Ter inspiratie heeft Red Chocolate op vrijdag 5 maart 2010 een presentatie gegeven bij Berenschot. Doelstelling was om de social gedachte over te brengen.
The document discusses the benefits of digitizing local history collections at the Wakefield library. Digitizing photographs, postcards, artwork, calendars, maps, and new photographs creates searchable online archives that preserve history, save storage space, and make materials accessible to local patrons and remote users. Community input is encouraged. Projects include digitizing over 1,000 historic images and items, as well as starting a local history wiki.
El documento describe la experiencia del Gobierno Regional de Atacama en el proceso de traspaso de competencias de planificación desde el Ministerio de Planificación al gobierno regional. Se detalla el proceso de validación de las condiciones iniciales, el modelo de gestión adoptado con su estructura organizativa, y los principales desafÃos como posicionar la división de planificación y cumplir con las expectativas de los diferentes actores.
El documento presenta una agenda para una reunión que incluye introducir el objetivo y a los participantes, luego discutir tres temas principales proveyendo detalles, información adicional y ejemplos sobre cada tema y sus posibles efectos en la audiencia.
The document discusses the future of universities and open education. It questions the traditional university model and asks if there are better ways of delivering education. It explores two trends - very scalable mixed-mode delivery through open universities that are flexible, affordable and can educate massive numbers of students. Examples given are the UK Open University and Indira Gandhi Open University. The document also discusses the challenges facing higher education in developing countries and how open education models may help address issues of accessibility, affordability and local knowledge production.
Hans Rosling gave a presentation on the developing world. He delivered the presentation in an informative yet enthusiastic style that kept the audience interested through his clear message, sense of humor, and eye contact. Rosling drew from his expertise and personal experience on the topic while gesticulating and explaining slides to engage the audience.
Snitker & Co. is an independent usability and user experience research firm based in Copenhagen that works with global clients to test websites, software, devices, and other interfaces. The company's methodology includes concept testing, usability testing, card sorting, and other qualitative research methods. Snitker & Co. manages all aspects of research projects, from design to recruitment to execution and reporting. A key client is Nokia, for which Snitker & Co. has conducted global comparative user testing of Nokia websites and online offerings across multiple cultures and continents.
The document discusses a UK court case that set new rules for control orders placed on terrorist suspects. The Law Lords ruled that curfews exceeding 12 hours for suspects constituted imprisonment and violated their human rights. The court also decided that suspects must be shown any secret evidence against them to ensure a fair trial. The Home Secretary disagrees with parts of the ruling but must now comply with imposing shorter curfews and revealing evidence to suspects.
The document outlines the European Union's Directive on flood risk assessment and management. It establishes a framework for Member States to assess flood risks, map flood hazards and risks, and create flood risk management plans. Member States must prepare flood risk maps and management plans by specific deadlines to help reduce the adverse impacts of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage, and economic activity through prevention, protection, and preparedness measures.
Drugs are the biggest reason for not doing drugs according to academics, parents, jobs and kids. Drug addiction affects people emotionally and psychologically. Drug addiction occurs when chemicals in drugs alter the brain and prevention focuses on avoiding those chemicals.
Sector Audiovisual Privado EspañOl Y Servicios Portadoresguest3e31bc
Speak over innovatieve interne communicatieSpeakademy
Presentatie van Speak gegeven door Alex Talsma. Voor een groep van ondernemers die verenigd zijn in een KIND groep van de Kamer van Koophandel. Speakakdemy is de afdeling van Speak waarin kennis wordt gedeeld. Deze presentatie is daar een voorbeeld van.
The document discusses the benefits of digitizing local history collections at the Wakefield library. Digitizing photographs, postcards, artwork, calendars, maps, and new photographs creates searchable online archives that preserve history, save storage space, and make materials accessible to local patrons and remote users. Community input is encouraged. Projects include digitizing over 1,000 historic images and items, as well as starting a local history wiki.
El documento describe la experiencia del Gobierno Regional de Atacama en el proceso de traspaso de competencias de planificación desde el Ministerio de Planificación al gobierno regional. Se detalla el proceso de validación de las condiciones iniciales, el modelo de gestión adoptado con su estructura organizativa, y los principales desafÃos como posicionar la división de planificación y cumplir con las expectativas de los diferentes actores.
El documento presenta una agenda para una reunión que incluye introducir el objetivo y a los participantes, luego discutir tres temas principales proveyendo detalles, información adicional y ejemplos sobre cada tema y sus posibles efectos en la audiencia.
The document discusses the future of universities and open education. It questions the traditional university model and asks if there are better ways of delivering education. It explores two trends - very scalable mixed-mode delivery through open universities that are flexible, affordable and can educate massive numbers of students. Examples given are the UK Open University and Indira Gandhi Open University. The document also discusses the challenges facing higher education in developing countries and how open education models may help address issues of accessibility, affordability and local knowledge production.
Hans Rosling gave a presentation on the developing world. He delivered the presentation in an informative yet enthusiastic style that kept the audience interested through his clear message, sense of humor, and eye contact. Rosling drew from his expertise and personal experience on the topic while gesticulating and explaining slides to engage the audience.
Snitker & Co. is an independent usability and user experience research firm based in Copenhagen that works with global clients to test websites, software, devices, and other interfaces. The company's methodology includes concept testing, usability testing, card sorting, and other qualitative research methods. Snitker & Co. manages all aspects of research projects, from design to recruitment to execution and reporting. A key client is Nokia, for which Snitker & Co. has conducted global comparative user testing of Nokia websites and online offerings across multiple cultures and continents.
The document discusses a UK court case that set new rules for control orders placed on terrorist suspects. The Law Lords ruled that curfews exceeding 12 hours for suspects constituted imprisonment and violated their human rights. The court also decided that suspects must be shown any secret evidence against them to ensure a fair trial. The Home Secretary disagrees with parts of the ruling but must now comply with imposing shorter curfews and revealing evidence to suspects.
The document outlines the European Union's Directive on flood risk assessment and management. It establishes a framework for Member States to assess flood risks, map flood hazards and risks, and create flood risk management plans. Member States must prepare flood risk maps and management plans by specific deadlines to help reduce the adverse impacts of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage, and economic activity through prevention, protection, and preparedness measures.
Drugs are the biggest reason for not doing drugs according to academics, parents, jobs and kids. Drug addiction affects people emotionally and psychologically. Drug addiction occurs when chemicals in drugs alter the brain and prevention focuses on avoiding those chemicals.
Sector Audiovisual Privado EspañOl Y Servicios Portadoresguest3e31bc
Speak over innovatieve interne communicatieSpeakademy
Presentatie van Speak gegeven door Alex Talsma. Voor een groep van ondernemers die verenigd zijn in een KIND groep van de Kamer van Koophandel. Speakakdemy is de afdeling van Speak waarin kennis wordt gedeeld. Deze presentatie is daar een voorbeeld van.
Workshop Social Media voor inkopers op de NEVI inkoopdag 21 juni 2011 * top-10 inkoopsites * inkoop * procurement * purchasing * Ruud Olthoff CPO Rabobank
Campagnes op Sociale Netwerken: Hyves, Facebook en Windows LiveGert Braun
Sociale netwerken zijn niet meer weg te denken uit online campagnes. Goed om een stap terug te doen en te kijken wat mensen eigenlijk doen op die sociale netwerken. En hoe kun je die kennis gebruiken om effectieve campagnes te voeren binnen Hyves, Facebook en Windows Live.
Presentatie aan collega's van de marketing & communicatie afdeling van de TU Delft. Onderwerp is introductie in de sociale media, wat kun je er mee en wat ook niet?