N辰in teet onnistunutta blogimarkkinointiaA-lehdet Oy
Tuottajamme Inke Ketonen kertoi Kauneusseminaarissa 24.5.2016, miten tehd辰辰n onnistunutta blogimarkkinointia. Tutustu Inken esitykseen ja poimi talteen kuusi vinkki辰 tulokselliseen blogiyhteisty旦h旦n.
The Agile Cincinnati Conference 2016 was in the format of a Scrum Sprint. This slide deck was used during the Sprint Review and helped stage the following Sprint Retrospective. We had a solid line up of break presenters and two incredible keynote speakers - James Grenning and Robert Tipton.
This NASA app allows users to view the latest NASA photos, videos, news and mission information. It provides live streaming of NASA TV, tracking of satellites and the ISS, and the ability to see upcoming sighting opportunities. The app also allows users to share content on social media, rate photos, save favorites, and listen to the Third Rock Radio station. However, some functions require an internet connection and the small screen size limits viewing details. The app could also be improved to enhance the user experience and interaction.
This document provides an overview of Bigtable, Google's distributed storage system. Bigtable is designed to manage large amounts of structured data across thousands of machines. It provides a simple data model with dynamic control over data layout and high scalability. Bigtable stores data as a sparse, multi-dimensional sorted map and uses row keys, column families and timestamps to index data. It was developed to meet the varied demands of Google's applications for data size, latency and flexibility in data management across a distributed environment.
Cultural competence in education has evolved from multicultural education to refer to a teacher's disposition, knowledge, skills, and pedagogy to effectively teach culturally and linguistically diverse students. A culturally competent teacher understands students' cultural backgrounds and integrates students' cultures into standards-based instruction using culturally responsive teaching methods. Research shows this approach helps close achievement gaps by maintaining students' cultural identities while promoting high academic expectations for all students.
1) The document provides updates on the filming and editing process for the film "The Ruin's Mist" over 4 days of filming and 3 weeks of editing.
2) Filming locations included a classroom, bedroom, and woods. Consistency in actors, lighting, and locations posed challenges. Extra lighting was sometimes problematic.
3) During editing, footage was arranged and transitions added in Movie Studio Platinum. Effects and filters were used to address mistakes and set atmosphere. Titling was created in Photoshop. Sound editing addressed volume, extraneous noises, and diegetic/non-diegetic elements.
El documento resume un an叩lisis de sensibilidad realizado con el algoritmo de Montecarlo sobre las acciones de Apple, IBM, Microsoft, GE y Amazon para determinar cu叩l es la mejor inversi坦n. Se describe la metodolog鱈a utilizada y los resultados del an叩lisis muestran que Apple genera la mayor rentabilidad pero tambi辿n el mayor riesgo, mientras que GE genera la menor rentabilidad pero el menor riesgo.
O documento apresenta os exerc鱈cios de eletr担nica realizados por um aluno chamado Erol Castro, com n炭mero de identidade 10828152 e cursando engenharia de sistemas. Os exerc鱈cios realizados foram os n炭meros 5, 6, 8 e 10.
This document provides information about RPH Hire, a family-run business that is a leading provider of furniture elevators. It describes the different types of machinery available, including truck-mounted, demountable, and trailer-mounted units with varying capacities and maximum heights. Case histories describe successful moving jobs involving delivering items to upper-floor apartments and penthouses. Details are provided about the rotating and adjustable platform. The document emphasizes that RPH Hire can help evaluate if jobs are possible and discusses common considerations like access, angles, and parking. It indicates they are able to handle high or difficult jobs even with short notice.
The document discusses the openings of several thriller films and how they use sound and editing techniques to set tension and suspense. For Source Code, there is exaggerated train sounds to build tension. Inception uses loud water sounds and a lens flare to set an eerie scene. Prisoners starts silently but then a gunshot sound loudly kills tension. Shutter Island uses eerie music during flashbacks and a countdown music to draw attention. Seven has enhanced kitchen and radio sounds to feel important while rainy outside contrasts the dark mood. Hanna uses enhanced footsteps during a fight and eerie music to foreshadow the ending.
Goodwin proposes 7 theories about music videos: 1) Links between visuals and lyrics, 2) Links between music and visuals, 3) Genre characteristics, 4) Intertextual references, 5) Notions of looking (voyeurism), 6) Demands of record labels, 7) Performance, narrative or concept-based videos. The document discusses how the music video for "Ghosts" by Higher Self ft. Lauren Mason reinforces the lyrics with visuals and displays genre characteristics of electronic music like a storyline, bright lighting filmed during the day or at night. It also challenges theories of the male gaze by having the female ghost in control rather than being a passive sexual object looked at by the male.
This document analyzes and summarizes shots from Sarah Drury's 2014-2015 music video. It discusses how various shots convey meaning through lighting, camera angles, positioning of subjects, and other cinematography techniques. Specific shots examined include the singer waking up feeling better, looking in the mirror at bruises, the boyfriend taking control of the remote and lyrics, and dancing in slow motion to convey her feelings for the boyfriend. The overall analysis focuses on how these shots create an emotional narrative of a troubled relationship with dominance and control by the boyfriend.
DenCom Voice Connect is de vervanger van uw bestaande analoge en ISDN lijnen. Met behoud van nummers en kwaliteit, maar fors meer functionaliteit en een lagere prijs.
Digistreet is a Belgian startup offering intelligent websites for intelligent entrepreneurs, a full-blown marketing automation tool for the small business owner.
AVG: marketing en sales alignment eindelijk op orde?Ernst Wallinga
De AVG brengt iedereen in rep en roer, professionals in marketing en sales worden bang gemaakt en denken dat niets meer mogelijk is. Maar hoe zit het nu echt? Welke bedreigingen zijn er? Of liggen er juist kansen om nu eindelijk eens ervoor te zorgen dat marketing en sales samen optrekken en hun processen en klantgegevens op elkaar (en de wetgeving) gaan afstemmen?
Gehouden te Rotterdam bij SMA
Optimale klantbediening in cross channel strategieVirtual Affairs
Sitecore organiseerde op 23 mei Digital Trendspot 2013. Het congres voor de cross channel marketeer die in 辿辿n dag helemaal op de hoogte wil zijn van de jongste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Customer Experience Management (CxM).
Als sponsor van het congres verzorgde Virtual Affairs een kennissessie over het optimaal bedienen van klanten in een cross channel-strategie. Bij veel cross channel-strategie谷n wordt aandacht besteed aan het inrichten van het klantcontact. Niet aan het feit dat de klant via verschillende touch points contact heeft met de organisatie. Zonde, want met het goed inrichten van zogenaamde kanaalswitches wordt door o.a. slim hergebruik van klantdata en -gedrag bijgedragen aan ondersteuning van de klantreis. En d叩t draagt bij aan de bedrijfsdoelstellingen kostenreductie en conversie.
Martin Groen, user experience consultant, en Eelko Heuvelmans, solution architect, lieten a.d.h.v. een inspirerend voorbeeld vanuit klantperspectief zien hoe je hem optimaal bedient in een cross channel-strategie.
El documento resume un an叩lisis de sensibilidad realizado con el algoritmo de Montecarlo sobre las acciones de Apple, IBM, Microsoft, GE y Amazon para determinar cu叩l es la mejor inversi坦n. Se describe la metodolog鱈a utilizada y los resultados del an叩lisis muestran que Apple genera la mayor rentabilidad pero tambi辿n el mayor riesgo, mientras que GE genera la menor rentabilidad pero el menor riesgo.
O documento apresenta os exerc鱈cios de eletr担nica realizados por um aluno chamado Erol Castro, com n炭mero de identidade 10828152 e cursando engenharia de sistemas. Os exerc鱈cios realizados foram os n炭meros 5, 6, 8 e 10.
This document provides information about RPH Hire, a family-run business that is a leading provider of furniture elevators. It describes the different types of machinery available, including truck-mounted, demountable, and trailer-mounted units with varying capacities and maximum heights. Case histories describe successful moving jobs involving delivering items to upper-floor apartments and penthouses. Details are provided about the rotating and adjustable platform. The document emphasizes that RPH Hire can help evaluate if jobs are possible and discusses common considerations like access, angles, and parking. It indicates they are able to handle high or difficult jobs even with short notice.
The document discusses the openings of several thriller films and how they use sound and editing techniques to set tension and suspense. For Source Code, there is exaggerated train sounds to build tension. Inception uses loud water sounds and a lens flare to set an eerie scene. Prisoners starts silently but then a gunshot sound loudly kills tension. Shutter Island uses eerie music during flashbacks and a countdown music to draw attention. Seven has enhanced kitchen and radio sounds to feel important while rainy outside contrasts the dark mood. Hanna uses enhanced footsteps during a fight and eerie music to foreshadow the ending.
Goodwin proposes 7 theories about music videos: 1) Links between visuals and lyrics, 2) Links between music and visuals, 3) Genre characteristics, 4) Intertextual references, 5) Notions of looking (voyeurism), 6) Demands of record labels, 7) Performance, narrative or concept-based videos. The document discusses how the music video for "Ghosts" by Higher Self ft. Lauren Mason reinforces the lyrics with visuals and displays genre characteristics of electronic music like a storyline, bright lighting filmed during the day or at night. It also challenges theories of the male gaze by having the female ghost in control rather than being a passive sexual object looked at by the male.
This document analyzes and summarizes shots from Sarah Drury's 2014-2015 music video. It discusses how various shots convey meaning through lighting, camera angles, positioning of subjects, and other cinematography techniques. Specific shots examined include the singer waking up feeling better, looking in the mirror at bruises, the boyfriend taking control of the remote and lyrics, and dancing in slow motion to convey her feelings for the boyfriend. The overall analysis focuses on how these shots create an emotional narrative of a troubled relationship with dominance and control by the boyfriend.
DenCom Voice Connect is de vervanger van uw bestaande analoge en ISDN lijnen. Met behoud van nummers en kwaliteit, maar fors meer functionaliteit en een lagere prijs.
Digistreet is a Belgian startup offering intelligent websites for intelligent entrepreneurs, a full-blown marketing automation tool for the small business owner.
AVG: marketing en sales alignment eindelijk op orde?Ernst Wallinga
De AVG brengt iedereen in rep en roer, professionals in marketing en sales worden bang gemaakt en denken dat niets meer mogelijk is. Maar hoe zit het nu echt? Welke bedreigingen zijn er? Of liggen er juist kansen om nu eindelijk eens ervoor te zorgen dat marketing en sales samen optrekken en hun processen en klantgegevens op elkaar (en de wetgeving) gaan afstemmen?
Gehouden te Rotterdam bij SMA
Optimale klantbediening in cross channel strategieVirtual Affairs
Sitecore organiseerde op 23 mei Digital Trendspot 2013. Het congres voor de cross channel marketeer die in 辿辿n dag helemaal op de hoogte wil zijn van de jongste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Customer Experience Management (CxM).
Als sponsor van het congres verzorgde Virtual Affairs een kennissessie over het optimaal bedienen van klanten in een cross channel-strategie. Bij veel cross channel-strategie谷n wordt aandacht besteed aan het inrichten van het klantcontact. Niet aan het feit dat de klant via verschillende touch points contact heeft met de organisatie. Zonde, want met het goed inrichten van zogenaamde kanaalswitches wordt door o.a. slim hergebruik van klantdata en -gedrag bijgedragen aan ondersteuning van de klantreis. En d叩t draagt bij aan de bedrijfsdoelstellingen kostenreductie en conversie.
Martin Groen, user experience consultant, en Eelko Heuvelmans, solution architect, lieten a.d.h.v. een inspirerend voorbeeld vanuit klantperspectief zien hoe je hem optimaal bedient in een cross channel-strategie.
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