Erbringung & Methodik'
- Strukturmatrix 01 'Servicialisierung & Methoden'
- Konzeptpapiere
-- Service-Transaktion - Ausl?ser & Ablauf
-- Service-Triathlon - Ausl?ser & Adressaten
-- Servuktionsumsatz - Service-Erbringungspreis & Service-Menge
-- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
-- Service Provider - Service-Trilemma & Gesch?ftsmodell
Kerangka Pikir Peserta Training sangat menentukan proses akhir dari training itu sendiri. Kalau saja anda mengikuti training dengan kerangka yang pas, sama saja anda datang dan pulang hanya dapat ke sia sia an saja. Bagus buat awalan training.
Afgelopen dinsdag 8 september was het tijd voor de #DCDW: De Digital Car Dealer Workshop
De #DCDW ontwikkeld zich steeds meer tot een kenniscentrum over online automotive in Nederland. Al voor de 19de keer organiseerde wij dit kleinschalige en daardoor succesvolle event. Afgelopen dinsdag hadden wij weer een super line-up met onderwerpen die de aanwezige importeurs, dealers mee naar huis kunnen nemen, om aldaar de gekregen kennis om te zetten in acties. Welke topics hebben wij behandeld?
The document discusses different New Zealand banknotes and coins, what is depicted on each denomination, and what common items can be purchased with each. The $20 note features Queen Elizabeth II and can buy a Hannah Montana DVD. The $10 note has Kate Sheppard and is enough to purchase fish and chips. The $1 coin has a kiwi and can be used to buy some Fizz Rolls lollies from a dairy.
This document summarizes a study that ranks economics departments and journals in India. It ranks 20 domestic Indian economics journals based on the number of citations their articles receive from other journals. It finds the Indian Economic Review to be the top ranked domestic journal. It also provides the rankings of 159 international economics journals from a previous study. The document aims to be the first study ranking economics departments in India based on their research output in both domestic and international journals.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre 236 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, incluyendo su n¨²mero, pa¨ªs, nombre, patr¨®n, marca y modelo del barco y club al que pertenecen. La informaci¨®n se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
The document provides instructions for creating a liquid three-column layout with specific formatting requirements, including positioning a background image in the right column, aligning text in the header and right column, styling links, and specifying column widths. It outlines the steps to create the necessary containers and apply attributes to achieve the desired layout using CSS. Code snippets are included to demonstrate how to structure the HTML containers and apply the appropriate CSS rules.
Embed perl allows a C program to use Perl code and features by adding a Perl interpreter to the C program. It allows calling Perl subroutines from C, evaluating Perl statements, and performing Perl regular expressions. Using embed perl provides access to CPAN modules and Perl's powerful regex engine without needing PCRE. The basic steps are to initialize an interpreter, parse Perl code, run the code, and destruct the interpreter. Output can be captured by overriding Perl's filehandle layers to write to C variables instead of files. Embed perl is not difficult and provides a way to leverage Perl in C and C++ programs.
Sonaatti mandoliinille ja
cembalolle, C-duuri, WoO 44a
osa Allegro
13. Melodiadiktaatti
? Tahtilaji 6/8
? S?vellaji: g-molli
? 8 tahtia
? Kirjoita melodia ja basso
? K?yt? solfia hyv?ksesi, jos se auttaa
? Poimi ¡±varmat¡± pois
15. F. Schubert: Lied der Mignon, Op. 62 No. 4
sanat: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
suom. Sinikka Alstela
Ainoastaan h?n,
Nurwer die Sehnsuchtkennt,
joka tuntee kaipuun,
Wei?, wasichleide!
tiet??, mist? k?rsin!
Allein undabgetrennt
Yksin ja erossa kaikesta ilosta
Von allerFreude,
katson taivaan lakea siihen suuntaan.
Voi, h?n, joka rakastaa minua
ja tuntee minut,
Ach! der michliebtundkennt
on kaukaisuudessa.
,Ist in der Weite.
Minua py?rrytt??,
Es schwindeltmir,
syd?meni on tulessa.
es brenntmeinEingeweide
Ainoastaan h?n, j
Nurwer die Sehnsuchtkennt,
oka tuntee kaipuun,
Wei?, wasichleide!
tiet??, mist? k?rsin.