Video is number one factor that drives travellers decision when they choose a destination or a hotel. See how you can benefit from video when you promote your hotel.
2. Who watches TV on TV anymore? Eric, Gossip Girl(USA high rank TV show Presenter)
3. 里凌 2009 侶 竜僚留 侶 Nielsen 亮竜略竜旅 :両留旅竜旅虜略 亮竜粒略了侶 略僚凌隆凌 侶僚 流侶 Video虜留旅 Social Media+ 339% (03-09)Video and Social Media Lead The WayIt is rare to see segments significantly grow from BOTH anAudience and an engagement standpoint, but we are seeingExceptional growth over the last couple of years in both videoAnd social media sites.