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Slave of Allah
Asjhadu alaa ilaaha illa'Allah[wahdahu laa sjariika lah] wa asjhadu anna Muḥammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh
We believe in Allah and His Names and Attributes, as they were mentioned in the Book of Allah and in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Sall'Allahu alayhi wa'Salam), without tahreef (distortion), nor ta‘weel (figurative interpretation), nor tamtheel (making a likeness), nor tashbeeh (resemblance), nor ta’teel (denial).
We love the Companions(radhy'Allahu anhum) of the Messenger of Allah (Sall'Allahu alayhi wa'Salam), and we hate those who speak against them. We believe that to speak ill of them is to speak ill of the Religion, because they are the ones who conveyed it to us. And