GWAVACon - Files Matters (English)GWAVA This document summarizes Novell's file management solution and products. It discusses how Novell products like File Reporter and Storage Manager provide storage intelligence, automation of file management and access governance. These solutions help with issues like understanding file usage, optimizing storage, managing user access and automating file operations. The document also advertises an upcoming product manager meeting to discuss specific Novell collaboration and file management products.
The Enterprise File Fabric for Google Cloud PlatformHybrid CloudThe Enterprise File Fabric™ solution from Storage Made
Easy® enables firms to easily and quickly move large files
between storage tiers within the data center, and externally
to and from storage in GCP and other clouds with no extra
charges for metered data or bandwidth usage. No expensive
hardware is needed, nor is proprietary software required at
each site and storage service.
Q90 saving projectfilesErik Rusek - Cybersecurity Strategie und AwarenessWhile working on customer projects, sensitive data like plans, specifications, financial data and project results will be accessed. Saving this data only on notebooks poses risks like unauthorized access if the notebook is lost or stolen, the notebook becoming unusable if infected with malware, and data being inaccessible to colleagues if only stored locally. To mitigate these risks, project files should be saved to the company's network share as soon as possible to be included in regular backups, or saved locally if no network connection but copied to the share when a connection is available. Proper handling of sensitive customer and project data is important.
FirewallNaga DineshThis document discusses firewalls, including their definition, history, types, and purposes. A firewall is a program or hardware device that filters network traffic between the internet and an internal network based on a set of security rules. There are different types of firewalls, including packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls aim to restrict network access and protect internal systems by only allowing authorized traffic according to a security policy.
Are You Leveraging the Cloud? Or is it Leveraging You?Tom MumfordTo lead your team and mitigate risk, leveraging the cloud in a unified and secure manner is achievable. View the cloud as an enabler to reaching new heights. Technology for everyone!
Big data in term of security measureYaakub IdrisThis document discusses security measures for Hadoop environments. It outlines existing issues with Hadoop's architecture like distributed nodes and lack of security. It proposes solutions like using Kerberos and encryption. It also discusses how some corporate security solutions like IBM and Solera Networks use big data analytics to detect abnormalities and insider threats in real-time. The conclusion states that traditional security solutions are insufficient for big data and real-time analytics is needed to derive actionable security intelligence from data streams.
DirectShare by CloudtennaChristian PetrouUpload less. Collaborate Faster.
Use Cloudtenna DirectShare software to send guest links and collaborate on massive files with people outside of your company without the need to upload or sync to the cloud, saving valuable production time and increasing productivity. DirectShare's powerful DirectCFS Layer enables guests to receive secure links quickly, getting files in their hands 100% faster.
Simply log into the Cloudtenna Apps using your existing network username and password. Then just continue to work and save files to your network folders like you normally do. Find the files you need to send using the DirectShare web interface or mobile apps when you’re not in front of your computer.
Create a shared link, send to your recipient, and files are immediately available securely from your office and behind your firewall, transferring files up to 10X the speed of traditional options.
Using Tags to adress big data and mobile challangesLars JeppesenPresented at ARMA 15, this high level presentation discuss how Tags can be used to manage your big data - in document management and in information management in general
EMC Storage Redefine FILEsolarisyougoodThis document discusses the challenges of unstructured data growth and how EMC is addressing them through solutions that consolidate, protect, discover, and enable mobile access to unstructured data. Key points include:
- Unstructured data such as documents, presentations, and spreadsheets is growing rapidly and becoming more difficult for organizations to manage.
- EMC offers solutions like Isilon for consolidation, Data Domain for protection, and Syncplicity for mobile access to help customers better manage their unstructured data.
- EMC services can also help customers discover and classify their unstructured data to build effective information management strategies.
The Enterprise File Fabric for Media & Entertainment Industry | Solution BriefHybrid CloudThe document summarizes a solution brief for the Enterprise File Fabric from Storage Made Easy. The File Fabric provides media companies with secure access and collaboration across distributed data stores. It offers a single interface, high-speed file transfers, integrated workflows and approvals, encryption and access controls to streamline secure collaboration throughout content production and distribution.
Third Party Access ControlfrancisdinhaThis document discusses third party access control and how OpenVPN Access Server can provide logical access control. It explains that Access Server uses LDAP to authenticate users via Active Directory, allowing different levels of access for employees and third parties like contractors. It provides an example of a home security company that used Access Server and Active Directory to give contractors access only to email and workforce management servers, while employees received greater network access.
Secure Enterprise Content Management and File Management for the Legal Sector...Hybrid CloudThe Enterprise File Fabric provides law firms, lawyers and legal
departments with a comprehensive content management and
secure collaboration solution presented in a global file system
interface that supports multiple document repositories that can
reside on-premises or on-cloud, or a combination of both.
Data security in the cloud IBM SecurityIn shared infrastructures such as clouds, sensitive or regulated data—including run-time and archived data—must be properly segregated from unauthorized users. Database and system administrators may have access to multiple clients’ data, and the location of stored data in a cloud may change rapidly. Compliance requirements such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and others may need to be met. This webinar will discuss how to help protect cloud-based customer information and intellectual property from both external and internal threats.
View the On-demand webinar:
Cloud Managed Services: Cloud InfrastructureThe TNS GroupOne solution of cloud managed services is cloud infrastructure. This allows for increased mobility, instant scalability, cost efficiency, and a competitive edge.
True IDC ShareKornthawat PhichitoakkhanitTrue IDC Share Services provides cloud storage capabilities tailored for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It offers simple, fast sharing of files anytime, anywhere. Users can improve productivity through collaboration enabled by fast access to shared files. The service also provides reliable backup and archiving in the cloud for business continuity.
Cloudciti Enterprise File Share ServicesPT Datacomm DiangrahaThis document provides an overview of Cloudciti Enterprise File Share (CEFS), a content collaboration platform that allows secure file sharing across devices. It defines digital workspaces and the challenges they aim to address. CEFS increases workforce productivity by enabling syncing and mobile access offline. It facilitates collaboration across boundaries through features like file sharing, requests, and notifications. CEFS integrates with Active Directory and APIs. It protects data through encryption at rest and in transit, remote wiping, and auditing. The document compares CEFS features to competitors and provides use case examples for industries like accounting, insurance, and healthcare.
Enadoc how does it workLars JeppesenEnadoc is an innovative, cloud-based enterprise document imaging system, but how does it work? here are a few slides explaining our application
CloudControl - Enterprise backup, access and collaboartion solution from Soft...ILYA ROITMANCloudControl provides a secure on-premise solution for file sharing and collaboration that gives IT control back from consumer cloud services. It hosts files and syncs data between devices and a server located on the customer's network. This minimizes security risks and data leaks while providing flexibility and ease of use similar to popular cloud services. Customizable features include file sharing, backup, syncing, and integration with existing user directories and storage. SoftControl offers support and customization services to help customers implement CloudControl.
The Enterprise File Fabric for Healthcare and Genomics | SME Solution BriefHybrid CloudThe File Fabric can enable the life science community to easily work with genomic information and make it accessible and useful.
Know more in this Solution Brief.
Webinar: Endpoint Backup is not Enough - You Need an End-user Data StrategyStorage SwitzerlandMore data outside of the data center is staying on endpoints and in the cloud than ever before. That means the risks to that data are also at an all time high. Plus regulations encompassing end-user data are also increasing, challenging IT to manage data when they have less control than ever. IT needs more than an endpoint protection plan, it needs an end-user data strategy.
In this webinar, learn how to evolve from an endpoint data protection plan to a comprehensive end-user data strategy.
BlackBerry Workspaces: Solutions for Technology & ManufacturingBlackBerrySupporting outmoded technology for fragmented business processes can inevitably put any business at risk of becoming competitively irrelevant. This is especially true for enterprises in the fast-paced world of technology and manufacturing, where businesses are often globally dispersed and at risk of copycats in the black market. This is also an industry where the careful timing of product releases drives profitability. Staying on the leading-edge of technology adoption is critical to keeping up with the speedy execution and high expectations of the market.
Learn how BlackBerry Workspaces enables Technology & Manufacturing companies to stay in control of all synced and shared files wherever they go, on any device, online and offline — even after they’re downloaded from the system.
Look UpRobert CraneOverview of the changes that 'cloud computing' will bring to customers and the IT Professional. Summary of the most compelling reasons to add 'cloud computing' offerings to existing product line including where to start.
Enterprise File Management SystemsSwiftTech Solutions, Inc.As employees are bringing their work home and on the go, they’ve started using consumer style cloud services, such as Dropbox, to store files for easy later access. While this service is convenient, it is not highly secure and encrypted solution, which can lead to leaked, stolen, or destroyed data. This can be very problematic if the industries you work in are subject to regulatory requirements, such as in healthcare or accounting. Fortunately, your staffers can get the convenience of anywhere file management combined with powerful security.
Trusted Edge Ice For Owa 2009Alexis Brown1) Trusted Edge ICE allows corporations to define and implement document retention and filing policies for Microsoft Outlook Web Access emails.
2) It classifies emails at creation according to corporate policy and ensures all copies are retained or disposed of appropriately.
3) Centrally managed policies allow emails accessed on OWA to be classified and managed remotely according to the organization's retention schedule, even when users are offline.
Don't manage strategic data in emailFelix PuetschEvery company collaborates on data—and often it’s done with unsecured, untraceable email attachments.
Keeping control over the process and the data is tough, consolidating or re-using it almost impossible—not to talk about data security or process audits. is the secure platform to asynchronouslyrequest, control, distribute, and collaborate on data.
Cloud infrastructure solutions jbsmidisJBS provides cloud infrastructure solutions. JBS designs a responsive and user-friendly IT infrastructure that expertly addresses all business challenges.
The connection forweb p12BloombaseThe Connection - Enable Productivity and Security In Your NonStop Environment - Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall with HPE ESKM
Extending The Enterprise With Office 365 & Azure for the EnterpriseRichard Harbridge1. Office 365 and Azure provide cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools as well as infrastructure services that allow organizations to extend their enterprise capabilities.
2. Office 365 includes familiar Office applications delivered as a cloud service along with collaboration and communication tools like SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync.
3. Azure provides scalable computing and storage resources that organizations can use to run applications and websites in the cloud or extend their on-premises datacenters.
Achieving Separation of Compute and Storage in a Cloud WorldAlluxio, Inc.Alluxio Tech Talk
Feb 12, 2019
Dipti Borkar, Alluxio
The rise of compute intensive workloads and the adoption of the cloud has driven organizations to adopt a decoupled architecture for modern workloads – one in which compute scales independently from storage. While this enables scaling elasticity, it introduces new problems – how do you co-locate data with compute, how do you unify data across multiple remote clouds, how do you keep storage and I/O service costs down and many more.
Enter Alluxio, a virtual unified file system, which sits between compute and storage that allows you to realize the benefits of a hybrid cloud architecture with the same performance and lower costs.
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- Why leading enterprises are adopting hybrid cloud architectures with compute and storage disaggregated
- The new challenges that this new paradigm introduces
- An introduction to Alluxio and the unified data solution it provides for hybrid environments
Enterprise solution for backup, access and sharing Ltd.Your employees are using cloud-based services to share sensitive company data with one another, vendors, customers and partners. They are syncing data to their personal devices and home computers, all in an effort to get their job faster and without IT permission. Consumer cloud-based file sharing services have your sensitive company data stored on servers outside of your control, outside of your policy and regulatory guidelines – maybe even outside your country.
CloudControl putting control back into the hands of IT:
- Hosted on your physical, virtual or private server(s);
- Control and manage users and groups, monitoring logs and system health, and metering usage and quotas, all in one location;
... and many more
EMC Storage Redefine FILEsolarisyougoodThis document discusses the challenges of unstructured data growth and how EMC is addressing them through solutions that consolidate, protect, discover, and enable mobile access to unstructured data. Key points include:
- Unstructured data such as documents, presentations, and spreadsheets is growing rapidly and becoming more difficult for organizations to manage.
- EMC offers solutions like Isilon for consolidation, Data Domain for protection, and Syncplicity for mobile access to help customers better manage their unstructured data.
- EMC services can also help customers discover and classify their unstructured data to build effective information management strategies.
The Enterprise File Fabric for Media & Entertainment Industry | Solution BriefHybrid CloudThe document summarizes a solution brief for the Enterprise File Fabric from Storage Made Easy. The File Fabric provides media companies with secure access and collaboration across distributed data stores. It offers a single interface, high-speed file transfers, integrated workflows and approvals, encryption and access controls to streamline secure collaboration throughout content production and distribution.
Third Party Access ControlfrancisdinhaThis document discusses third party access control and how OpenVPN Access Server can provide logical access control. It explains that Access Server uses LDAP to authenticate users via Active Directory, allowing different levels of access for employees and third parties like contractors. It provides an example of a home security company that used Access Server and Active Directory to give contractors access only to email and workforce management servers, while employees received greater network access.
Secure Enterprise Content Management and File Management for the Legal Sector...Hybrid CloudThe Enterprise File Fabric provides law firms, lawyers and legal
departments with a comprehensive content management and
secure collaboration solution presented in a global file system
interface that supports multiple document repositories that can
reside on-premises or on-cloud, or a combination of both.
Data security in the cloud IBM SecurityIn shared infrastructures such as clouds, sensitive or regulated data—including run-time and archived data—must be properly segregated from unauthorized users. Database and system administrators may have access to multiple clients’ data, and the location of stored data in a cloud may change rapidly. Compliance requirements such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and others may need to be met. This webinar will discuss how to help protect cloud-based customer information and intellectual property from both external and internal threats.
View the On-demand webinar:
Cloud Managed Services: Cloud InfrastructureThe TNS GroupOne solution of cloud managed services is cloud infrastructure. This allows for increased mobility, instant scalability, cost efficiency, and a competitive edge.
True IDC ShareKornthawat PhichitoakkhanitTrue IDC Share Services provides cloud storage capabilities tailored for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It offers simple, fast sharing of files anytime, anywhere. Users can improve productivity through collaboration enabled by fast access to shared files. The service also provides reliable backup and archiving in the cloud for business continuity.
Cloudciti Enterprise File Share ServicesPT Datacomm DiangrahaThis document provides an overview of Cloudciti Enterprise File Share (CEFS), a content collaboration platform that allows secure file sharing across devices. It defines digital workspaces and the challenges they aim to address. CEFS increases workforce productivity by enabling syncing and mobile access offline. It facilitates collaboration across boundaries through features like file sharing, requests, and notifications. CEFS integrates with Active Directory and APIs. It protects data through encryption at rest and in transit, remote wiping, and auditing. The document compares CEFS features to competitors and provides use case examples for industries like accounting, insurance, and healthcare.
Enadoc how does it workLars JeppesenEnadoc is an innovative, cloud-based enterprise document imaging system, but how does it work? here are a few slides explaining our application
CloudControl - Enterprise backup, access and collaboartion solution from Soft...ILYA ROITMANCloudControl provides a secure on-premise solution for file sharing and collaboration that gives IT control back from consumer cloud services. It hosts files and syncs data between devices and a server located on the customer's network. This minimizes security risks and data leaks while providing flexibility and ease of use similar to popular cloud services. Customizable features include file sharing, backup, syncing, and integration with existing user directories and storage. SoftControl offers support and customization services to help customers implement CloudControl.
The Enterprise File Fabric for Healthcare and Genomics | SME Solution BriefHybrid CloudThe File Fabric can enable the life science community to easily work with genomic information and make it accessible and useful.
Know more in this Solution Brief.
Webinar: Endpoint Backup is not Enough - You Need an End-user Data StrategyStorage SwitzerlandMore data outside of the data center is staying on endpoints and in the cloud than ever before. That means the risks to that data are also at an all time high. Plus regulations encompassing end-user data are also increasing, challenging IT to manage data when they have less control than ever. IT needs more than an endpoint protection plan, it needs an end-user data strategy.
In this webinar, learn how to evolve from an endpoint data protection plan to a comprehensive end-user data strategy.
BlackBerry Workspaces: Solutions for Technology & ManufacturingBlackBerrySupporting outmoded technology for fragmented business processes can inevitably put any business at risk of becoming competitively irrelevant. This is especially true for enterprises in the fast-paced world of technology and manufacturing, where businesses are often globally dispersed and at risk of copycats in the black market. This is also an industry where the careful timing of product releases drives profitability. Staying on the leading-edge of technology adoption is critical to keeping up with the speedy execution and high expectations of the market.
Learn how BlackBerry Workspaces enables Technology & Manufacturing companies to stay in control of all synced and shared files wherever they go, on any device, online and offline — even after they’re downloaded from the system.
Look UpRobert CraneOverview of the changes that 'cloud computing' will bring to customers and the IT Professional. Summary of the most compelling reasons to add 'cloud computing' offerings to existing product line including where to start.
Enterprise File Management SystemsSwiftTech Solutions, Inc.As employees are bringing their work home and on the go, they’ve started using consumer style cloud services, such as Dropbox, to store files for easy later access. While this service is convenient, it is not highly secure and encrypted solution, which can lead to leaked, stolen, or destroyed data. This can be very problematic if the industries you work in are subject to regulatory requirements, such as in healthcare or accounting. Fortunately, your staffers can get the convenience of anywhere file management combined with powerful security.
Trusted Edge Ice For Owa 2009Alexis Brown1) Trusted Edge ICE allows corporations to define and implement document retention and filing policies for Microsoft Outlook Web Access emails.
2) It classifies emails at creation according to corporate policy and ensures all copies are retained or disposed of appropriately.
3) Centrally managed policies allow emails accessed on OWA to be classified and managed remotely according to the organization's retention schedule, even when users are offline.
Don't manage strategic data in emailFelix PuetschEvery company collaborates on data—and often it’s done with unsecured, untraceable email attachments.
Keeping control over the process and the data is tough, consolidating or re-using it almost impossible—not to talk about data security or process audits. is the secure platform to asynchronouslyrequest, control, distribute, and collaborate on data.
Cloud infrastructure solutions jbsmidisJBS provides cloud infrastructure solutions. JBS designs a responsive and user-friendly IT infrastructure that expertly addresses all business challenges.
The connection forweb p12BloombaseThe Connection - Enable Productivity and Security In Your NonStop Environment - Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall with HPE ESKM
Extending The Enterprise With Office 365 & Azure for the EnterpriseRichard Harbridge1. Office 365 and Azure provide cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools as well as infrastructure services that allow organizations to extend their enterprise capabilities.
2. Office 365 includes familiar Office applications delivered as a cloud service along with collaboration and communication tools like SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync.
3. Azure provides scalable computing and storage resources that organizations can use to run applications and websites in the cloud or extend their on-premises datacenters.
Achieving Separation of Compute and Storage in a Cloud WorldAlluxio, Inc.Alluxio Tech Talk
Feb 12, 2019
Dipti Borkar, Alluxio
The rise of compute intensive workloads and the adoption of the cloud has driven organizations to adopt a decoupled architecture for modern workloads – one in which compute scales independently from storage. While this enables scaling elasticity, it introduces new problems – how do you co-locate data with compute, how do you unify data across multiple remote clouds, how do you keep storage and I/O service costs down and many more.
Enter Alluxio, a virtual unified file system, which sits between compute and storage that allows you to realize the benefits of a hybrid cloud architecture with the same performance and lower costs.
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- Why leading enterprises are adopting hybrid cloud architectures with compute and storage disaggregated
- The new challenges that this new paradigm introduces
- An introduction to Alluxio and the unified data solution it provides for hybrid environments
Enterprise solution for backup, access and sharing Ltd.Your employees are using cloud-based services to share sensitive company data with one another, vendors, customers and partners. They are syncing data to their personal devices and home computers, all in an effort to get their job faster and without IT permission. Consumer cloud-based file sharing services have your sensitive company data stored on servers outside of your control, outside of your policy and regulatory guidelines – maybe even outside your country.
CloudControl putting control back into the hands of IT:
- Hosted on your physical, virtual or private server(s);
- Control and manage users and groups, monitoring logs and system health, and metering usage and quotas, all in one location;
... and many more
Solving the Really Big Tech Problems with IoTEric KavanaghThe Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and HPE Security
The Internet of Things brings new technological problems: sensor communications are bi-directional, the scale of data generation points has no precedent and, in this new world, security, privacy and data protection need to go out to the edge. Likely, most of that data lands in Hadoop and Big Data platforms. With the need for rapid analytics never greater, companies try to seize opportunities in tighter time windows. Yet, cyber-threats are at an all-time high, targeting the most valuable of assets—the data.
Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor explain the implications of today's divergent data forces. He’ll be briefed by Reiner Kappenberger of HPE, who will discuss how a recent innovation -- NiFi -- is revolutionizing the big data ecosystem. He’ll explain how this technology dramatically simplifies data flow design, enabling a new era of business-driven analysis, while also protecting sensitive data.
Preparing for the Cybersecurity RenaissanceCloudera, Inc.We are in the midst of a fundamental shift in the way in which organizations protect themselves from the modern adversary.
Traditional rules based cybersecurity applications of the past are not able to protect organizations in the new mobile, social, and hyper-connected world they now operate within. However, the convergence of big data technology, analytic advancements, and a variety of other factors have sparked a cybersecurity renaissance that will forever change the way in which organizations protect themselves.
Join Rocky DeStefano, Cloudera's Cybersecurity subject matter expert, as he explores how modern organizations are protecting themselves from more frequent, sophisticated attacks.
During this webinar you will learn about:
The current challenges cybersecurity professionals are facing today
How big data technologies are extending the capabilities of cybersecurity applications
Cloudera customers that are future proofing their cybersecurity posture with Cloudera’s next generation data and analytics management system
Managed File Transfer and Content Collaboration: Digital Business Meets the D...AxwayIT often has to choose between managed file transfer and content collaboration platforms (formerly EFSS) to move and share files internally and externally. Not anymore. Axway AMPLIFY offers secure, enterprise-grade file exchange to power critical business processes and the digital workplace.
Imperative Induced Innovation - Patrick W. Dowd, Ph. DscoopnewsgroupThis document discusses the need for the NSA to improve its security posture and operational effectiveness through induced innovation. It argues that legacy technologies are no longer sufficient given the NSA's responsibilities. The document proposes moving to a new model consisting of an OpenStack-based utility cloud, a Hadoop-based data cloud, and a distributed storage cloud. This new model would reduce complexity, improve security, increase operational agility and efficiency, and lower costs compared to the traditional "enclave" model. The document outlines NSA's experience developing and deploying this new cloud environment since 2007 to address its growing technical needs.
CFO Summit Series - Cloud ComputingTGO ConsultingThere is a lot of talk in technology circles about 'the Cloud' these days. Wondering what it means for you and your business systems? While this new era of cloud computing can bring benefits to your organization these need to be weighed against the risks.
Learn from experts what is really happening today and what you should be considering for the future.
GO AnyWhere - MFTDaniele FittabileGoAnywhere MFT is an enterprise file transfer solution that allows organizations to securely automate and manage file transfers through a single interface with extensive security controls and audit trails. It automates server-to-server and person-to-person file transfers using various protocols and integrates with applications. GoAnywhere MFT provides collaboration features like secure file sharing folders.
Expanded ten reasons to deploy data express finalDataExpressThis document outlines the top 10 reasons to deploy the DataExpress managed file transfer solution. It notes that DataExpress is on the approved state list, provides built-in security, management and auditing features, and proven support to ensure successful and secure file transfers. DataExpress addresses state and national initiatives to securely transfer data and leverage shared infrastructure. Unlike do-it-yourself solutions, DataExpress provides everything needed for file transfers within a single framework and is easier to use and maintain.
Expanded ten reasons to deploy data express finalDataExpressThis document outlines the top 10 reasons to deploy the DataExpress managed file transfer solution. It notes that DataExpress is on the approved state list, provides built-in security, management and auditing features, and proven support to ensure successful and secure file transfers. DataExpress addresses state and national initiatives to securely transfer data and leverage shared infrastructure. Unlike do-it-yourself solutions, DataExpress provides everything needed for file transfers within a single framework and is easier to use and support.
ConsumerizationStephen RoseThe document discusses enabling consumerization in the enterprise by allowing employees to use personal devices for work. It outlines challenges like ensuring security and compliance when devices are unmanaged. It then presents strategies for isolating devices and data, providing access to corporate applications, and enforcing policies. These include virtualization, mobile device management through Exchange, and using technologies like Network Access Protection and Rights Management to isolate networks and protect sensitive data.
Vaultize Cloud Architecture - Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS)VaultizeEnterprises are facing enormous security, data loss and compliance risks with increased mobility of workforce and proliferation of consumer file sharing services together with mobile devices in the enterprise network.
Vaultize is an enterprise-grade platform for secure file sharing, anywhere access, mobile collaboration, endpoint backup and mobility - together with mobile content maanagement (MCM), endpoint encryption, remote wiping and Google Apps backup - that helps enterprises mitigate these risks with complete enterprise control and visibility on the use of unstructured data. It is the only solution that does military-grade (AES 256bit) encryption together with de-duplication at source (patent pending) – making it the most secure and efficient solution in the world. Vaultize comes with highest level of enterprise-grade security, scalability, performance, robustness and reliability.
Vaultize is the first EFSS vendor to fully integrate EMM into a single offering – giving enterprises complete control and visibility over the sensitive corporate data, irrespective of the device used for accessing and sharing – facilitating increased adoption of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) even in highly regulated and security-conscious verticals. Vaultize now includes Mobile Device Management (MDM) features such as remote wipe, data containerization, storage and network encryption, PIN protection and white-listing of apps for mitigation of security and protection concerns with BYOD. Vaultize goes beyond MDM with features like automatic wiping based on geo-location or IP address or time-out. It further facilitates Mobile Content Management (MCM) through access rights and allows corporate IT to prevent data loss, security and compliance breaches by controlling what users can do with corporate data on their mobile devices using natively built-in document editor.
Webinar: Cloud Storage: The 5 Reasons IT Can Do it BetterStorage SwitzerlandIn this webinar learn the five reasons why a private cloud storage system may be more cost effective and deliver a higher quality of service than public cloud storage providers.
In this webinar you will learn:
1. What Public Cloud Storage Architectures Look Like
2. Why Public Providers Chose These Architectures
3. The Problem With Traditional Data Center File Solutions
4. Bringing Cloud Lessons to Traditional IT
5. The Five Reasons IT can Do it Better
Cloud operating systemsadak pramodhThe document discusses cloud operating systems. A cloud OS runs applications and stores data on remote servers that can be accessed from any internet-connected device. This is different than traditional desktop computing which stores programs and files locally. A cloud OS has several advantages like lower costs, automatic updates, universal access, and unlimited storage. However, it requires an internet connection and performance may be reduced without fast speeds. The document provides examples of cloud OSs, describes their architecture which involves clients connecting to a remote server over the network, and covers applications, demonstrations, storage features, advantages and disadvantages of cloud OSs.
CLOUD COMPUTINGAnn ASIDDAOThis document discusses cloud computing, which involves storing and accessing data over the internet rather than on a local hard drive. It provides advantages like worldwide access, reduced costs, and increased storage. Disadvantages include potential security issues, privacy risks if unauthorized users access information, and reliance on internet connectivity. The document also describes different types of cloud services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). It then discusses Google Drive and Dropbox as examples of personal cloud storage services.
Cloud operating systemsadakpramodhThis document discusses cloud operating systems. It begins with an introduction that describes how cloud computing allows software and documents to be stored on remote servers and accessed from any device rather than a personal computer. Examples of cloud OS are provided, such as Google Chrome OS. The document then defines a cloud OS as a browser-based OS that provides access to web apps without needing a full OS. Reasons for using a cloud OS include platform independence, centralized storage, and data sharing. The architecture of a cloud OS is explained as clients connecting to servers over the network. Applications and advantages/disadvantages of cloud OS are listed. The conclusion discusses how cloud OS provides supercomputing power across devices.
Lab Datareach Presentation V5damonhough- Organizations are facing challenges with rapidly growing data volumes, increasing compliance needs, and fixed budgets. On average, 70% of data is unused after 90 days.
- Lab Data Management Suite offers 4 ranges of products to address these challenges: 1) data analysis and decision making, 2) online data backup, 3) archiving solutions, and 4) secure document sharing solutions.
- The suite provides automated, scalable data management to reduce costs, improve compliance, and ensure business continuity and disaster recovery through reliable data backup and recovery.
Make the Upgrade: Data protection in the cloudErik Von SchlehenriedThis document describes Raxsonic's cloud-based data protection solution. It provides complete backup and recovery for servers, applications, desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. The solution protects data across multiple locations through server backup, endpoint backup, archiving, file sharing, and disaster recovery. It uses a unique three-tier encryption process to securely store data in their private and public cloud infrastructure or on-premise with a cloud-connected appliance. The solution is affordable and scalable to meet the needs of organizations of any size.
Secure Enterprise File Sharing and Mobile Content ManagementBlackBerryOrganizations need to share files. In fact, over 50% of business processes, including some of the most critical, are document- based. However, most file sharing solutions have consumer-grade roots, and were not built with the security that enterprises need, balanced with the collaboration and mobility features their end users want. BlackBerry Workspaces™ makes enterprises more mobile and collaborative, while reducing the risk, complexity and cost of sharing information across and beyond your organization. Workspaces embeds digital rights management (DRM) protection in your files, so your content remains secure everywhere it goes. With Workspaces, you stay in control – even after files are shared outside your firewall.
It breakfast fin_28.08.2014_knfFoundation IT Leader Club PolandTemat prelekcji: "Ocena sytuacji i kierunki zmian w IT oraz obszarze bezpieczeństwa i jakości danych bankowych okiem KNF i rynku"
IT Breakafst for FIN 28 sierpnia 2014, Warszawa, Pałac SobańskichFoundation IT Leader Club PolandTemat prelekcji: "Ocena sytuacji i kierunki zmian w IT oraz obszarze bezpieczeństwa i jakości danych bankowych okiem KNF i rynku"
IT Breakafst for FIN 28 sierpnia 2014, Warszawa, Pałac SobańskichFoundation IT Leader Club PolandTemat prelekcji: Ocena sytuacji i kierunki zmian w IT oraz obszarze bezpieczeństwa i jakości danych bankowych okiem KNF i rynku
Prezentacja - IT BREAKFAST - 30.05.2014 - WarszawaFoundation IT Leader Club PolandWe współczesnym biznesie praktycznie każda istotna zmiana w firmie musi przejść przez dział IT, który pod nawałem żądań często się „zatyka”, stając się wąskim gardłem -- ku niezadowoleniu biznesu. Jednocześnie nie ma jednak środków na zwiększenie zasobów IT. Powstaje więc pytanie: czy można istotnie zwiększyć efektywność wykorzystania już istniejących zasobów, bez dokonywania istotnych inwestycji i rewolucyjnych zmian?
Tak, jeśli zdamy sobie sprawę, do jakiego stopnia jesteśmy ofiarą złej wielozadaniowości -- i jeśli zastosujemy proste, choć czasem nieintuicyjne reguły postępowania. Opóźnienia w wykonywaniu projektów najczęściej nie wynikają bowiem z braku zasobów, ale z ich marnowania wskutek wszechobecnej złej wielozadaniowości. Zła wielozadaniowość to sytuacja, w której żonglujemy zbyt wieloma zadaniami jednocześnie, co powoduje znaczne wydłużenie czasu realizacji wszystkich projektów, nadmierne zmęczenie i dużą liczbę błędów. Praktycznym sposobem rozładowania kolejki projektów czekających na realizację jest ograniczenie ilości pracy w toku wykorzystując kanban.
Prezentacja - IT BREAKFAST - 30.05.2014 - Warszawa Foundation IT Leader Club PolandCloud computing i Internet Rzeczy wkraczają mocniej do rzeczywistości przemysłowej. Pozwalają twórczo w zakresie wiedzy technicznej i atrakcyjnie społecznie rozwinąć ideę zwaną Product Lifecycle Management. Nowe podejście uzyskało w Niemczech nazwę Industry 4.0 i jest już programem rządowym, a ma też odzew rządu amerykańskiego. Warto tej idei kibicować, bowiem nawet jeśli jesteśmy jej odlegli biznesowo, to skorzystamy jako członkowie społeczeństwa.
Prezentacja - IT BREAKFAST - 30.05.2014 - WarszawaFoundation IT Leader Club PolandPierwsze systemy IP telefonii wzbudzały zainteresowanie firm głównie ze względu na możliwość ograniczenia kosztów połączeń. Po prawie dwóch dekadach od zapoczątkowanej przez VoIP rewolucji w telefonii, w dobie rosnących potrzeb w zakresie komunikacji, niższe rachunki już nie wystarczają. Wyzwaniem staje się uproszczenie i ujednolicenie licznych form komunikacji biznesowej (telefonia, mail, czat, wideorozmowy, telekonferencje, webinaria itd.) oraz zapewnienie pracownikom efektywnych narzędzi do pracy mobilnej i grupowej. Nadchodzi czas na Unified Communications.
IT Breakafst for FIN 28 sierpnia 2014, Warszawa, Pałac Sobańskich
1. Przykład nowoczesnej architektury z centralnym magazynem danych dla wielu aplikacji. Współdzielenie i synchronizacja plików.
Radosław Machnica
5. Rogue IT in the consumer cloud
What’s the risk ?
Serious corporate data security and governance issues
Risk of exposing intellectual property
Violation of regulatory compliance for confidentiality and retention
No control or audit of content flowing in and out of corporate network
6. Users make copies of data everywhere
Clogs up primary storage, leads to sprawl
All needs to be backed up
Bank Doesn’t Like Having Data Everywhere
Expensive and hard to manage
Some data leaks are out of IT control
7. A Better Way – Your Way
Delivered from your own private cloud
Secure, protected, reliable, and under your control
Not just for sync and share, but for any cloud or Web 2.0 storage workload
HCP Anywhere for the next wave of innovation without the risk
Built for businesses, with consumer ease of use
Works with your existing IT investments, practices, and policies
Your data anywhere, anytime, on any device
Cloud-based file synchronization and sharing done your way
Enable mobile workforces, support bring- your-own-device
Recover previous versions of files
8. Freedom To Be an Innovation Center
User work files available anywhere
Shared links, not files
Data is automatically protected
Efficient, automatically managed storage
Data is secure and under IT control
9. Clients
Enterprise IT
HCP Anywhere Architecture
HCP Anywhere POD
Active Directory
Other Customer IT
Infrastructure: DNS,
NTP, Virus
Scanning, etc.
Application and DB Server
Sync Server
Application and DB Server
Internal Network
Anywhere – Public or Private Networks
Sync Server
10. Users Don’t Like Having Data Everywhere Either
Where is that file?
Can I restore an old version of it?
What happens if my device breaks?
How do I share if it’s too big or sensitive?
How can I easily share a folder?
11. More Freedom to Innovate
Work files synchronized on all devices
Data is automatically protected
Old versions can be recovered
Files are easily recovered to any device
Files and folders are easily and safely shared with others