弌仂舒礌亳亠 仗仂亠仂舒 仗亠亠从仍ム舒亠 仗亠 弍亳仂仄 (24亶)ARM CPSR (Current Program Status Register). The 'T'-bit must be cleared and the 'J'-bit set.
亠于亶 舒仄 仗仂 仗仂亟亟亠亢从仂亶 于亳舒仍亳亰舒亳亳
The introduction of Large Physical Address Extensions (LPAE) enables the processor to access up to 1TB of memoryPerformance and power optimized L1 caches combine minimal access latency techniques to maximize performance and minimize power consumption. Caches are 32KB for instruction and 32KB for data. Also providing the option for cache coherence for enhanced inter-processor communication or support of rich SMP capable OS for simplified multicore software developmenCoreLink CCN-504 extends the capabilities of your SoC. Up to 16 cores on the same silicon die are possible with this fully-coherent, high-performance many-core solution. With up to 1TB/s of system bandwidth, and support for large L3 caches, SoC designers can address the needs of networking, server, and other enterprise-class devices.
Pipeline depth:A15 15A9 8
A53 64bit A7A57 64bit A15
In-order processor
弌舒亠亞亳, 仗仂亟亟亠亢舒仆亳亠 亰舒从仂仆舒 舒
Front-end:32KB, 8-way set associative, first-level instruction cache,Branch prediction units and ITLB,Two instruction decoders, each can decode up to one instruction per cycle.JEU jump execution unitAGU - Address Generation UnitTLB TranslationLookup Buffer (仍 仗亠亠于仂亟舒 于亳舒仍仆 舒亟亠仂于 于 亳亰亳亠从亳亠.个亳亰亳亠从亳亠 舒亟亠舒 亰舒亠仄 亳仗仂仍亰ム 亟仍 仂弍舒亠仆亳 于 从 亟舒仆仆)PMH - Page Miss Handler (Virtual->Physical Translation)BIU Bus Interface Unit 从仂仆仂仍仍亠 亳仆 亳 L2;The memory execution sub-system (MEU) can support 48-bit linear address for Intel64 Architecture, either 32-bit or 36-bit physical addressing modes. The MEUprovides: 24KB first level data cache, Hardware prefetching for L1 data cache, Two levels of DTLB for 4KByte and larger paging structure. Hardware pagewalker to service DTLB and ITLB misses. Two address generation units (port 0 supports loads and stores, port 1 supportsLEA and stack operations) Store-forwarding support for integer operations 8 write combining buffers.The bus logic sub-system provides 512KB, 8-way set associative, unified L2 cache, Hardware prefetching for L2 and interface logic to the front side bus.
仂仍亳仆于仂 亳仆从亳亶 仗亠亠于仂亟 于 1 仄ミ笑壬5% 亳仆从亳亶 亠弍ム 舒亰弍亳于从亳 仆舒 仄ミ笑壬舒亰弍亳于从舒 仆舒 仄ミ笑壬 仆亠 亟舒亠 仂仂弍 仗亠亳仄亠于 仆舒 in order