Digital Competence, Compliance-, RiskMgmt-, Awareness- & SecurityCoach
SecurityCOaCH & Awareness-COaCH für Digitalization
"There is no 4.0 without 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0"
3 thesis statements of a self-defined future
1+ You only can use, what you know. To learn means to understand choices
2+ The presence is the starting point for your future. Start with security and add digital competence
3+ Activity is key: Act, fail, learn, act again, succeed
Digital Competence in 7 steps lead to your digital future
Step 1 - Secure behaviour. 57 rules - and you avoid 99% of problems
Step 2 - Secure organization. 10 principles to make people act appropriately
Step 3 - Web 1.0. Know the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly websites, SEO, CTA...
Step 4 - Web 2.0. Th...