InterMediaKT Newsletter #5
Read on our Newsletter our mainactivities that took place in the last 6 months.
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InterMediaKT Newsletter #5
1. N E W S L E T T E R 5
January 2021
旅留硫略竜 凌 Newsletter 亮留
旅 虜旅竜竜 隆略竜旅 亮留
凌 劉了留硫留僚 マ留 亮劉留 凌
竜了竜留溜凌 竜両略亮侶僚凌.
Read on our Newsletter our main
activities that took place in the
last 6 months.
N E W S L E T T E R 5
2. O N L I N E M E E T I N G A C D C _ P R O J E C T 即
旅 僚竜粒略竜 凌 ACDC_Project
粒虜竜僚ホ故稽採盈 粒旅留 僚留 亮旅了流凌僚 粒旅留 旅
竜了竜留溜竜 隆留侶旅侶竜 旅僚 凌 劉了凌 凌
里凌 竜了竜留溜凌 僚竜亮留旅虜 凌僚 凌了凌虜了侶ホ塾杵留旅
亮竜 侶僚 留凌流 虜留慮凌隆流粒侶侶 侶僚 粒竜旅凌僚凌亮旅虜流
留旅隆竜溜留, 凌旅 凌凌溜竜 亮凌凌僚 僚留 亮竜留竜慮凌僚 虜留旅
僚留 虜留慮旅竜慮凌僚 竜 慮竜亮旅虜 竜溜竜隆凌. 旅凌粒略僚侶
凌了了留了留旅留旅虜ホ 竜虜隆侶了マ竜僚 侶僚 溜留,
凌 劉了粒旅凌, 侶僚 了了略隆留 虜留旅 侶僚 留了溜留 留略 侶僚
虜留略留侶 COVID19.
The partners of ACDC_Project gathered to talk
about the last activities before the end of the
Finishing the last output about guidelines on
health literature basic contents for replication &
institutionalization. Organising multiplier events in
Austria, Belgium, Greece & Italy despite the
COVID19 situation.
裡侶僚 竜虜隆流了侶 亮留 亮竜 溜了凌: "凌了竜亮ホ熟留 侶僚
略僚凌旅留 留溜龍凌僚留: 了凌 侶 竜僚凌了凌粒溜留
侶僚 了侶侶 虜留旅 留僚旅亮竜マ旅流 侶" , 凌
留粒亮留凌凌旅流慮侶虜竜 旅 15/7/20, 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留
侶僚 3侶 侶了旅虜溜留 虜留旅 侶僚 留僚略両侶 侶旅留虜ホ
隆竜両旅凌流僚, 粒旅留 留 凌nline 留旅僚溜隆旅留 虜留旅 侶僚
竜僚凌了凌粒溜留 侶僚 3侶 侶了旅虜溜留, 留 留旅僚溜隆旅留
了留 竜僚略僚旅留 侶僚 略僚凌旅留 虜留旅 粒旅留 留
留凌竜了劉亮留留 凌 亮凌凌僚 僚留 凌虜凌僚
留留虜凌了凌慮ホ熟留 侶僚 竜両劉了旅両流 留溜龍凌僚留.
At our event entitled: "Fighting Dementia By
Playing: The Role of Technology in Preventing
and Tackling It", held on 15/7/20, we talked
about 3rd age and the development of digital
skills, online games and technology in 3rd age,
games as weapons against dementia and the
results that can be obtained by watching
evolution by playing.
acdc event
3. S O C I O P O L I S
里凌 竜旅留劉龍旅凌 留旅僚溜隆旅 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流
竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留 劉留竜 凌 粒留竜溜凌 亮留!
留龍溜 亮竜 凌 僚竜粒略竜 亮留 Fundacja
Autokreacja, TYF-The Young Foundation 虜留旅
Dramblys, 凌僚凌亮略留亮竜 凌 竜旅留劉龍旅凌 留旅僚溜隆旅 亮留
"Sociopolis" 凌 凌凌溜凌 留僚留慮侶虜竜 凌 了留溜旅凌
凌 竜留虜凌 劉粒凌 GATES.
竜旅粒留流: 略慮竜 留溜虜侶 隆旅留慮劉竜旅 劉僚留 竜旅留旅凌.
留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 凌 留旅僚旅隆旅凌, 凌旅 留溜虜竜
凌留慮凌僚 僚留 留僚留両凌僚 侶僚 竜旅竜溜侶流 凌,
僚留 凌了略硫凌僚 留了了流了凌, 僚留 凌僚溜龍凌僚 粒旅留
侶 流亮侶 凌 虜留旅 旅 僚慮流虜竜 侶僚 竜粒留溜留 凌,
虜留旅 旅虜略 僚留 虜竜隆溜凌僚 流亮留留 虜留旅 凌 粒旅留
旅略留 凌 慮留 竜溜僚留旅 竜 慮劉侶 僚留 竜硫溜凌僚 凌
竜了略竜 凌.
ur Social entrepreneurship board game arrived
to our office! Together with our partners Fundacja
Autokreacja, TYF-The Young Foundation and
Dramblys, we called our game "Sociopolis" ! It
was developed under EU GATES Project.
Description:Each player owns a restaurant. During
the game, they try to develop their business, hire
employees, take care of their good name and
conditions at work, and of course to earn money
and ingredients for dishes that they will be able to
serve to their customers.
了留亮留 凌 project Allsoskilled 竜溜僚留旅
侶亮旅凌粒流慮侶虜竜 粒旅留 僚留 硫凌侶慮流竜旅 凌 竜僚流了旅虜凌
竜旅虜劉竜 侶 僚留 留僚留虜留了凌僚 凌 粒旅留
僚留 硫竜了旅マ凌僚 旅 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜劉 虜留旅 竜粒留旅留虜劉
隆竜両旅侶劉 凌 虜留旅 粒旅留 僚留 留両流凌僚 侶僚
留僚留粒僚旅旅虜侶留 凌 侶僚 侶亮竜旅僚流 留粒凌略
The Allsoskilled project platform is ready!
Which will help its adult visitors discover ways
to improve their social and work skills to
increase their competitiveness in today's job
allsoskilled platform
4. L E T W O M E N C H O O S E - F O C U S G R O U P
里侶 竜劉留 14/12 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 侶僚 粒僚留旅虜竜溜留
竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留 竜 亮旅留 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜流 竜虜隆流了侶
凌亮略隆留 竜溜留侶 (focus group) , 留 了留溜旅留 凌
竜留虜凌 劉粒凌 Let women choose, 亮竜 侶僚
凌流旅両侶 凌 凌粒留僚旅亮凌 MeXOXO!
裡龍侶流留亮竜 竜旅虜略 亮竜 旅 凌虜了流竜旅 虜留旅
隆僚留侶竜 凌 マ凌 侶 粒僚留旅虜竜溜留
竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留 侶僚 了了略隆留 虜留旅 凌旅
亮亮竜劉凌竜 亮凌旅略侶虜留僚 凌 留亮留 凌, 旅
隆虜凌了溜竜 虜留旅 旅 竜虜留旅溜竜 凌 留僚旅亮竜溜龍凌僚/
劉凌僚 虜留旅 龍侶流留亮竜 粒旅留 侶僚 凌流旅両侶 虜留旅 旅
留了了留粒劉 凌 竜旅略龍凌僚留旅, 隆溜僚凌僚留 亮硫凌了劉
留 旅 竜亮竜旅溜竜 凌!
On Monday 14/12 we talked about women
entrepreneurship in an online event - focus group,
within the European project Let women choose,
with the support of MeXOXO!
We talked about the challenges and opportunities
in the field of women entrepreneurship in Greece
and the participants shared their vision, the
difficulties and opportunities they face / have, we
talked about the support and changes they need,
giving advice from their experiences!
竜溜竜 凌 隆竜竜凌 竜僚侶亮竜旅虜 隆竜了溜凌 凌 劉粒凌 Let
women choose 竜隆:
凌 留凌 凌 竜僚侶亮竜旅虜凌 隆竜了溜凌 竜溜僚留旅 僚留
隆マ竜旅 亮旅留 竜旅虜侶侶 竜旅虜略 亮竜 侶僚 了凌凌溜侶侶
僚 隆留侶旅凌流僚 凌 劉粒凌 虜留旅 僚留 留凌旅略竜旅
留 留凌竜了劉亮留留 凌 劉凌僚 竜旅竜慮竜溜 亮劉旅
Take a look to the Let women choose project's
second newsletter here:
The aim of this newsletter is to give an overview
about implementation of the projects activities and
present the results obtained so far.
5. Y M I
留略 侶僚 留粒虜亮旅留 虜留略留侶 凌 硫旅ホ塾刃亮竜, 侶
凌亮略隆留 YMI 竜溜僚留旅 凌了 竜流留僚侶 凌 僚劉旅竜 僚留
留粒亮留凌凌旅竜溜 旅 凌粒留亮亮留旅亮劉僚竜
隆留侶旅侶竜 侶 亮劉 隆侶亮旅凌粒旅虜ホ 虜留旅
隆僚留亮旅虜ホ 了竜僚. 竜 留僚 凌僚 凌,
竜凌旅亮略龍凌亮竜 凌 竜了旅虜 竜旅竜亮竜僚凌 僚
亮留慮侶亮略僚 粒旅留 凌 僚劉凌 隆旅留亮竜凌了留硫侶劉 粒旅留
劉僚留両侶 凌 両竜虜旅僚略僚竜 虜留略 侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 凌 2021.
凌竜溜竜 僚留 隆旅留硫略竜竜 凌 竜僚侶亮竜旅虜 隆竜了溜凌 凌
凌粒略亮亮留凌 Young Mediators for Inclusion
竜隆: !
Despite the global situation we are experiencing,
the YMI Team is very proud to have continued to
carry out the planned activities through creative
and dynamic solutions. In this way, we are
preparing the final content of the courses for the
young mediators for inclusion which will start in
2021. Take a look to the Young Mediators for
Inclusion project's newsletter here: !
竜 侶僚 留凌溜留 了僚 僚 僚竜粒留ホ 凌 劉粒凌
On-Off 留粒亮留凌凌旅流留亮竜 亮旅留 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜流
僚略僚侶侶 亮劉 zoom 旅 2 竜虜竜亮硫溜凌.
旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 凌 劉粒凌, 侶 亮竜慮凌隆凌了凌粒溜留, 侶僚
竜留亮凌粒流 虜留旅 侶 隆旅略隆凌流 凌. 虜亮留 虜旅 留僚 竜溜僚留旅
隆虜凌了竜 旅粒亮劉, 旅竜凌亮竜 留虜亮侶 竜旅竜凌
凌 凌 凌 ON-OFF.
裡侶僚 留粒亮留旅虜侶留, 凌旅 竜旅マ竜旅 硫溜留 亮竜 硫略侶
凌 了凌, 凌 侶 竜僚隆凌凌旅虜凌粒竜僚竜旅留虜流 凌 虜留旅 侶
隆旅留隆旅虜留虜流, 留両略僚凌僚留旅 留虜亮侶 竜旅竜凌 虜留略
侶 隆旅略虜竜旅留 侶 留僚隆侶亮溜留. 旅, 侶 虜凌旅僚侶留 ON-
OFF 竜粒略龍竜留旅 留虜亮留 旅凌 虜了侶略 粒旅留 僚留
隆侶亮旅凌粒流竜旅 劉僚留 慮竜旅虜 留僚溜虜凌.
All the ON OFF partners met virtually on zoom on
2nd of December.
Connecting from our homes due to COVID-19
restrictions, we spoke about the project, its
methodology, implementation and dissemination.
Even if these are hard times, we believe even more
in the objectives of ON-OFF a matter of fact, cases
of gender-based violence, both domestic and
online, are even increasing during the pandemic.
6. 1 僚凌 Coffee Breaks 虜留旅 凌 竜竜竜旅留虜 亮留
podcast, 旅了凌両竜僚流留亮竜 凌僚 虜留了 溜了凌 虜留旅
僚竜粒略侶 竜僚劉了留凌 虜凌, improviser, performer,
trainer, 隆流 虜留旅 隆旅竜慮僚流 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 侶
ImproVIBE, 侶 マ侶 凌了流 凌竜隆旅留旅虜凌
竜略凌 Improv Comedy Theater 侶僚 慮流僚留, 亮竜
了竜旅凌粒溜留 留 凌 2012. 裡龍侶流留亮竜 粒旅留 凌僚
留凌竜隆旅留亮 虜留旅 侶僚 侶旅亮侶留 凌 侶僚
虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚侶略 亮留 虜留旅 侶僚 凌隆留旅侶略 凌 竜
凌旅虜 虜留旅 竜留粒粒竜了亮留旅虜 竜溜竜隆凌, 亮竜 僚凌
虜留旅 虜旅凌 龍侶凌亮竜僚凌 粒旅留 凌 2020, 侶僚
凌留亮凌旅虜侶留, 劉僚留 略虜 留留留溜侶凌
1 year Coffee Breaks and in our anniversary
podcast, we host the good friend and collaborator
Menelaos Prokos, improviser, performer, trainer,
Founder and training director of ImproVIBE, the
first school of Improv Comedy Theater in Athens,
operating since 2012. We discussed its
improvisation and usefulness in our daily lives
and its importance on a personal and professional
level, with a background and main issue for 2020,
adaptability, as a much needed tool.
留了竜亮劉僚竜 亮留 侶 留溜留 竜溜凌 虜留旅 侶 留溜留
了旅凌凌了凌 侶 People Behind.
僚留亮旅虜劉 粒僚留溜虜竜 亮竜 留亮留 留旅 亮竜 劉僚留僚 凌了
侶亮留僚旅虜 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜 虜凌! 留 亮旅了流留僚竜 粒旅留 凌
隆旅虜 凌 story & origin 留了了略 虜留旅 凌了了略 凌了了略
略了了留 亮凌留 虜留旅 虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚略 凌 旅 僚凌隆竜凌僚
凌 粒凌 虜留旅 旅 略竜旅 凌!
Maria Asteriou & Maria Iliopoulou of the NGO
People Behind. Dynamic women with vision And
with a very important social purpose! They told us
about their own story & origin but also many many
other beautiful and everyday things that
accompany them in their Work and Actions!
InterMediaKTCoffeeBreak 12
7. 裡侶僚 online 留劉留 亮留 凌隆竜流虜留亮竜 侶僚
了留溜侶 里龍旅凌亮略虜侶, 凌旅僚僚旅虜流 竜旅凌粒 MSc,
旅虜凌粒竜僚竜旅留虜流 竜留竜旅留 虜留旅 旅侶亮凌僚旅虜略
離竜慮僚侶 凌 了了粒凌 僚留旅虜ホ 亮竜 留虜溜僚凌
留凌 束 立裡損 凌 . 留葎留. 了亮留
流 略留. 旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 留 凌粒略亮亮留留 虜留旅
旅 劉凌竜 隆略竜旅 凌 了了粒凌, 粒旅留 凌
凌隆留溜凌 劉粒凌 凌 劉竜旅 凌劉竜旅 留 20
僚旅留 龍流 凌 留了了略 虜留旅 粒旅留 旅 凌虜了流竜旅
凌 劉竜竜 凌 2020. 溜侶, 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 留
隆ホ捨砧塾 凌 劉了留硫留僚 マ留 凌僚 虜ホ河旅凌,
亮流僚留 了侶侶 虜留旅 竜僚侶亮劉侶 粒旅留 凌僚
虜留虜溜僚凌 凌 亮留凌.
ur online company we welcomed Claire
Tziomaki, Social Worker MSc, Family Therapist
and Scientific Manager of the association of
Women with Breast Cancer "ALMA ZOIS" of
region Achaia. We talked about the programs
and wonderful actions of the club, about the
great work it has offered in its 20 years of life
but also about the challenges it brought in
2020. We also talk about the events they took
place on October , Breast Cancer Prevention
and Information Month.
竜 虜留了竜亮劉僚凌 凌僚 虜留了 溜了凌 竜略旅亮凌 陸竜旅略僚.
凌 2002 流亮竜留, 劉竜旅 隆旅留竜了劉竜旅
隆旅留亮竜旅亮留旅虜 亮硫凌了凌 凌 虜竜僚旅虜
隆旅留亮劉旅亮留 凌 隆流亮凌 留劉僚, 留虜旅虜 亮劉了凌
侶 旅凌流 侶亮旅留 離粒竜溜留 虜 凌旅僚僚旅虜流
僚溜了侶侶 侶 .. 留留, 凌了旅旅虜
凌略亮竜僚凌 僚 侶竜旅ホ 離粒竜溜留 虜
僚凌旅留 侶 .. 留留, 竜溜僚留旅 凌 竜亮僚竜流
虜留旅 竜虜虜旅僚侶流 侶 凌略慮竜旅留 粒旅留 侶僚
束僚凌亮侶 硫留侶 僚 亮竜 凌 隆略旅僚凌
竜旅硫略了了凌僚損 亮竜 侶僚 僚竜粒留溜留 凌
留僚竜旅侶亮溜凌 留ホ, 硫凌侶慮ホ熟留 虜留留了旅虜略
侶 隆侶亮旅凌粒溜留 侶 虜留旅僚凌亮留 虜竜流
SEATRAC. 旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 了略僚留, 劉隆旅留 ,
凌硫了侶亮留旅亮凌, 留竜旅 留了了略 虜留旅 侶
僚凌凌凌溜留 凌 劉竜旅 僚留 虜留了了旅竜粒流凌亮竜
虜凌旅僚僚旅虜 僚凌了凌 粒旅留 侶 硫竜了溜侶 侶
虜留慮侶亮竜旅僚侶留 僚 .
InterMediaKT Coffee Break 14 with our good friend & partner Gerasimos Fessian! From 2002 to the present day, has
served as an apartment consultant in the central department of the municipality of Patrea, prefectural councillor,
regular member of the Public Health and Social Perception Committee of N.A. Achaia, is the initiator and initiator of
the effort for "Autonomous access of the disabled to the aquatic environment" with the cooperation of the
University of Patras , helping catalytically to create the innovative SEATRAC device. With him, we drink the online
coffee with us and he tells us about plans, plans, reflections, opinions but also the mentality that we must cultivate
as a social group to improve the daily life of the disabled.
8. PinkTheCity/PinkTheWeb2020!
nterMediaKT 流留僚 竜流留僚凌
凌侶旅虜流 凌 Pink the City/ Pink the
Web 2020, 留劉凌僚留 侶僚 竜僚旅虜流
凌流旅両侶 粒旅留 侶僚 隆旅凌粒略僚侶 僚
隆旅留隆旅虜留虜ホ event 粒旅留 凌 2020
溜僚留旅 略僚留 留略 亮留 僚留 凌劉凌亮竜 侶僚
竜僚凌粒僚溜留 侶 凌亮略隆留 粒旅留 凌 虜凌旅僚 虜留了.
略僚留亮竜 侶僚 隆旅竜両留粒粒流 僚 live 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜ホ
竜虜隆侶了マ竜僚 粒旅留 凌 了亮留 流 略留
束留虜溜僚凌 留凌.
僚侶亮竜ホ塾仁捨盈 陸凌僚溜龍 凌了留硫留溜僚
InterMediaKT was a proud supporter of Pink
the City / Pink the Web 2020, providing the
technical support for the organization of the
online events for 2020
We were responsible of Alma Zois Patras
"Breast Cancer live web events .
Information - Care - Prevension - Life "!!
旅凌粒留僚マ留亮竜 亮旅留 竜僚侶亮竜旅虜流 侶亮竜溜隆留 竜旅虜略
亮竜 凌 Erasmus 亮竜 侶僚 硫凌流慮竜旅留 凌 ESN UOPA .
留僚 留略 亮留 僚留 亮凌旅留凌亮竜 旅 竜亮竜旅溜竜 亮留,
留留僚流留亮竜 竜 竜流竜旅 竜旅虜略 亮竜 了竜 旅
隆僚留侶竜 虜旅僚侶旅虜侶留 Erasmus+,
竜僚侶亮竜ホ塾仁熟留 凌 僚劉凌 粒旅留 旅 竜虜留旅溜竜 凌
劉凌僚 虜留旅 侶ホ熟留 了留 留 粒竜旅凌僚凌亮旅虜略 亮劉留.
We organized an information day about Erasmus
with the help of ESN UOPA.
We shared our experiences, answered questions
about all the possibilities of Erasmus + mobilities,
informing the young people about the opportunities
they have while observing all the health measures.
ERASMUS DAYS 2020 14-15-16/10
9. 里o Patras Codecamp 竜劉竜竜 粒旅留 5侶 僚竜亮竜僚侶 凌僚旅略 虜凌僚略 亮留, 旅 凌慮僚竜 僚 凌了凌粒旅ホ 亮留.
里侶僚 留了留溜留 略僚凌旅両竜 凌 Junior Codecamp 粒旅留 凌-旅 亮旅虜凌-竜 亮留 溜了凌-竜 旅 10-11 虜硫溜凌 虜留旅
留虜凌了凌慮侶留僚 凌旅 了溜粒凌 亮竜粒留了竜凌旅-竜 亮留 溜了凌旅-竜 旅 23-25 虜硫溜凌!
劉僚竜 亮劉竜 粒竜亮略竜 虜ホ肝肯採, 竜僚凌了凌粒溜留 虜留旅 粒僚マ侶 亮留 竜僚ホ塾刃僚 侶僚 竜凌流 侶 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流
旅凌粒留僚劉 : InterMediaT, POS4work, 里亮流亮留 了竜虜凌了粒僚 侶留僚旅虜ホ & 侶留僚旅虜ホ 離凌了凌粒旅ホ
留僚. 竜了凌凌僚僚流凌.
Patras Codecamp has returned for the 5th consecutive year, on our computer screens.
The curtain was opened by the Junior Codecamp for our little friends on October 10-11, followed by our
adults friends on October 23-25!
Five days full of code, technology and knowledge unite us in the age of social distancing.
Organizers: InterMediaT, POS4work, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, of University of the
More info here:
Network automation with Ansible
凌了竜凌僚留 亮竜 凌 luetooth
Master the Arduino
粒虜留慮旅凌亮竜 虜留旅 亮留慮留溜僚凌亮竜 凌 WordPress
Designing software with quality using OO, SOLID and
META principles
旅留粒粒流 凌 2D Game Design & Development
Build your first Machine Learning Bot
Presenting a real life project in Javascript
旅留粒粒流 侶僚 旅竜虜凌僚旅虜流 Full-Stack 留亮凌粒ホ
How computers work
Invited Speaker
Workshops 24/10:
AI and Location Based Services
裡竜隆旅略龍凌僚留 亮旅留 虜竜流 凌 略竜旅 凌 劉旅
Embedded Systems and Programming
Introduction to Internet of Things
Beginners guide to Azure bot service
Securing Web Applications and APIs with ASP.NET
Core and IdentityServer4.
ML.NET: No magic anymore, Into the world of the
Machine Learning using ML.NET
An introduction to Microservices and Kubernetes
離了凌凌旅 interfaces 留了了略 隆竜僚 両劉
WFH AR Application a Unity Hands-On Experience
旅留粒粒流 凌 Procedural Modeling 亮竜 Houdini
Workshops 25/10:
里凌 Junior Patras Codecamp 凌了凌虜了侶ホ故稽採 亮竜
竜旅溜留 凌 裡留硫硫留凌虜旅留虜凌 10-11 虜硫溜凌
2020 凌 凌凌溜凌 竜溜竜 凌 僚留 竜旅略粒竜旅 凌僚
僚留留旅虜 虜亮凌 凌 凌粒留亮亮留旅亮凌 虜留旅
侶 里竜僚凌了凌粒溜留 竜 亮留慮侶劉 留 了侶 侶僚 了了略隆留.
竜虜溜僚侶竜 亮竜 凌 workshop Tech4Family 粒旅留
虜凌溜旅留 8-10 竜ホ 虜留旅 旅 亮侶劉竜 凌 虜留旅 侶
僚劉竜旅留 亮竜 留 workshops "亮留慮留溜僚 僚留
凌粒留亮亮留溜龍 亮竜 Scratch 虜留旅 亮竜 Alice." 粒旅留
The Junior Patras Codecamp was successfully
completed on the weekend of October 10-11,
2020, which aimed to introduce the exciting world
of Programming and Technology to students from
all over Greece.
It started with the Tech4Family workshop for 8-10
year old girls and their mothers, followed by the
"learning to program with Scratch and Alice"
workshops. for children.
竜 慮留 亮凌凌竜 僚留 亮硫竜溜 留 溜 侶僚
凌了旅亮侶 硫凌流慮竜旅留 僚 竜虜留旅隆竜旅ホ 虜留旅 僚
竜慮竜了凌僚ホ 亮留 凌 僚劉硫留了留僚 侶僚 竜旅侶亮劉僚侶
隆旅竜両留粒粒流 凌.
This could not have happened without the
valuable help of our educators and volunteers
who contributed to its successful conduct.
11. 裡略留亮竜 虜略慮竜 竜虜 凌 Patras Codecamp 2020
里旅了留旅略留亮竜 凌僚 留旅慮亮 僚 亮亮竜竜僚僚, 凌
921, 粒虜旅旅虜略 亮竜 旅 凌侶粒凌亮竜僚竜 凌僚旅劉
We broke every record at Patras Codecamp 2020
We tripled the number of participants, to 921, compared
to previous years錫
裡旅 30 裡竜竜亮硫溜凌 留粒亮留凌凌旅流留亮竜 凌
竜了竜留溜凌 隆旅留 龍マ侶 Open Dialogue Cafe
竜旅虜略 亮竜 留 Soft Skills 留了了略 留 旅 25
凌竜亮硫溜凌 劉竜旅 留了了略両竜旅 虜留旅 了留亮硫略僚竜旅 マ留
了劉凌僚 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜略. To マ凌 online event 流留僚
凌 Orange The Web-了侶侶 侶 硫溜留 亮竜 硫略侶
凌 了凌.
隆旅留隆旅虜留虜流 竜虜隆流了侶 流留僚 亮劉凌 凌
留虜旅硫旅亮凌 僚 16 侶亮竜ホ 侶 竜虜留竜溜留 僚
僚亮劉僚僚 慮僚ホ 粒旅留 凌 2020. 裡僚竜溜留亮竜 亮竜 凌
One Road for all 亮竜 留凌亮流 侶僚 留粒虜亮旅留
亮劉留 亮僚 竜 僚留侶溜竜 虜留旅
竜旅虜竜僚慮流虜留亮竜 侶僚 凌硫留旅亮侶留 僚
侶ホ 留僚留侶旅虜ホ 留亮留両旅隆溜僚.
裡凌 竜亮竜僚凌 event 亮旅了流留亮竜 粒旅留 侶僚 竜了竜慮竜溜留
侶 劉虜留侶 虜留旅 侶 了侶凌侶侶 凌
留凌竜了凌僚 了ホ塾杵 亮旅留 粒旅凌 隆侶亮凌虜留旅虜流
虜凌旅僚僚溜留 虜留旅 粒旅留 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 虜留旅 凌旅虜凌僚凌亮旅虜流
留僚略両侶. 里劉了凌, 凌 竜了竜留溜凌 event
龍侶流留亮竜 粒旅留 旅 律旅凌粒竜僚僚旅略旅虜竜
留留隆竜旅 虜留旅 凌 凌 凌
粒旅凌略龍凌僚留旅 留 律旅凌粒竜僚僚留 侶僚 了了略隆留,
侶僚 凌了僚溜留, 侶僚 虜留僚溜留, 侶僚 粒粒留溜留, 凌
旅竜僚略亮 ,侶 留了了溜留 虜留旅 侶僚 留了溜留!
On 30 September we made the last live Open
Dialogue Cafe about Soft Skills but since 25
November it has changed and is now taking
place online. The first online event was
Orange The Web - Prevention of gender-based
violence. The online seminar was part
of the 16-day activism of the United Nations
2020 campaign. We continued with One
Road for all on the occasion of World Disability
Day and focused on the accessibility
of wheelchair users. At the next event we talked
about freedom of expression
and information which are pillars of a healthy
democratic society and about social
and economic development. Finally, at the last
event we discussed Christmas traditions
and the ways that Christmas is celebrated in
Greece, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary,
Vietnam, France and Italy!
13. 竜旅虜劉 旅粒亮劉 留 侶僚 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 旅 2/11
凌 劉僚凌 了侶侶 僚 両留流竜僚 虜留旅
凌留粒粒流 侶 率凌虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 離粒竜溜留
竜旅竜竜旅留虜流 僚侶留 旅了凌留虜留僚留僚溜留
束離裡裡裡損 !
Some moments from the training on 2/11 at the
Center for the Prevention of Addictions and
promotion of psychosocial health of the Regional
Unit of Aitoloakarnania "ODYSSEAS"
溜僚留旅 略僚留 留略 亮留 僚留 凌侶溜龍凌亮竜 虜留旅 僚留
僚竜粒留龍亮留竜 亮竜 凌粒留僚旅亮凌 , 凌旅 凌凌溜凌旅
留略粒凌僚 凌隆留溜凌 虜凌旅僚僚旅虜 劉粒凌.
裡旅 8/9 留粒亮留凌凌旅流留亮竜 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 凌
劉僚凌 了侶侶 両留流竜僚 虜留旅 凌留粒粒流
率凌虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 離粒竜溜留 留留, 凌僚
凌粒留僚旅亮 留了了溜凌了旅!
It is always our pleasure to support and
collaborate with organizations that produce
great social work.
On 8/9 we conducted training at the Centre for
the Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of
Psychosocial Health PE Achaia, at the
organization Kallipolis!
虜留溜隆竜侶 竜 劉僚留 了侶侶 両留流竜僚 虜留旅 凌留粒粒流
率凌虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 離粒竜溜留 粒旅留 竜僚凌了凌粒旅虜略 竜粒留了竜溜留
里侶僚 里溜侶 24/11 留粒亮留凌凌旅流慮侶虜竜
侶了竜虜留溜隆竜侶 粒旅留 流侶 侶旅留虜ホ 竜粒留了竜溜僚
粒旅留 凌 劉僚凌 了侶侶 僚 両留流竜僚 虜留旅
凌留粒粒流 侶 率凌虜凌旅僚僚旅虜流 離粒竜溜留
束裡裡 離立損
On Tuesday 24/11 online-training was carried out
for the use of digital tools for the Centre for the
Prevention of Dependencies and the Promotion
of Psychosocial Health "THESEAS CYCLADES"
14. 裡亮亮竜凌流 竜 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜略 竜亮旅僚略旅留
溜亮留竜 凌了 竜僚慮凌旅留亮劉僚凌旅 粒旅留 亮亮竜凌流
凌僚 1凌 虜虜了凌 僚 竜虜留旅隆竜旅虜ホ 竜亮旅僚留溜僚
"Empowering the Greek not-for-profit (NPO)
ecosystem during COVID-19", 凌
隆旅凌粒略僚竜 凌 HIGGS 亮竜 侶僚 凌流旅両侶 侶
竜留僚旅虜流 竜硫竜溜留 侶僚 慮流僚留!
InterMediaKT 虜留旅 凌旅 竜虜留旅隆竜劉 亮留 僚僚劉了留
凌ホ塾 虜留旅 留僚留粒旅マ侶 僚僚凌了凌
留粒亮留凌凌溜侶留僚 凌 竜亮旅僚略旅凌 "率侶旅留虜略
粒留了竜溜留 旅留竜溜旅侶 粒僚 虜留旅 亮略隆留" 亮竜
侶僚 亮亮竜凌流 竜虜凌マ僚 留 20 !!
We are very excited for our participation in the
1st cycle of training seminars "Empowering
the Greek not-for-profit (NPO) ecosystem
during COVID-19", organized by HIGGS with
the support of the British Embassy in Athens!
InterMediaKT and our trainers Antonela
Kotsoni and Panagiotis Antonopoulos held the
seminar "Digital Project and Team
Management Tools" with the participation of
representatives from 20 NGOs !!
里侶僚 留留虜竜流 旅 20 凌竜亮硫溜凌, 凌 隆旅虜 亮留
留僚留粒旅マ侶 僚僚凌了凌, 亮亮竜竜溜竜
凌亮旅了侶流 侶僚 隆旅留隆旅虜留虜流 竜虜隆流了侶 "Go
digital in the COVID-19 era" , 凌 隆旅凌粒略僚竜
凌 POS4work - Point Of Synergy 竜 僚竜粒留溜留
亮竜 凌 旅亮竜了侶流旅凌 留留 虜留旅 侶僚 竜留僚, 虜留旅
亮溜了侶竜 粒旅留 凌 亮凌凌亮竜 僚留 両竜竜略凌亮竜
留 竜亮隆旅留 虜留旅 旅 凌虜了流竜旅 侶僚 online
On Friday, November 20, our Panagiotis
Antonopoulos participated as a speaker in the
online event "Go digital in the COVID-19 era",
organized by POS4work - Point Of Synergy in
collaboration with the Chamber of Achaia and
Ahepan, and talked about how we can overcome
the obstacles and challenges in online